Silva Schneizel, a skilled martial artist, was forcibly summoned to a strange new world by an ambitious kingdom seeking to use him as a pawn in their political schemes and their never-ending desire for expansion. However, Silva quickly realizes their malicious intentions and fights back, killing the summoners and escaping into the dangerous wilderness.
Determined to forge his own destiny, Silva uses his knowledge from his previous life to adapt and thrive in the harsh environment of this world, similar to medivile Europe.
As he experiences more in this world, he becomes a formidable warrior and begins building his territory, gathering allies along the way.
These allies include mercenaries, slaves, and other outcasts who share Silva's desire for freedom and autonomy.
As Silva establishes his domain, he faces numerous challenges, from hostile neighboring lords and political intrigues to the dark creatures that inhabit the wasteland of Ionia.
Through these dangerous events, Silva grows stronger and smarter, aiming to build his domain into what would later be known as "The Ionia Empire."
Note: The first three chapters provide a background on the main character's life before his transmigration, which begins in Chapter 4. While you can start reading from Chapter 4, I highly recommend beginning from the first chapter, as it explains how he became skilled in combat despite originating from a modern society.