Chapter 25 - Search

The next day after the prep school the three came back home and asked their moms for lunch.

After lunch they all met up and they all went to the Jis's UFO dream location.

Meanwhile at Tuk's house :-

Drish : Brother is behaving strangely now and even the doll i saw with him is no longer with him. Did his interests change so quickly ? I have to go inside his room and search if something is there .

Drish went inside Tuk's room and when she did she saw strange dark cloud in room swirling.

She got scared and closed the door quicky and ran away quickly crying.

Drish's mom asked Drish in a concerning manner ," What's the matter ? Why are you crying ?"

Drish : There is a strange dark cloud in Brother's room .

Drish's mom in an angry voice : Don't waste my time . I have no time to play with you. If you do that again thinhs may not turn out well .

Drish starts crying again.

Tuk Jis and Mith reached the place.

They saw Cardcrow was already sitting there under a tree with a long hat and a crow mask .

Cardcrow : Lets go. There is no time for talk.

They reached the castle.

Master Zoh : Welcome future warriors

Tuk in a scared voice : Good afternoon sir .

Master Zoh : No need to fear Tuk(Slightly laughs)

I am preparing a solution for your time management as the time you have is very short but this is the temporary solution .

So Cardcrow show our new trainees the way and

i hope our search for new members will be succesful after a long time.

Master Zoh : All the best Gentleman.

Jis Tuk and Mith : Thanks master Zoh

Cardcrow takes the trio the training centre facilty

Where they saw many practicing their physical as well as their superpower abilities.

Tuk : This is amazing .

Cardcrow : Here guys watch here

(He said to them pointing at a man )

Cardcrow : Here guys he is your trainer Akhand .

Akhand : Nice to meet you guys.I heard about you yesterday .

Jis Tuk and Mith : Nice to meet you too sir.

Cardcrow : You start your training .Iam going right now and don't worry I will be back when its time to send you home.

Saying this he disappeared.

Akhand : Do you have any questions you have to ask before you start ?

Jis : Sir Can you tell us about whats happening and what are you guys doing here ?

Akhand : Due to some policies I can't reveal you the exact location but i guess i can tell you something about the curse. I hope Cardcrow told you about it a bit.

See Curses can be called reality manipulators .They can do any unpredictable changes in the whole Universe. But due to White curse and power of reality they are now in a seperate dimension.Though the dimension is present everywhere in the form of invisible Power they can't be acessed by all . Though some curses can appear in this Universe but the magnitude of the curses suddenly increased.

The thing I believe happened is somewhere in the centre of The Curse dimension some large disruption had occured due to which The curses

are being released in large numbers . But i may be wrong as its just an assumption.Maybe the curse after being isolated in seperate dimension gained consciousness and taking revenge.Who knows ?

Tuk : Do you people use White Curse to defeat those ?

Akhand : No .We use different energies from the by summoning energy from the Energy dimension. It is just made of unstable Moving energy .We open their dimension by summoning them and get a little amount of it.We manipulate energy you can say. It requires super hard meditation .

We also use Spirity technique through which we can connect with the spirit dimension and also the spirits of different Planets.Portal Acess Key is an example .

Now if you go in detail you will find that there are large number of different portals and different types of enegies that we use and many are not yet discovered .

The ones we use to fight curses are the Structure energies.They react with the curse and change their structural forms and turn them into energy. But you need a large amount of energy to defeat a small curse as Curses are more powerful than Energy . The user needs to be strong too. Otherwise too much energy can be dangerous for users .

Okay enough talks now let's start training .

Mith : But sir, how many years did it take for them to bexome that much strong .

Akhand : Well Mith only a few people can do that

and if you are talking about time.Some knights here are 200 years old and the youngest and the member among us higherups is Cardcrow who is 280 years old.

Tuk with a shocked face : Huhhhh ! Mr Cardcrow looks like 28 and what about your age sir ?

Akhand : Well Iam about 450 years old .

Jis Tuk and Mith : Huhhhhhhhhhhh.

Akhand : But don't worry you will learn quickly afterall you could eat those fruits.The only person here who could eat those fruits Mr Zoh and Lutan.Though Lutan is only 300 years old he is more powerful than the other three members.

Though Mr Zoh is on another level.

Those who eat it learn things in no time and are more powerful. Cardcrow did a smart job there.

I can already see your aura's presence is quite srrong despite your age. It looks like they were waiting for the moment for a long time. Thay are giving us some signals. The fruit was made of mysterious matter . Throughout history those who could eat the fruits became great curse destroyers .

I believe same will happen to you .

Tuk : Yes , I knew it .You see guys I told you but you didn't believe me.I was right all along.Yeah

Akhand : Ok so lets start

Jis Tuk and Mith : Yes sir

Akhand : Nice

Tuk talking to himself ,"Don't worry my friends I won't let your hopes down .I will finish that thing.That was a message from my aura to stand up and fight . "

Tuk imagines a picture of him pointing a sword towards the mysterious threat in the dream and gets ready to fight .

- to be continued