What's true, right?" These are italicized and placed within the sentence. I was really wanting to know more about it. For example, everybody looks like they will be in the pitch of good mood when being made as champions. The appearance or arrangement of the ultimate game changer, in addition, means that you are finding it.
However, besides staying just as calm, I told myself not to lose sight of the real issue. What was happening to Ling was still as mysterious as ever and the sword was the only possible solution, this, however, remains unopened for now. Indeed, I got close to Ling, our gazes meeting, and then I threw the question: "To what extent, then, does this sword have any speciality, Ling? What is the reason of its power?"
Ling had already shut her eyes and was drawing intense and long breaths, which I would see when her chest sank. I had a perception of the incredible tiredness of her the body being sapped of its strength. However, she insisted on disclosure of the entire matter.
"They... they say it is created from the metals of the gods," the girl on the other end was barely whispering and her voice was barely audible. "It is equipped with the ability to pulverize any darkness, and bring light to the darker areas as well, they say."
The thought in my mind could be translated as follows: "Wow! Seriously? This is some heavy stuff right," I said to myself. The sword that can destroy darkness and bring light into the world is almost having a superman-cloak, but in a sword form? That...