Closing his eyes, his mind stirred, and in the next moment, every inch of flesh in his body seemed to come alive, quivering at a rate of hundreds of times per second.
A sound erupted, like the chant of a dragon and the roar of an elephant!
This was Li Che integrating the Martial Saint Ultimate Study "Ten Thousand Dragons Subduing Gods" into the True Intent of Myriad Transforming Dragon Elephant.
In the process of integration, Li Che's mind sank into the Heaven and Earth chessboard,
connecting with the many "Fairy in the Painting" proxies he had arranged.
At the City Lord's Mansion.
This was a place that one-third of Li Che's spirited "Fairy in the Painting" avatar specifically monitored.
For three days, the City Lord's Mansion had been dead silent.
The doors were shut tight, with white silk hanging.
It welcomed no visitors, and none of the powers of Golden Light Prefecture would touch this place at such a time.