A wild boar as large as a sedan had knocked down a big tree and charged out from the depths of the jungle.
In its disproportionately small eyes was a look of novelty; it had never left the boundaries of the Qi Ling Mountain Range since it was born.
It had heard from other monsters that had fled into the mountains that the outside world was dominated by a two-legged animal, which didn't have any redeeming qualities except their numbers.
These animals were timid and frail, only good at screaming and running away. They liked to domesticate other creatures for their consumption and were recklessly destroying nature and the environment, driving many species to the brink of extinction.
Oh, right, there was one benefit to these animals.
They were delicious!
The wild boar had never eaten a human before, but influenced by the other monsters that had fled to the mountains, it drooled at the thought of them.