~Josuke Tojo~
Looking at Sona like she had just grown a second head, she explained to me that high-class devils had peerages and since she was an heiress, she obviously had one as well. I have to admit, the explanation was professional and cleared a lot of things up, though becoming a devil didn't really sit all too well with me.
Devils were real, and so were angels, fallen angels, and youkai. I essentially got a crash course of the supernatural and sure, humans were the weakest, but becoming a devil really didn't seem much better. Sona also looked rather pleased with herself after that explanation, even puffing out her chest a bit in pride as if I would except without hesitation. "Yeah, I'm going to have to pass on that, sorry." I shut her down almost immediately.
"What? Why?" She asked after she slammed her hands onto the table, knocking the stack of papers over as she stared into my eyes up close. "I understand that it may seem like a bad deal at first, but I promise you that if it's you, you'll be able to become a high-class devil easily."
Seeing her try to convince me so much actually seemed oddly cute when she was so up close, yet I rubbed the back of my neck and sighed. "It's not that I'm distrusting of you, but I just don't think being tied down to someone like it's the medieval times is worth it."
Holding up my finger, I quickly stopped her from saying anything else. "However! Why don't you make me a... what was it you called them? A contracted mage? I won't be tied down to your peerage, but if you ever need help or just want me by your side then I'll come."
Holding out my hand towards her, she bit her lip and glanced away as if contemplating, the fact was that with how she spoke, it seemed like she was trying her hardest as if I would be taken away if she didn't get me. Ignoring that thought, I felt a smooth hand clasp over my own. "Fine, but I expect you to answer my calls."
"You have my word." I replied, shaking her hand as we both smiled before she let go of my hand to grab something from the drawer of her desk. She pulled out a rather aged piece of paper, once it was placed down in front of me, I saw that it was a contract as words began to appear magically.
What the contract boiled down to was, I would be in a contracted relationship with Sona and her peerage, I had the right to refuse any summons but was highly encouraged to help out for monetary gain the like. I was kind of like a mercenary in a way for Sona's peerage, though there were small clauses as well but after looking through it all, none of it would hurt me, it was actually rather in my favor.
"Looks good, but why are you being rather nice to our relationship when you could ask for more?"
"I'd rather have you see me in a good light. I don't want to make it seem like I want to use you after all." She replied, making me hum before accepting the contract as I felt a small weight be placed upon me.
"Magic binding contract, prevents either of us from attempting to harm the other." She explained after seeing my slight confusion, making me nod.
"Well, if that's all I'll be going now." I spoke, standing before I felt a hand clasp over mine, making me turn around to see Sona giving me a closed-eye smile.
"Where do you think you're going JoJo? Did you forget your punishment?"
Ah fuck.
After being forced to help with the student council work, Sona even invited me to play a game of chess with her, I lost. It wasn't a surprise since I had never touched a game of chess in my life, but she said I did alright for a complete beginner, so my pride wasn't hurt too much.
Though the most important thing that happened after the contract was this.
Feat Achieved! Become a Contracted Mage. +1 Gacha Spin
I held off from using the spin just in case Sona sensed the gacha or what it gave me, I was somewhat confident she wouldn't be able to sense the former, but if she sensed me getting whatever my reward was that would have been annoying.
Might as well use it now.
Using Spin...
[Ability - Danger Sense]
[Rarity - Uncommon]
You are able to sense danger in your surrounding area. The intent to harm you triggers your sixth sense.
It wasn't bad, though I was a bit bummed to have been getting only uncommon rarity rewards with my spins, but that was just a case of luck so I couldn't do anything about that. "Damn, it's late."
Thanks to all that work it was already night, and it was a Monday, a horrid combination. All I wanted to do at this point was go home, jump into bed, and-
"AHHH!!" A sudden scream made me turn as I looked towards the source, seeing a dark alley that led to a house that seemed abandoned. A random scream in the middle of the night that leads to an abandoned building. That is a horrible combination that no normal person would ever get close to.
I am not normal.
I began to walk through the alley, nothing felt odd, in fact it was rather quiet. Too quiet. My senses suddenly flared in alarm, and I called forth my stand. "King Crimson!" The red humanoid being came forth before the surrounding area turned dark as the night sky.
As I turned around, I saw what could only be considered an abomination. It wasn't human, hell it was barely even a person. The thing was like a mix between a human-sized horse and an old person, the face however was incredibly disfigured, its hooves somehow had claws protruding from them and were inches away from my face yet, it began to pass right through me as I turned and pulled my arm back.
"Damn thing, DIE!" Cancelling King Crimson's time erasure, the stand covered my own body as I aimed to pierce the abomination with my arm, my fist making contact as a fist-sized dent formed on its stomach, and yet...
'Shit it didn't pierce!' The thing was stronger than I was, but I wasn't leaving without killing this thing. "Screw it!"
I began to barrage the monster with my stand with powerful punches. King Crimson was strong and fast, so why couldn't I use it like Jotaro used Star Platinum?
ORA! The now mangled body of the monster crashed into the abandoned house, its body now pierced through with multiple fist-sized holes that led to all of its blood draining from its body. Letting out a huff, I stared at the now mangled corpse with disdain as I raised my palm.
'How did it feel? The energy surrounding Sona... Bring it forward and.' A flame formed in my palm as it launched onto the corpse and began to burn it, making me stare as soon all evidence of the monster had now disappeared, and all that was left was a scorch mark in the concrete.
"Damn... That trait might be better than I first expected." I muttered to myself before feeling a small breeze on the left side of my back. The monster had torn my clothes slightly before I began to erase time, though it didn't hurt me at all, but it did reveal something I hadn't noticed yet.
I saw my reflection in one of the many windows of the alleyway once I turned my head, making me see a familiar five-pointed-star shaped mark on the back of my left shoulder. 'At least this fully cements my theory.'
I truly am of the Joestar bloodline.