A shout of scolding fell from the sky, and several figures descended, each of them incredibly tall and of strange, ancient shapes.
The tallest and most robust among them had a carapace like a lobster, six limbs that were over thirty feet long, but his upper body was human-shaped. However, his arms had turned into massive pincers, and his hair, each strand as thick as a finger, was golden-colored and added up to just over a hundred strands in total.
And then there was a Snake Person!
Zhou Heng had seen a Snake Maiden of the Heavenly Demon Clan before, but this Snake Man was male, and the transformation into a snake was even more pronounced, with everything but his head resembling that of a snake, and he even had gills on both cheeks, making him look even more bizarre.
He had no feet but was born with two pairs of arms. His mouth flicked its tongue, making constant hissing noises.