We always had fun chatting together and we think we need to meet in real life. So I met him and we hugged together, as we continue to date he started to be strict so I normalized it because I think it was normal in relationship.
He didn't allow me to wear tight short and croptop without him because he didn't want me to get maniac by some pervert. We hit in 1 year and I didn't expect that. We always hang out in real life. And many months came he didn't change his still the same. But suddenly we argue, we didn't talk 4 days and I was so depressed that day because I can't believe we would do that to me because we always communicate together but he change. Im the one who always fixed our arguments but now im tired of fixing our arguments, I let him be by his self. He always plays some games and he chose to play some games more than fixing the arguments.
In next school year I made some friends and we ate together and my other friends I cut off with them because they only used my money. My new friends were rhiz and kylle but we got separate in other classroom but we only hang out in our TLE subject but my other friends Roela started to hang out with my trio but she always make me to left out but I didnt care. I started to distance myself and my trio asked me why did I distance myself to them. I left them on seen and I always thought why not asking yourselves then.
My friend turns to my pet peeve. I started to hate roela because she always copies my homework and even an own opinion. I hate her when it turns to acads. I didn't want my grades to be same with her. When we make a project with my friend president her name was ayesha. All she does was freaking tiktok she didn't help us nor think about filming and she always laugh. My pet peeve is starting gurl. And we have a classmate named Micka she always ask my bf to gave him money like gurl his my bf not yours. And he always flirt with him, my bf started to distance his self by micka and micka was so angry because dan didn't talk to her or anything else.
I admit Daniel is caring but not until we argue.