Chereads / Naruto: Fight or Die / Chapter 14 - ch 14

Chapter 14 - ch 14

A week went by and the day to decide who is going to jointhe five participants for the tournament in the hidden sand village. I sat on the ground looking up at the clouds. Right now the girls where going first and the battles where so dead I had to woken by himeko sensei.

The girls group is finally ending. The last battle was against Helena and a inuzuka girl. Himeko sensei signaled for them to start. Helena in a quick flash dashed towards the girl. The inzuka girl couldn't react in time as she was mercilessly grapped by the hand and throw to the ground with a bang.

"Winner Helena uchiha" Anouncent himeko sensei. As himeko finished announcing that Helena will participate in the tournament. I stood up and dusted off my shorts.

Helena walked towards me and said" it's your turn now. Your the only one left out of the group. Please don't lose all five of us could participate in the tournament. Dosent that sound fun."

No Helena it dose not. I've had my taste of the tournament and I had enough.

" do I really need to win tho. I'm sure it's not that big of a deal" said loket.

"No! You have to. You can't be the only one left out of the five of us" said Helena angrly.

"But what's the point anyway and why do you care so much about it?" Asked loket.

"Listen to me you will do it or I'll tell everyone that you peep in the girls bath room." said Helena black mailling me.

I put her mouth with my hand and said" don't say it outloud. If the girls hear you they will eat me alive. I'll do it but you better never tell a soul about that."

"Good." Said Helena skiding away while smiling happily.

That girl is annoying and persistents at times I'm glad I'm not the one who will marry her.

"You good bro" said liam appearing behind me.

"Yeah why?" Asked loket.

"Well I kind of feel bad that your the only one from the group that won't participate in the tournament" said liam somberly to himself.

"Why dose it matter anyway?" Asked loket. Why are they so excited about that damn tournament. Is there something I don't know.

"What you dont know. I'm quite surprised you don't know. Sigh what kind friend are you that you don't know that after the trip to the sand village azerth will be promoted to genin." Said liam shaking his head sarcasticly.

I forgot that azerth will graduate soon but I didn't think it will be this soon. Is that why Helena wants to get everyone together to have our last moment in the academy with azerth.

",How could you. What would azerth think. It will probably break his heart. Oh the sadness what a horrible friend you are." Said liam sarcasticly.

"Well I dont mind and I'm not heart broken" said azerth appearing next to us.

"Well if it isn't the genin" said loket.

"Well not exactly yet. I still have to pass the examination test" said azerth.

"Oh come on. With your skills you will pass with flying colours" sad liam.

Before we could contine our conversation. Himeko sensei screamed to get our attention.

"Alright boys prepare yourselves for the battle. Their will only be one match." Said himeko sensei.

"What?! sensei how is that even possible" asked the black haired boy.

Himeko sensei threw a shuriken towards the black haired boy which went passed him.

"It always the same black haired boy. If you interrupted me again I will promise that you would wished you were in hell. Do you understand?" Said himeko sensei.

" Yyes ssensei!" said the shaken black haired boy.

"What I was going to say is as there are only sebrn of you which makes it uneven to match you up compared to the ten girls. And I just want to go home to my wife" said himeko sensei exhausted by the children.

Damn himeko sensei he has a hot wife that he gets to touch and do anything with her. That lucky bastard.

"To end it quickly. You will fight in a battle Royal." He pointed at the big circle he made and continued. "this will be you arena. You will either throw someone out or knock them out. The seven boys please get into the arena" said himeko sensei.

"Entertain us gladiator " said liam jokingly.

I walked inside the circle as did the others. There were to four clan members and the other three including me are clanless.

The boys with a clan will be the most difficult to defeat but the hyuga. Hanma hyuga ia in the top five ranked behind Helena. If the others weren't on the class he will surely be the number one.

As we all got Into our battle stance we waited for himeko to give the signal to start.

"OK begin!" As soon as he said that the clanless boys dashed towards me. They must be thinking that by teaming up and taking out the weakest one out all of them will be easier for them.

They both dashed at me simultaneously. One aimed at my head with a direct punch while the other one aimed for my legs trying to sweep me.

I let the boy punch me taking the full force of it but I stood without a sign of pain. The boy that tried to leg sweep me got his leg stomped on by me. The boy winced in pain lying on the floor grapping his leg.

With out wasting time I hooked my arm under the boys that tried to hit me. I threw him over my head launching him on to the floor.

As he landed he got up as quick. As he got up he charged at me head first. With a unguarded head I took the opportunity to do a back kick aiming straight into hid head.


The boys head flew back while stumbling his way out of the arena. one down one more to go. I felt my senses scream at me to duck. In a flash I ducked seeing a leg was going towards the back of my head.

I jumped back creating some space between us. He quickly followed me I took the opportunity to do another back kick. The boy slided backwards blocking it with a cross block.

This is a perfect scenario to try out that technique. I prepared myself by running and than jumping while twisting my body. My whole body turned in a twisting tornado making me very dizzy. But as I neared him I channelled all the momentum of the spin in to my right leg readying it to unleash all of its power.

I felt my all the gravity and power wrapping around my leg. I hit the boy with a roundhouse kick in mid air. It felt as if i released all the twisting power into his face.


The power was so great that the boys body twisted while he was launched out of the arena.

"Woah, what in the hell was that. I've never seen a taijutsu like that" said liam In shock.

"That power was even great than my. His whole body twisted all the power and momentum towards his leg. The amount if concentration you need is something that's impossible." Said azerth grinning.

"Well it can't be that great." Said Allison.

"No you don't understand the concept of it. The power and gravity all of it was concentrated towards his leg making it ten times stronger. That is in genius. I don't think even I a chunni could do that" said himeko sensei praising loket.

I fell on to my bum trying to stop dizziness. After a few seconds or recover I got up scanned who has remained.

Two only two people left. I saw henma hyuga and a inzuka fighting it out. But as it went on the hyuga took the upper hand because of his hyuga taijutsu,the gentle fist. The inzuka boy was launched out of the arena leaving only me and hanma.

Hanma stared at me with a surprised face as if he couldn't beleve a clanless boy was the one he has to fight at the end.

"I'm surprised that you have made it this far but this is the end. A clanless kid like you can never beat a hyuga. I'll make sure to engrave the hyuga clan into your mind as the most superior clan in the konoha village." Said hanma moving and belittling loket.

I didn't wait for hanma I dashed at him preparing to attack him but as I got closer to him was pushed back. I tried again and again until I dropped to the ground.

What?! Happened. How could I have dropped. I don't feel like i was knocked out or hurt.

"That's what I expect from a idiot. Without even noticing that I have been hitting you vital chakra points shuting your chakra off. Heh you couldn't get near me, just blame it on your luck. If you where born in a strong clan like myself you wouldn't have been this weak." Said hanma mocking loket.

For some reason I felt weak not in my body but in will. what if he was right. What is the point of putting myself through hell if get outclassed by those who have more talent and luck. I talk about big game but I can't do anything by myself. I rely on my friends making myself thinking I'm strong but I can't do anything.

I rember my dreams I can taste the blood I could hear the crys of my friends. All the struggles and pain I've endurage it was not in vain. COME ON LOKET! there's a place you have to get! There something that I too have to achieve.

I spiraled my chakra throughout my network flaring and rotating at speed I never could before.

I slowly got to my feet shocking hanma." What do you know about me. What do you know of the struggles and pain I've been through. I know I'm the strongest I'm ashamed of who iam. You don't have to say it I already know. But I have fate of being a loser. My whole life I've know nothing but losing.

But there's a burning hunger that I can't get rid off. There's a place that I have to reach. Today it I'd your fate to be the loser!" Said loket.

"Hehehe, your laughable I'll make sure to crush your hope and dreams but I'll give you aloud of applause for actually standing up even tho it is impossible."




"I don't how you did it but luckily I have my byakugan" said hanma.


"I see now. It seems that your chakra is alot thick and denser which made your chakra system thick and strong. But no matter all I have to do is put more pressure than normal" said hanma.

I dashed at hanma straight on but I was hit in my vital points being pushed back. "Have you learnt nothing. I guess a loser will always be a loser!" Said hanma.

I tensed my body to the extreme slowly entering his domain. I felt all my vital points being hit with precision and power. The pain was worser than worser. But I slowly step by step approached him.

My body brused and battered. My face bleeding from his sharp fingers." What was that about me losing! By the looks of it your allowing me to win!"

I got closer and closer and closer. I wanted him to focus on shutting down my chakra network he can have it. I finally arrived near him but my body was beat so bad that it couldn't move.

"What is that all?! Your weak what did k expect from a nobody like you. All I would need is to knock you off with one puch and it will be over!" said hanma in a moking tone.

"Shouldn't you stop the match himkeo sensei? Clearly loket cant go on anymore" Asked allison.

" not yet. Have some faith allison you think loket will lose after going through all that" said azerth.

Himeko ignored them but he did feel the same way as azerth. This isn't over.

Hanma attacked with his left hand trying to end the fight. But this is the perfect opptunity for a counter. I know I can't beat him head on but if he let's he guard down then I can win. All I need is one shot , one shot with my new weapon.

I twisted my centre of gravity towards my right arm. I punched like a corkscrew making the punch twist with power. I call this the:

"SPIRAL PUNCH!"screamed loket.

Hanma didn't have time as the punch landed making him stop.

Quiet everything went quite. Hanma didn't get blown away but his body froze like in time.

"Damn it that wasn't powerful enough" said liam.

I didnt waste anytime i did a back kick throwing hanma out the arena, eliminating him.

"What? How" said liam in confusion.

Liam looked towards his sensei trying to understand what just happened.

"By what I've seen the only explanation I got is. Loket by concentrating and twisting his centre of gravity towards his right arm. But what made it more of a lethal weapon he twist his arm like a screw.

But what made hanma freeze was lokets direct punched to his heart making it stop. Which might explain why he didn't get blown away makimg him feel like he froze in time. What a high level taijutsu. I don't know if he aim fir his heart on accident or on purpose but that was a spectacular taijutsu." Said himeko surprised and proud of his student. 'It looks like he's finally taking it serious. Iam proud to be called your sensei loket'.

I watched hanma wake up from stupor. Looking around like he was confused how he got here. His eyes landed on me seeing me in the arena and him out of it made him scream in anger.

"What the hell did you do. You must of cheated there's no way you could of won against me and my heritage!" Screamed hanma angrly.

"Only losers can't accept defeat. As you can see I won and you lost how does it feel to lose to a clanless kid while you who was gifted with the ability of the byakugan." Said loket with a mocking smile.

"What did you say you peasant! Let me fight you again ill make sure to not hold back and show you my might" said hanma in anger.

"That's enough. Hanma hyuga you have lost it doesn't matter how or what the final conclusion I'd that loket won and hell be one of the participants." Said himeko appearing besides hanma.

"No i cant accept it. Let's do a rematch I know that bastard cheated" said hanma in frustration.

"I've seen the whole fight loket beat you with skill and guts that's all there was." Said hanma.

"But I'm a hyuga I can't lose here to him!" Said hanma in anger.

"What you spoke if how everyone has their own fate but you can't accept yours. Your a hyprocite. You can't face that you where fated to lose to me today" said loket.

"I'm going to shut that mouth of yours and show the difference in our fates!" said hanma in anger.

"Thats enough Both of you!. Hanma you will not get another chance. Do you think in a battle you can say to your opponent 'lets have a rematch'. No you only have one chance." Said himeko sensei.

Hanma clenched his fist and walked away in anger. Himeko walked towards me and said" that was a amazing punch the way you create a new punch and directed it to his to stop his heart and make him freeze. That was high level taijutsu."

"Sensei what are you on about?" Said loket completely confused.

What?!, you don't know what you just did. Sigh your one lucky kid or talented one. I'll go with lucky. What you did right when you striked him with your ' spiral punch'. you made his body freeze.

By twisting your centre of gravity towards your hand coupled with you twisting you arm into a screw and aiming towards his heart you create a lethal weapon that makes your opponent freexmze in time" said himeko astounded by how he was able to do a highly level taijtsu like that.

My mouth was wide open with a massive smile. I can't beleve I create a new technique without trying. I was only trying to try to do the same thing I did with my tornado kick.

"Well well you actually made me think you actually become a genius but it looks like you still fall short to me" said liam walked besides me with others while flaunting his strength.

Who cares if he did it by accident he actually won I thought fir a second you would lose and won't be participating with us. But my luck really paid off" said Helena.

"Can't you guys appreciate that I might of gotten stronger." Said loket.

They all thought about it and said" nah"

"You guys. I'll show you that I will get stronger than all of you" doad loket with determination.

"Anyway if you won by luck or skill you won and that means we can all participate together as our last moment together" said Allison.

Yes as it is our last moments I planned out what we are going to do in the sand village. First we will explore the village together.

Secondly we will visit a famous restaurant

Third we will go and but survivors

Fourth-" Said Helena. We all walked away from her craziness.

"Wait guys I'm not finshed!" said helena.

I've finally achieved something that could be useful now I just have to train it.

To be continued.