The increasingly frustrated Mirror Nightmare, unable to prevail after a prolonged attack, Wen Wen's evasion and various probing made his intentions very clear.
Even a foolhardy Mirror Nightmare knew that Wen Wen could see its incarnations outside of the mirror.
But it couldn't understand how Wen Wen achieved this.
That transparent phantom was something only creatures like it within the mirror could see.
Setting aside how Wen Wen managed to do it, his abilities were already reaching their limit. If he couldn't take down Wen Wen soon, he would have to give up for the day.
But suddenly, Wen Wen's body froze in place, standing still with his eyes closed.
The Mirror Nightmare joyfully seized the opportunity, its blade-like palm chopping down towards Wen Wen.
Its attack targeted the soul directly, and no matter how formidable the opponent's defense, it couldn't stop an assault aimed directly at the soul.
But it was then that something unexpected occurred.