The outcome was easily decided; those ferocious-looking millipede monstrosities might have appeared menacing, but they were all pushovers, easily torn to shreds by the monsters led by the Shark Warrior.
In less than two minutes of combat, the ground was littered with the corpses of the insects, and the foul-smelling insect body fluid covered the floor, the pungent stench making people feel somewhat nauseous.
In actuality, the strength of these larger millipede monstrosities was far inferior to that of the smaller parasitic ones, while each of the dozen-plus monsters under their command was valiant and adept at fighting, making it as easy to defeat them as slicing leeks.
Just as the large millipedes were about to be wiped out, the Mother of Centipedes could no longer bear it and burst through the doors of the cold storage, clambering out and emitting a bizarre screech that stunned the dozen or so sea monsters.