The five brothers are Yin, Alin, Tol, Rylin and Hugh in that order and with no last name. Of the five brothers, Hugh is most troublesome and a fighting addict. The other brothers often travel, leaving the town at Hugh's mercy. Thankfully, Julian is there at every turn. The woman and child he saved, are the concubine and son of the third brother. His wife, who could not have a child of her own, attempted to buy the woman's child. Since she would not sell, she tried to steal him. When that did not work, she convinced the other wives to help get rid of her, by branded her a witch. In a world of cultivation, being branded a witch or sorcerer, is an insult and a bad thing.
After spending several days in the town, Mateo learned a lot about the history of its people. He also made some much-needed changes to the town. Firstly, he renovated the town's Magistrate's Office and its prison. He had a Formations Master from the academy place several concealing and domain formations on both. Rebuilding the town's government is to him, the most important step for a steady foundation. With what lurked in the shadows of this town, it was very much the right move. He secretly used his imperial rank to establish a Sheriff's Office and made Julian the town's chief. While officers from the Ministry of Rites and Personnel were still in town, Mateo made another move.
He would secretly meet with the officers to give them his orders and to exchange information. During one of those meetings, he made a request to the Ministry of Personnel to allocate 500 troops to his command, to wait outside of the town's limits as back up. As for the sheriff's office, the Imperial Court will make the arrangements. Mateo also had something else done secretly. During this time, Hugh did not make any bold moves, but he has been sneaking around. Mateo's investigations led him to various points in town, as many people made reports of strange activities. After a month, the other four brothers returned to town, to many changes.
Firstly, it was dealing with Hugh's infection. When Mateo reversed the Decaying Palm, he struck not only his soul, but his cultivation as well. Every time he tried to use his spiritual power, his lifespan would shorten. Additionally, anyone who tried to remove the infection, would contract it. Enraged, they immediately went to the Head Manor for an explanation. Due to the formation above the manor, they could only make a scene outside. Yin and Alin stayed silent, while the others led the charge. Julian came out and declared, "unjust destruction of property is a criminal offense. Disrupting public peace is a criminal offense. Obstructing public passage is a criminal offense."
He then turned to Yin and asked calmly, "do you understand their crimes?" Officers from the Sheriff's Office quickly gathered behind Julian, awaiting the command to arrest. However, Tol shouted, "crimes?! Bullshit! What about desecrating another's cultivation? You are even sheltering a witch!" Julian laughed and responded, "if she is a witch, then you are guilty of associating with a witch and making a child with a witch." Tol became silent and asked with genuine shock, "a child. I am a father?" Tol and his brothers had not been in town for 5 years and that was the last time he had seen her. The moment the woman and her son walked out, his eyes widened.
The aura around the child, was proof that he is in fact, his son. He tried calling to him, but he was immediately stopped by Julian. "What is the meaning of this? This is my son!", Tol barked. Julian sternly responded, "you just called his mother a witch and a month ago, all of your wives (pointing at all five brothers) tried to kill them both. When stopped, Hugh took their place and even tried to kill me. I have not yet made calculations about that by the way. Seeing as your brother has already been punished, your wives are still to be charged with the attempted murder of this woman and her child. I recommend you thread lightly."
Tol turned to Yin and pleaded, "brother, please. Do something." Yin finally spoke up and said respectfully, "Chief Dyl, I do not seek to undermine your authority, but I hope you can be lenient. After all, Tol did not commit those acts, nor did he order them. As this is his son, he has the right to see him. As for Hugh, this is indeed a desecration of one's cultivation. His birth given right. No one in this realm has such authority to intervene. Can't we figure this out?" Finally, Mateo and the Sheriff arrived. Mateo responds to Yin, " Under Imperial Law, having relations with another woman while married is a crime. Hugh tried to kill three people, one of which is a non-cultivator. Thoughts?"
The Sheriff added, "using your cultivation to oppress or directly intimidate a non-cultivator is in violation of a rule set by the Immortal Sage. The son has shown signs of a cultivation base, so I cannot interfere with the affairs of the cultivation world. As for the woman, I am ordering the arrest of all five wives and your brother Hugh. As for the rules of the Cultivation World, I leave that to Lilac Palace." "Have you heard?", Mateo asked. "Using my judgment and your brother's own attack, I issued a punishment on the spot. I will also recognize the Imperial Rule and allow the Sheriff to arrest the wives and Hugh, even though they are cultivators. However, there is a chance to argue."
He asked Julian to allow them into the manor, so they can discuss a deal. He agreed and they all went in. "You five are not from the June Continent. The formation used by your wives and Hugh is an ancient technique of the Central Continent. If you tell us why you are here and which kingdom you come from, we can discuss the waiving these charges", Mateo stated. The five brothers looked at each other like little children caught by their father. Yin, Alin and Tol had the highest cultivation of the five brothers and the highest in the room. However, that formation would render any cultivation useless against its master.
Looking at and Tol and his son, Yin smiled and responded, "very well." Tol's son would be his only living blood relative. In fact, all the brothers had no blood relatives to speak of. By some miracle, they found each other and became brothers while cultivating together. They have been hired by all manner of folk throughout their lives to do all sorts of things. This time, they were hired by the Veri Imperial Order to not only spy on the June Empire, but to help set up homes for their operatives throughout the continent. Since coming to June, they have purposefully dropped the ball on that mission.
They slowed the pace of information and contacted their operatives less and less. Mateo looked to the ceiling, stunned by how well things are falling in place. Snice taking this Lilac Mission, he has reunited with a family member and now made contact with people working for the foreign enemy that claimed his grandparent's life. This kind of luck cannot be wasted on a moment of doubt. Mateo stood firm and said to the five brothers, "if you are willing to turn and work for us, not only will you be pardoned, but you will also receive great rewards. Make your choice." An attendant of the Head Manor rushed in, alerting them that they are surrounded by Imperial Soldiers.
However, Mateo waved it off stating, "they are here on my orders." He then took out his Imperial Token, making known his rank. Seeing the token, took everyone by the surprise, but also ensured them that Mateo's words weren't just talk. The brothers accepted, giving way for Mateo to investigate other matters. They gave him the routes the operatives were taking to enter June territory as well as they current location across the continent. Word was also sent to the Imperial Court about the quiet invasion plot taking place. As a part of their deal, the brothers worked directly for Julian as his enforcers, helping expand the town and enforce its laws.