Girl- look at how they are laughing?
Another girl- yeah didn't they just bitch fight last week.
Girl- yeah if that was me, I'd never get along with the girl ever again.
Another girl- even if the girl was me?
Girl- ....not you maybe. But i would definitely not get along with someone as hot headed as Alice. Did you see how she launched herself at lily? That was insane.... Oh wait you were at the grounds back then. I forgot.
[Alice laughs at Amy]
Alice- hahaha....shut up. That's definitely not how it happened.
Amy- oh that's definitely how it happened.
Alice- damn... Look- look...look at Haley and Karen. They much be bitching about us right now.
Amy- that's what they always do.
Alice- hahahahahaha.
Amy- what? I'm being serious. Have you ever talked to them?
Alice- no... once or twice maybe.
Amy- they just love to gossip and spread rumors. They are in the gossip girls.
Alice- what's gossip girls?
Amy- it's a group chat for gossip.
Alice- why am i not a part of it?
Amy- cause they wanna gossip about you duh.
Alice- really?... wow what's... there to gossip about?
Amy- that you are hot headed, short tempered, arrogant, rude and etc etc type of girl.
Alice- well I am sorry for hitting you and lily that day. But, it's true that you stole my brush.
Amy- didn't you say you found your lipstick and brush?
Alice- I found my lipstick but i didn't find my brush.
Amy- maybe you need to find it harder.
[Alice stares at Amy]
Amy- what?
Alice- forget it. It's just a brush anyway. You can keep it.
Amy- oh hey Aaron! Did you see the "Kiki" last week?
[Amy quickly retreats and Alice finishes her lunch food.]
Girl- that was a crazy convo.
Alice- i know right. I'm sick of her anyway. Can't bear the sight of her hanging around.
Girl- be careful what you say. Walls have ears too you know.
Alice- trust me Kim, i don't give a flying fuck. Hahahah.
Kim- whatever you say Alice.
Alice- ....
Kim- it's odd how you let her go this easy.
Alice- you don't have any idea how my mom reacted.
Kim- she wanted to throw you out?
Alice- worse. She took me to watch Jimmy.
Kim- for real?
Alice- she wanted me to see the problem of being bad, getting into fights, being a bully. Lastly she threatened of leaving me on the streets if i ever got into trouble.
Kim- wow your mom's a real piece of work.
Alice- she is.
Kim- so you're scared of her?
Alice- she's all i have. I don't wanna lose her.
Kim- didn't you say you have grandparents?
Alice- mom doesn't take me to their place anymore.
Kim- ok.....well that's too much dark stuff.
Alice- it is.
Kim- you wanna play in the playgrounds?
Alice- what do you wanna play?
Kim- catch catch.
Alice- ok 1 2 3 go...
Kim- hey wait for me hahahahahaha...
[After playing for while]
Alice- fatso can't catch me. Ehe whoop.
Kim- time—.....time please....
[Kim sits down on the grass, wheezing and gasping for a breath of air.]
Alice- oh my god , you're ruining the skirt.
Kim- fuck— fuck you....
Alice- God lord.
[Alice sits down beside her. A few girls and boys pass buy namecalling Kim and Alice for being fat. Alice claps back at them, calling them names as well. Kim lies down to breathe.]
Alice- sons of bitches.... you alright?
Kim- yeah.
Alice- Damn you're still wheezing.
Kim- yeah.... yeah.... mmmhmm.
Alice- you need an inhaler or something? Just tell me I'll get it from your bag.
Kim- i don't have any....
Alice- ok...
Kim- ....
Alice- you know you've gained so much weight right?
Kim- i know. You don't have to remind me.
Alice- dude i think you should talk to a doctor and join a gym or something cause you need to be fit. If you're fit, you're fine. If you're fine everything's fine.... look look at you. It's been 5 minutes and you're still gasping.
Kim- haaaaaahhhhhh...
Kim- you know what, i think I'll join the gym. My dad's been asking me for a while.
Alice- see he's worried about you.
Kim- yeah.
Alice- you can do it. I'm positive.
Kim- hahaha.
Alice- you can join my dance class too you know.
Kim- the one near bridge base?
Alice- yeah that one.
Kim- i do go there.... to do aerobics and zumba.
Alice- oh. Is it working out?
Kim- i don't know. But i can do anything for more than 10 minutes.
Alice- that's ok. It's tough at first but you'll get a hang of it.
Kim- I'll do the gym only and leave these two cause it's too much pressure.
Alice- you do that. Whatever suits you.
Kim- my mom never had a problem with my weight but boy does my dad nag about this. He has a problem with everything.
Alice-'s can be cruel. My dad used to be a cruel bastard too. That's why mom left him.
Kim- my moms never gonna leave him even if he burns her alive....
Kim-...forget it.
Alice- don't listen to your dad. You're doing great. Don't listen to your mum too. They are all bitches.
Kim- yeah right.
Alice- if you need any help, just dial my number. I have some seniors in dance class who might come in handy cause a lot of them know gym trainers.
Kim- can't you like me the way i am?
Alice- you are fat Kim and that's unhealthy. This isn't about you. It's about your health. You get me?
Kim- i get you.
Alice- I'm not callling you fatso cause i wanna make joke of you, I'm calling you fatso so that you realize and work hard to get back in shape.
Kim- ok now shut it.
Alice- sorry.