Within the second, Qi felt Wukong behind her, so at once she turned, aiming her blade arms at his throat. Wukong β without any effort β grabbed her hand and held it in place. Before she could attack with her other free hand, he placed a hand on her cheek, which caused a sudden electric shock to echo throughout Sun Qi's body.
Wukong stared at his sisters neck, as black arteries had become visible for him to see. These black arteries were the physical manifestation of the disease which she had been mysteriously infected with. A disease known as Chaos.
This disease for thousands of years had been thought by the gods to be nothing more than myth. But out of nowhere, it had been discovered to be real, and had infected the King's sister, of all people.
A disease which would cause tremendous pain in a god, make them go mad and then finally kill them.
She had been infected with this disease for a month now, and Wukong only got the threat letter a week ago. After a week's worth of investigation, he had finally found a tiny fragment of the writer's essence, which he had amplified for his entire Council.
Of course all the investigation was a wasted effort, because at the end of the day, he couldn't find where Tenzu was hiding the cure. He didn't even know if it existed. But one thing was for sure, after the oath he and Tenzu had taken, should the cure not exist, he will be dead.
The pain consuming Wukong by the act of draining as much of the disease from his sister's body, was dwarfed by the pain burning in his heart, that he had let such a thing happen to her in the first place.
He swore to protect, what a failure found himself to be.
Wukong had absorbed as much of the disease as possible, but at a certain point, he couldn't absorb anymore. Not because it was going to kill him or anything like that, but because, it was going to kill her.
After absorbing the disease to its limit, the arteries on her neck had retracted, till it just barely made it out of her collar. Then, it melted below her skin, waiting for when it would be built up again.
Now greatly weakened, Wukong ignored the immense fatigue and exhaustion that had gripped his being, as he was fixated on his sister, who couldn't stand any longer.
Before she could fall, he grabbed her and lifted her into his arms, pulling her close.
With one snap of his finger, the disintegrated bed had formed once more. He walked up to the bed, gently placed her on it, and sat by her side, staring at her.
She faintly opened her eyes, so she could see her brother, who she knew was leaving.
"Wukong," her voice barely registered in his ears. "Monkey man," she said with a faint chuckle, which Wukong joined in on. "Don't leave me." Qi had asked, now with eyes full of tears, which began to stream down her face like a river.
Wukong couldn't help but feel his heart bleed. As he sat, a single tear escaped his now shut lids, so it fell onto the bed, and then, vanished as it sunk into the sheets.
"I'm sorry Qi, but, I have to do this." Wukong said, then stood and with a heavy heart and made his way forward. Upon reaching the magnificent doors of Qi's room, he halted when she spoke.
"You...promised father, that you would protect me." She said, forcing her voice to be louder, but failing to do so.
Fortunately, Wukong had heard still.
"I'm...doing so the only way I know how." He had said, before pushing the doors open and exiting Qi's room.
After certain preparations, Wukong had made his way out of the castle, so he stood in front of an enormous door-like portal, that connected the world of the gods. Ignoring this portal, Wukong made his way to the edge of the island in which his castle was built upon. Staring down into the abyss below, he took a deep breath and jumped.
Not long into his jump, he had summoned a cloud which he landed on and began to soar through the sky, making his way to the location of the Celestial Flame.
Upon arriving on the small island, floating in the middle of the abyss. Wukong dismissed his cloud, and made his way into the cave housing the Flame.
Not long after, he had found the flame, burning with a glow that could be compared to the sun. But despite this powerful brightness, the cave was pitch black.
Wukong made his way to the Flame, and without hesitation, he asked.
"Take me to the Singularity." Wukong had said, and in an instant, the light shone so bright he had no choice but to shield his eyes with his hands.
Following this, Wukong was consumed by the Flame. Though he felt no pain, he still felt something that could be compared to pain, but yet, he held strong. He didn't scream, didn't move, he did nothing, until finally, he turned to ash. Leaving behind all his belongings, except his staff.
Within the second, Wukong found himself in a void, and beyond that void, he could see a world, people, the girl he was after and then, a young man, with white hair, he was a prince.
After what felt like an eternity, he had opened his eyes and found himself, in someone else's body. But more than that, before he could come to terms with the new way he looked and felt, an explosion had erupted in the building, causing it to catch on fire.
Without wasting any time, Wukong sprung into action. Saving the people in the building one after another, till it was just three maids left. After picking them up, he rushed out the building, where a woman he somehow knew was standing, dazed.
As Wukong made his way out of the building, he felt something strange tug at him. It didn't take him long to trace this feeling, till he saw the girl he was after. Which caused him to smile.