Swan felt the pain across her body blood floated across the air before painting the street red the light faded from kite temples arts Attack revealing Swanna lee on her knees with a slash a cross her upper body, swan cover her chest trying to stop the bleeding while looking up at kite
To think that didn't end you, i must be getting soft kite said
He so full of himself, not once he thought i blocked his attack from killing me, swanna lee thought to herself gritting her teeth throughout the pain
I will slay you now monster, Kite said floating aboves swanna lee while looking down on her readying another attack, he pointed his relic suraisu that started shinning again.
Oh yeah, you did asked about me flying right? Kite asked you see my blessing from the gods allow me to float things that i touched at first, but mastering it allowed me to fly at high speed as you can see, kite said flying at Swanna lee with speed.
"Now Die", kite shouted while dashing at swan preparing his finishing blow
Swanna lee get up while holding her chest, "This is my first day on the job I won't lose to you besides I want to live, i can tell you have a thing or two against monster swan said
Swan took to the sky facing kite head on once more
"To thing you would fight me in air combat, you baka,"i was born for this" swan shouted
"Swift Flight" Swanna flopped her wings an started flying at a fast speed towards kite using her ability, kite charge his blade with it's power
Two powerful attacks collided blowing back Swanna lee and kite sending both fighters back with kite being pushed back furthest
Was that magic, just now? Kite asked
I never said i can't use it, do i? Sawn asked back
"You dear underestimate me monster" kite shouted he started running towards Swanna lee.
"Wind Blast" Swanna attacks from a distance blasting wind ball at kite who took to the sky once more dodging as best he could she is faster now is it because of her wind Magic well it won't help you it won't save you from me kite said maneuvering
more wind attacks
For a captain of this holy church you speak of you are quite weak isn't it? swan asked
Don't speak as if you know of the church ranking kite said
Zoey watched the battlefield from a distance observing the individuals powers and ability she looked down on kubi that was unconscious before looking at Swan, she started speaking I'm waiting on you so we can leave this place but you can take your time and if you want help don't be afraid to ask I can't have you dying on me after all with that said give him hell Zoey wided her arms while speaking
Swanna lee looked at zoey an smile
Swan use a new name attack Feathers projectiles
"Feathers projectiles"
And kite floated to the sky again
Swanna lee hill flopped her wing arm and blasted off to the sky as well confronting kites again my leader is already finished with her toy full time I end this as well her feathers started moving like they have a mind of it's own an started flying around her, countless feathers sharper than a blade strengthened with wind magic
Wind blast this time Swanna used her wind magic differently and blasted herself at kite surprising him
Swanna lee looked back on kite before speaking you should glad I show you Mercy and having not ending your life,
Kite could only saw the afterimage of Swanna Lee movements he felt the pain across his body countless slashs blood flow from him, his body felt heavy to him an he started falling from the sky, but he was not done, kite wave his bloody hand one last time and his sword his Relic suraisu started shinning before rocketing throughout the air targeting Swanna lee from back catching her off guard,The Relic hit something hard the clang sound ring out throughout atmosphere and the sword fell to the ground as well after that immediately a dark ball shot down to the ground as well engulfing kite and his relic suraisu
"Dark Ball" Zoey blasted kite with her darkness after blocking the relic while holding Swan in her arm, she speak showing Mercy can be good and bad it all depends on who you're showing it to however this guy hate monsters not only you all of them he will always try to kill you that said I will allow you to make your own decision this time at least so I won't end him hopefully and most important thing don't drop your guard in battle
Yes Ma'am an thanks for the save that said are we done here? Swan asked
I guess we are done for now but we are not leaving this country yet we still got things to settle with the shooters that attacks these guys but for now my Army is building so I'll call it a win, is there anything you wanted to do? Zoey asked
There is something I want to do but it's not about sight seeing in this country or anything it's more important so I'll leave it till when you build your Utopia or at least start, then I will bring it to your attention Lord Zoey Swan said smiling
I see then when the time come zoey said
Zuma take him self out of a wall that Yosa punched him into, the rumors of your strong I guess they weren't lying you're strong zuma commented
I'm strong but you are too weak I'm not even using 20% of my strength yosa said
Is that so I guess I'm in serious trouble then ah, zuma said
"Lightning Spear", Zuma created a spear out of lightning as his weapon for melee combat before attacking yosa again and again with several thrusts who took all the strikes, he didn't move or block when zuma finish his lightning moves he was out of breath and yosa was unharmed
I guess I really can't beat this guy I really got no choice but to flee zuma thought to himself however another powerful punch knock him out of his thoughts sending him flying once more before a house stop him
Oh can he be so fast and strong at the same time damn it zuma said i wonder what's going on with Kubi, kubi I'm sorry you're on your own now I'm leaving
Zuma abandoned kubi and started running in the opposite direction of yosa
Are we there yet Valentina asked silva
It won't take long just be patient I'm trying to find the place with the most destruction close by, bingo silva said stepping out of a blue portal guess we made it seems like everything is about to wrap up Valentina said
Wait look over there, who are those? silva asked
I have no idea let ask zoey shall we Valentina said
Is there a reason why swan is in your arm and you're standing in the air?, to think you were an harpy they were common back in my world Valentina said
I always knew you have a bird brain silva said laughing
So you finally made it well we were just about to leave Zoey said
So did you get what you came for? Silva asked
We wouldn't be here standing in arms if we didn't would we? swan asked
Okay let's leave for now Zoey use her dark arm picking up sam and his two friends silva bring back those three first got that, Zoey said
Fine, silva approval of it. I will bring this one back my self zoey said, zoey stretch her Darkness picking up kubi as well
I guess the group in the white is not important making you leave without engaging them and who are they anyway?Valentina asked
I've been monitoring their movement for a while, that the order of the church and if you wanna stay an fight you can Zoey said stepping in the blue world
Zoey an her team vanish in the portal that vanished after as well yosa scene the shift in the atmosphere, to think those weaklings couldn't even last three minute, good now all of them manage to get away I guess I can't make this one leave as well can I, yosa said talking to him self wait what are these people yosa saw a group of people wearing white robe as well, I see it's the church fighting them right now would be a big waste of time guess I'll capture that member of Terror and return to base, its like i can't get a good fight these days guess i have no choice but to go to the east side yosa said heading in the same direction that zuma went
There's no way I'm staying in a place like this, Zuma ran and ran with lightning walking throughout his body, but even that couldn't help him from the Central protector Soldier known as yosa a man that put strength Above All Else zuma reach a round a next conner as he turned he felt pain in is neck he was looking at the sky laying on his back.
You don't really think you can get away from me right? yosa asked sitting on zuma chest after slamming him into the ground
I'm taking you in yosa knocked out zuma cold