'So what exactly is energy?' Alex pondered this question. 'I already know what it is and its ultimate master. But what exactly is it? What makes energy… energy?'
He knew the universe was built on a set of principles and guidelines, most likely put together by the core and the reason why the chaotic energies from the true void became organized once inside the fabric of spacetime.
Thinking back to all he knew, energy had been the origin of all things. All forms of matter took shape from energy and returned to energy after their time ran out.
But why?
Why do things run out of time if energy continues to exist? Why not remain as they were? Pondering these questions, Alex began to feel something within his being. He was on the precipice of something profound.
He could feel it. It was close, yet exceedingly far from his grasp. Almost like he could reach out and take it, but his being could not make that leap.
There was no inertia.