Preparations for capture the flag went about as well as you'd expect. I got a leather chest plate slapped on me, a quiver filled with arrows that were all sorts of weird, and a standard issue bow. I guess they didn't realize that I had one, but I also didn't want to run the risk of my bow deciding it only wanted to be a bracelet. I still couldn't quite wrap my head around that, and honestly… it seemed like that just made me fit right in. Some kids had wristwatches that turned into spears, sneakers with wings on them, or iPods that turned into warhammers that emitted party music while you pummeled your opponents into the ground.
Disclaimer: Hephaestus kids are really scary, and I will never be caught on the bad side of them. Ever.
We were given thirty minutes to display the banner before the conch shell blew. We all lined up at our starting positions, and the first horn sounded- signaling that we could put the flag in position. While one team broke away, carrying the flag and various equipment for traps and snares, my team went to take up both offensive and defensive positions.
Serenity led half of the squad further back into the forest, a small group of Apollo, Hermes, and Aphrodite kids following in her wake- as well as an Athena kid. My group was led by Arthur himself, with a few of the fastest Hermes kids, and some archers he deemed necessary. With us was Valentine Merriweather, the head counselor for the Aphrodite cabin. He was this tall, tan, model-like guy with long, wavy hair that was dyed like a million different shades of pink, which looked really… cool. His eyes stood out, as they were a startlingly icy blue, changing through different hues of blue in the light. He wore a leather chest plate and two bronze guards on his wrists, overtop of his custom pink Camp Half-Blood shirt. His pants were, despite being a bit dirty, designer black jeans, complete with a matching black and gold belt.
After what seemed like a few minutes, the horn blew again. We lept into action, following the route as planned. Arthur and Valentine split off, allowing for the archers to encircle the position of the red banner. As we ran, we could hear the clattering of the Ares team's armor as they moved. All around us, the sound of scuffles broke out, as campers duked it out on the forest floor. Arrows let out a whistling sound, alerting us of the upcoming campers. It was an interesting signal, but we knew that meant it was time for us to advance forward.
I remembered the plan Arthur had come up with- Valentine was a skilled swordsman, and he'd hit them with the element of surprise. While they were distracted by flashing lights, confetti arrows, and arrows that made loud booming sounds, anyone with a clear shot would snag the banner. It was fool-proof, and I was told that it was expected of the Athena cabin. Their mom was the goddess of wisdom, after all- and the greatest war strategist known to exist.
When I went to look for instructions, I realized I was alone. Trees stretched on all around me, and the sounds of the battle drew further and further away from me. It was eerily silent for a moment, and I stood there awkwardly, with a bow and a quiver of arrows with the powers of party favors and sparklers. Great, I thought, Now I'm the weak link. Maybe I have an excuse, right? I was ripped out of my thoughts as I heard the sound of a twig snapping to my left. I notched an arrow, with a green and yellow spiral tip, aiming at the sound. The shadows of trees bent overhead, encasing the entire area in shade, save for a few spots of sunlight peeking from between the leaves and branches. I was about to lower my bow, when I felt the ice-cold blade of a dagger pressed against the side of my neck.
"Hey there, sunshine," A familiar voice spoke. I glanced over my shoulder to see Jasper, dressed in a black-stained leather chestplate, holding a bronze dagger against my throat.
"Jasper?" I whispered, trying to keep quiet so no other red team camper could come and outnumber me. This was unfair. There's a tierlist of powers for demigods. You have gods of basic things, like wine or gardening- useful for certain things, not so good for combat. Then, you have gods of weapons or stuff, such as Ares, Athena, and Apollo. Then there's the top of the list- The Big Three. Children of Zeus, Poseidon, or Hades are wickedly strong. In a battle of five against one, the child of the Big Three would win, every time- no matter who your godly parent was. And since Jasper was a son of Hades, he was an immediate threat.
"Yeah, I needed to find you before the Ares kids did. They're hellbent on using you as a prisoner of war," he said so calmly, smiling a bit as he did so, "They want to bargain for the blue team's banner. I mean, I'm all for it. A win for me, is a win for Hades, but I'm against it being the Ares kids getting that win. I play for no team here."
"You're double crossing them?" My eyes widened, but then Jasper let out a laugh and I knew I was too hopeful.
"No way! They'd pummel me after the game. I'd rather not deal with Deacon outside my cabin, throwing rocks at it… Not again. Nah, I'm just going to be the one to get the blue team's banner," Jasper's voice was filled with a sly, conniving tone, almost like a villain in a TV show. "So just play along, make it easy for yourself and your team."
"Jasper, I'm not sure you know this but I'd rather not be the reason my team loses. I don't want to disappoint them in my first game," I muttered, but it was no use. From my understanding, Hades kids have always been extremely stubborn- and they hold grudges. Maybe Jasper had something against the Ares cabin, that made him want to prove himself?
"We've all been there. It's Morgan's first game too, and a few others that came here in the winter. Either way, a loss is a loss, and I'd rather not end up with stable cleaning duty," Jasper groaned, as if he's scooped enough pegasus dung for a lifetime, "Just… Play along."
His tone was more urging, and I could tell why. I heard more footsteps thumping through the forest, and eventually I saw it- a banner of red, carried by a small group of campers wearing helmets with blue plumes on them. Two campers stopped to fire some flashing arrows at approaching red-plumed fighters. We had done it! Well… Not yet.
"Reagan…" I muttered, and then I heard it. Jasper knew that I was catching on, because I could feel his hand grip his blade tighter, before he finally let me go. Water from the creek exploded upwards, washing two of my cabin mates and a Hermes kid out, knocking them to the ground. Jasper rushed out of the way to avoid being seen by the Ares kids who were now on one side of the blue team's group. Reagan stood on the other side.
Reagan was this fourteen year old girl who was short, but strong. She had short, straight blonde hair and sea green eyes, with tanned skin that was covered in all sorts of freckles and scars. The daughter of Poseidon, one of the Big Three. Great- she was in her home territory, standing in the creek with water flowing around her. I could see the look on Arthur's face- he was desperately trying to find a way out of this situation, but every time he glanced around, more of the red team encircled them.
From the sea of red plumes, a burly seventeen year old buy with dark tan skin, brown eyes, and curly black hair emerged. He looked like a seasoned soldier, scars and wounds littering his skin. Over his left eye was a burn mark, reaching from the bottom of his left ear, to just above his left eyebrow. It was likely from a quest, or perhaps a failed attempt at the lava-spewing climbing wall. It was Deacon Buchewald, the head counselor of the Ares cabin.
"I think you've got something of mine," Deacon's voice was heavy, low, and commanding. Arthur narrowed his eyes behind his glasses, before smiling. I could sense something was going on. I felt compelled to do something, but what exactly? What could I do against every single member of the Ares team? I'm just one, very inexperienced camper with a bow and a few wacky arrows.
Arthur sighed, holding out the staff that held the banner, "You're right, Deacon. My bad, but you misplaced it." Arthur spoke too calmly for the situation they were in. That feeling in my gut kept growing, until I realized… The light from the trees was creating a pinpoint, almost like a spotlight. I stayed hidden behind a tree, silently notching an arrow into my bow again. I drew it back, following that light to the spot it illuminated. Now I just waited… A little more… The light grew brighter, and I let go of the arrow. It flew through the air, making a chirping, whistling sound as it spun, striking the banner and taking it off of the staff. The moment it hit the ground, a loud soundwave was let off.
Everyone was knocked to the ground, stunned by the sound. Dirt formed a cloud, filling the lower part of the area with dust and pollen from nearby plants. I don't remember the arrows being that strong, even the shockwave arrows. Usually, they just made popping sounds like firecrackers, but this was like a grenade had gone off! Even I was dazed, though I hadn't been effected by the soundwave itself…
Slowly, members from both teams stood up, but almost as quickly as they stood, some members of the red team began to clutch their stomachs, kneeling back down. They began to look lethargic, pale in the face as if they had suddenly contracted the flu. I had no idea what was happening, until I remembered-
Apollo was the god of plagues.
Oh gods, my thoughts began to race, I caused a plague.
Arthur turned, staring directly at me with confusion, then his expression grew stern, and he nodded towards the banner. I rushed forward, treading around the now sickly campers, pulling the banner from the tree's trunk, and quickly running towards the creek. The campers made no effort to stop me. Even Reagan was keeled over, kneeling in the creek as the water that once posed a threat, now gently lapped at my feet.
I crossed the creek, and the blue team let out a quiet cheer, earning groans from the other campers. Before I knew it, Ganymede was by my side, lifting up my hand that was holding the red team's banner.
"Athena wins!" He proudly announced, looking down at me with those gentle, blue-green eyes. "Ares team… Please report to the Apollo cabin. Apollo campers, go with them. Ren, come take a walk with me."
I felt a lump form in my throat. Ganymede let go of my arm, and I released the banner, letting it flutter down to the ground. I didn't know what was going to happen. Was it like, a curse or something? Did I do something wrong? I mean, if I knew I had mega plague-making powers, I wouldn't have done that.
Ganymede and I walked a bit further along the creek, the sky growing red from the sunset. The first few minutes were silence, as campers helped the sickly ones to the Apollo cabin for treatment. I felt useless, I wanted to help escort them, but Ganymede kept assuring me they'd be okay.
"So," I mumbled, staring at the water rippling over the rocks. A wood nymph poked her head out, but vanished when she saw Ganymede, "Will they be okay? Will they be sick for long?"
"No, they'll probably feel sick until sunrise. Ren, have you ever heard the story about the Trojan war? The Iliad?" Ganymede said, his voice was the same smooth, calm tone he always seemed to have. He took a seat on a large rock that overlooked the water of the creek. He looked so… Young, like all of us demigods. Probably because he is young like us. He was only eighteen when he was abducted and made immortal by Zeus.
"I have, yeah," I nodded, taking a seat on the trunk of a fallen tree. I felt silly talking about this, as if it were a freshman year literature class. "I read it when I was in ninth grade, but we only ever talked about the Odyssey."
"Of course, but do you know the major key in Troy nearly defeating the Achaeans?" Ganymede glanced over at me, and I knew he knew I had no idea. I shook my head and he gave a soft laugh, "Well, that reminded me of what went down. King Agememnon took a girl to be a war prize- a bit gross, and definitely outdated, yes, but this was the Ancient days."
"Chryseis," I mumbled, and Ganymede's smile grew. He nodded slowly.
"Yes, Chryseis. She was the daughter of one of Apollo's greatest priests. Taking anything from a god is an instant no-no for anyone, especially mortals," his voice was stern, but then it grew warmer, "That evening, a volley of metaphorical arrows struck the mortals and demigods in Agememnon's troops, spreading a plague. For days, they fought through sickness, which killed quite a lot of them. Despite this, the king refused to return Chryseis to Troy. It went on for weeks, and eventually, the king gave in. He returned Chryseis to Troy, and the plague was lifted."
"You're saying… I can spread a plague? Oh, gods," I pressed my face into my hands, staring at the ground below me, "All my siblings can heal, or make soundwaves, or control light. And I… I can make people sick. Great."
I didn't feel upset, though, and Ganymede looked at me with eyes full of pity.
"It's a rare gift. Only one other Apollo camper has had this gift, as far as I'm aware. It's not something that's really common among you all. Apollo isn't a major deity of the plague. Usually, sicknesses and plagues are a part of the Nosoi's jobs- spirits of such diseases," Ganymede explained, resting his hands on the stone, "But you're an exception. Your gift should be cherished, but use it wisely."
"I'll… try. It's not like I can practice with it, though." I probably sounded completely enthusiastic, because Ganymede's brows furrowed.
"A gift from the gods will be something that comes naturally to you. You'll learn, even without practice. Have a little more faith in yourself, Ren." Ganymede stood up, gesturing for Ren to follow. "Let's get back to camp, we've got dinner coming up, and a lot of campers who need some care."