Chereads / Marvel Sentry in the Boys / Chapter 6 - Miracle

Chapter 6 - Miracle

Location Queen Mave Children's Hospital New York, Time 11:00am

Third Person POV:

A man named Shawn whose wife had died in childbirth, now stands over his dying nine-year-old daughter's hospital bed. He watches hopelessly as she struggles to breathe.

Sarah was a healthy and adventurous young girl full of life, hope, and dreams. She played superhero in the park with other children and got excited about the new The Seven movie.

At least she was three weeks ago before she contracted an unknown disease that had taken a healthy young girl and turned her into a husk. She had lost so much weight that it looked like her bones would tear through her skin. Her long brown hair was gone. She was going to die soon, and nothing could be done to save her.

Shawn looked at his daughter barely able to recognize her. He was a wreck. He hadn't slept in days and barely ate anything. He had to stay by her side no matter what. Scared that if he looked away, she would be gone.

Shawn's eyes were those of a man who knew he had lost everything. He lost his wife during childbirth, and now, soon his only child was being slowly drained of life by this cruel disease. It has stolen her strength and senses. It now has left her in a death-like sleep.

Shawn slowly got to his knees and gently grasped his daughter's hand for the last time. The doctors had told him the only thing they could do now was to keep her comfortable till the end and that it would be at 12:00 pm. This is the last hour.

Shawn's POV:

It's over. There's no saving my daughter. I can barely recognize her. All the life in her seemed to have been drained out of her. She was fine 3 weeks ago. Just playing with the other kids, talking about her favorite superheroes, now she's barely breathing. I've lost everything. I lost my wife, but I fought against my grief to raise my daughter, and now I'm losing her. She's so young it's too soon. I tried everything to save her. Nothing worked. They don't even know what it is. They'd never seen anything like this before. Whatever they tried to save her only made her condition worse. Now she won't wake up. She hasn't been up for a week, please. I've never prayed before, but if anyone's listening, please help me help my daughter.


He appeared out of nowhere some large man made out of light hovering in the air as if the laws of gravity could not contain him. He started to slowly float to my daughter's Hospital bed.

I couldn't speak. I was in complete shock. I wanted to tell the golden man to leave, but then I saw it slowly but surely. I saw life flowing back to my daughter as the light touched her. It seemed like her tiny body was absorbing it. First, I saw weight returning. Her hair started to grow. Her breathing was normalized. It was almost like she never had the disease at all.

" What how... How is this possible?"

But it is. I saw it happen. I saw my daughter healed by the strange man made of light or emitting light?

I stand up and grasp my daughter's hand, and Hannah before would easily have been crushed if I had held it too tightly. How healthy she was before she got sick.

"Sarah, Sarah, sweetie, it's Daddy. Can you hear me? Please wake up."

"She's fine. She will wake up within the next hour, so let her rest a bit longer."

"You look like you could use some sleep yourself."

He's right. I know he is but I can't. I need to be here when Sarah wakes up.

I take a moment to examine the stranger who just saved my little girl. He's no longer floating in the air but standing on the ground and not emitting as much light anymore. I can see what he looks like—Caucasian blonde hair. His eyes are still glowing gold, though. He's at least 6'8" and wearing a gold costume—a belt with an "S" that emits light and a blue cape. He seems to look at me, studying me.

"Sigh... I see You're going to be stubborn. Not that I can blame you very well."

With a wave of his hand, I could feel the whole week of stress, sleep, exhaustion, and lack of eating seem to disappear. I feel stronger, healthier, and more alert than ever as if I've gotten complete rest and a full meal.

"I'll leave you alone. Other people need my help."

"Wait who are you."




"Call me Sentry, the golden guardian."

Then he was gone, disappearing as suddenly as he appeared. But I didn't have time to wonder about him. The man who had performed a miracle and saved my daughter was there then.

"Daddy, why are you crying?"

I hugged my daughter tightly, knowing she was indeed healed. She was alive. Tears freely fall over my eyes, soaking her little hospital gown on her shoulder tightly tighter than ever, and I'll never let go.

"No.. no reason, sweetie, cuz everything's fine now. The Sentry saved you."

My daughter looked at me with confusion and curiosity in her eyes.

"Who's that?"

"The greatest superhero in the world."

Third POV:

On that day, the Sentry went to every hospital in the world and healed everyone he could find, as well as stopping minor bank robberies, muggings, and one natural disaster.
