Hanzhou couldn't help but look askance, his puzzled gaze seemed to say, "Daoist Fellow Ning Zhuo, didn't you just say you wanted to form a good bond with Hua Guzi? Why are you now putting on such a distant attitude?"
Ning Zhuo sensed Hanzhou's confusion and didn't explain, instead bypassing Hua Guzi directly.
Hanzhou: ?!
He secretly drew a sharp breath, feeling rather odd.
In his view, Hua Guzi obviously wanted to befriend Ning Zhuo and ease the relationship, but unexpectedly, it was Ning Zhuo who ended up showing a cold face.
"Given Hua Guzi's temperament, coming over so humbly and even bringing dumplings is already breaking the norm."
"Young Master Ning Zhuo treating her like this is tantamount to rubbing her face into the ground."
"Young Master Ning Zhuo is being somewhat unwise."
"Alas... what is this about?"
Hanzhou felt that this matter could have been handled very well. Yet Ning Zhuo behaved quite strangely.