Chapter 34 - XXXIV: A Mad Man's Passion

Upon seeing Qui Lin before his very eyes, healing the maid he had just impaled. He panicked, as he knew it was all over for him. In a frenzied state, he ran into the building which was a front for the underground tunnels which predated even him. But which he used for his nefarious purposes.

Once he had entered the building, he ran to the far end, shifted some crates which revealed a trap door, then he pulled it open and proceeded to descend the ladder that led into the ground.

Upon reaching the bottom, the captain made his way through the dark, labyrinth-like tunnel, without a means of light but by bare intuition alone.

He kept walking till he made his way to a dead end, which was like a small room, where a single light crystal had been placed on the wall, so the inside of the room and or space could be seen.

The space was bare, save for two chairs β€” one normal chair and the other reminiscent of a torture chair β€” a table covered with an array of tools, and a wardrobe to the far end of the room/space.

Upon entering the room/space, the captain at once ran for the wardrobe and opened it. Revealing on the inside a row of dried human skins, all hung from hangers.

The captain had taken out three and clutched them in an embrace.

"How could this have happened? Why did this happen? How could I have been so careless?" The captain had asked, as though talking to someone.

He fell to the ground and began to weep into the skins.

"I just wanted her. She was so perfect," the captain said, remembering Judith's curves, ample chest and full hips. "She was so, beautiful." He spoke these words with a voice that could be compared to that of smiggle.

As the images of Judith had flooded his mind, he became very thirsty, more desperate, more unhinged. He at once tossed the skins onto the ground and rose onto his feet.

Feeling as though all had been lost, the captain believed he had nothing more to lose. So if he was going to go down either ways, he was going to go down happy.

Upon coming to this conclusion, the captain dawned a grin so wide, one would assume his lips would tear out of his face.

It didn't take the captain long to backtrack, making his way out of the tunnels and into the building. Where he stayed in a corner, watching Judith from the window as she spoke with Qui Lin. Then he followed behind as they ran toward the point of the commotion, where he continued to watch.

After several minutes or so, Judith was finally alone, and Qui Lin was gone. At once, he pulled out his special handkerchief, dunked a vial of sleeping serum on it and made his way toward Judith.

Without Judith noticing his presence, he snuck up to her, grabbed her with glee and placed the handkerchief onto her face.

After a few seconds, she stopped struggling. The captain made sure she was completely unconscious, before smiling, hoisting her onto his shoulders with a sizzle down his spine, and then making his way to a secluded building, where he placed her onto the floor and began to rummage through the house for the perfect tools.

He knew he had nothing to worry about, because he had used up so much sleeping serum, that he wasn't afraid she would wake up anytime soon. As a matter of fact, he was actually afraid that he had overdone it with the serum, which meant there was a very high chance she was dead. Thinking against it, he just hoped that she was still alive. So when he began his beautiful work, she would open her eyes, so he could look directly into them.

The captain smiled hard as he continued to rummage through multiple cupboards.

Judith, feeling a bit drowsy, had opened her eyes. It took her a moment to realize what had happened to her, but when she finally did, she became the epiphany of apprehension.

At once, her eyes rolled in every direction, until her heart skipped a beat when she saw the captain frantically searching for something.

Judith immediately turned her sights to her surroundings. She didn't pay any mind to where she was, all she wanted was a means to defend herself. But unfortunately she found nothing.

As far as she could tell, she was in a room. As there was a bed to the far corner next to a window, a wardrobe beside the bed, a table and chairs which was beside her and a cupboard with a mirror to the opposite side of the bed, where the captain was frantically searching.

Enraged, the captain tossed one of the cupboard's drawers onto the floor, so it slid toward Judith. Reacting to this, Judith had shut her eyes and slowed her breathing.

The captain left the cupboard and made his way toward Judith. He bent over her, bringing his face so close to Judith's that she almost broke her act and bashed him on the head with hers out of irritation. But she kept her cool.

"I'm so sorry," the captain said, now turning his eyes to her abdomen, and hovering his hands over her chest. "I will have to do it the crude way." The captain had said, making Judith more and more unable to pretend, as her skin began to crawl and her uneasiness and fear had reached a record breaking high.

He stood, and made his way toward the kitchen.

Seizing this opportunity, Judith sat up, stared in every direction once more, in search of something that could help. Her first instinct was to rush out the front door, but for fear that he had locked it and stolen the key. She didn't want to alert him by clanking on the door.

That would be the last option. And if the door was locked, she would try breaking the very durable windows.

But right now, she needed something to defend herself if all else fails. Not finding anything to use as a weapon, Judith's eyes lit up with realization, when she remembered the rod she had tied to her lap.

She almost pulled up her white robe to search for it, when dread overcame. Judith remembered at that moment, that she got rid of it whilst they were making their way to the Parabeast. She did so on account of it being very uncomfortable.

Cursing herself for dismissing what could have saved her life right now, she stood up, picked up the chair beside her as it was the next bests thing, and made her way to the exit door.

Upon reaching it, she gently pulled on the handle, but as she feared, it was locked. And as though it couldn't get any worse, the footsteps of the captain began to emanate into the room. And was followed by the sound of two steel sheets sliding over one another, so a screeching sound could be heard.