After the commotion in front of the burning building, which Wukong thought to be some sort of mansion. He and Qui Lin were taken to a relatively small house, where an additional bed was brought in for Qui Lin.
A bed in which she didn't use for long, because when Wukong had pretended to be asleep, he saw her exiting the house altogether and going somewhere unbeknownst to him.
But it didn't really matter, because now he was left to his thoughts. Thoughts which he couldn't properly go through as he found himself rolling over and over on the very uncomfortable bed beneath him.
Not able to bear the annoyance of the bed, he sat up with a groan. Resting his face on his palms, he began to weep on the inside as he was already missing his supernaturally soft bed.
Though this bed was supposed to be comfortable enough for anyone, it felt to Wukong as though he was sleeping on rocks.
With a sigh, Wukong leaned back, placing his hands on the bed so he could face the ceiling. With this posture, he found he could think better, which immediately had caused him to remember the Celestial Flame and the void he was sucked into.
At first Wukong had thought that his time spent in the void was just mere seconds, but the more he thought about it, the more he realized he was stuck there far longer than he had believed.
Thinking back on it all, Wukong remembered that when he first entered the void, he saw a girl in chains and knew in an instant she was the one he was looking for. Following this, he saw a young man with white hair, and likewise knew in an instant that he was going to be the body in which he took over.
Further more, what really made Wukong know he had been stuck in time, was the fact that in a span of several seconds, he watched them go through the desert, fight an enormous snake and then made their way to the outpost, where he was finally allowed to descend into the prince's body.
And he did this in the most absurd location conceivable, which was a balcony. Remembering this, Wukong grinned in irony.
'That fall wasn't pleasant.' Wukong thought. Because of that fall, he had spent far longer merging his soul into the young man's body. 'Very annoying.' He thought to himself.
But this was the least of his problems, because he had more important thing to worry about.
Which was getting the girl out of this world and back to her real world. Unfortunately, that would seem to be easier said than done, as he felt his sister's presence in this world moments before he actually entered the young man's body.
He knew for a fact that Sun Qi had said something, or even done something, to ensure he was not going to be able to take the girl back to her world. Or at least, make it all the more difficult for him to do so.
With a sigh, Wukong laid on the bed, then groaned and sat up once again, as he felt like he had just laid on shrapnel this time as opposed to rocks.
Now ducking his head, Wukong thought about this world and the possibility of getting the cure for his sister. Technically, this world was not built to provide a cure, but rather, it existed to grant a wish, to whomever the world found worthy.
Of course this is all legend, because after thousands of millenniums, many worlds had been created, many gods had ventured into the worlds and failed to be found worthy, and many more millenniums had passed with no wish ever actually being granted.
And what's worse, if a god was found worthy, making a wish would take away the god's family and loved ones. And in the case of a human, it would take their entire world, quite literally.
The human world had been something Wukong found himself loving more than his own life. It had been a world in which his father had created, with fragments of his soul, so in a sense, he was still there, in the humans.
Upon thinking on his father, Wukong's mood fell. He sighed, then stood up, forcing his thoughts away from his father and onto the immediate matter at hand. One way or the other, he was going to get the girl out of this world, before she could β if even possible β make her wish.
Wukong made his way to the bathroom, where he relieved himself and then proceeded to wash his hands. As he did so, he began to wonder where Qui Lin actually was and what she was doing.
He found it strange how close the prince was to her, at first glance, anyone would assume her to be a coldblooded she-devil. But it turned out, she was somewhat of a mother to the prince.
'Funny.' Wukong thought before turning his sights to the mirror in front of him. Upon seeing his reflection, he felt an eerie sensation flood him when he saw someone else stare right back at him.
Of course this sort of thing was supposed to be natural to him, considering the fact that he used to change into multiple animals. But there was just something off about being in the form of a human, or rather, being in the body of a human.
Wukong stared into the mirror, taking in the prince's features. The first thing to grab his attention was the prince's long white hair, which went a few centimeters below his neck. Then he diverted his sights to his eyes, a pair of light blue crystals which told of a young and naive boy.
Next was his not so masculine pink lips which was a seemingly perfect fit for the soft edges of his face. Though the prince wasn't exactly the picture of masculinity, he still looked powerful and competent. And if it wasn't obvious already, he was incredibly handsome, and quite tall, probably within a range of six foot something.
Wukong felt a strange sense of unease, unease prompted by what he believed to be intimidation, or rather, envy?
'Nonsense.' Wukong thought, he was after all the monkey king, he didn't care about looks. So, why did he feel this way then?
With a shrug, Wukong left the mirror and made his way back to the bedroom. With steeled determination, he forced himself onto the stone bed and laid down, groaning mildly in discomfort.
Though this discomfort was significant, he pushed it to the back of his head and thought of the girl, Realmwalker as he deemed to call her. As soon as the sun rose, he would find a way to talk to her, but right now, he needed sleep, because as it would seem, transmigrating into a person's body was quite exhausting.
With barely any effort in trying, Wukong had fallen asleep once he had shut his lids. Three seconds into his sleep, a gentle hand had woken him up. With great difficulty, he rose his lids and found Qui Lin in front of him.
"It's time to set out." Qui Lin said with a calm and beautiful voice that failed to register in Wukong's tired ears. He dismissed her and turned his blurry vision to the window beside her. Seeing this window had caused Wukong's eyes to widen, because it was still dark out.
'What the hell?'