Chereads / Revelations: Battle of the Saints / Chapter 19 - Bestie Reunion.

Chapter 19 - Bestie Reunion.

"You've got to save him." Hope mumbled while his eyes were still closed. "You've got to." He was turning himself, before hearing Jane's voice.

"Wake up." Jane said as she, Angelina and Gabriela were at Hope's side of the bed. Still he showed no signs of waking up, he rather turned to the other side of the bed and grumbled. The three girls looked at him with concern, Gabriela nudged him in the shoulder with her elbow.

"Wakey wakey." She said, still no reply. "You'll be late for school?" She added unsure. Jane faceplamed herself.

"Who goes to school on a Saturday???" She asked Gabriela.

"Saturday classes?" Gabriela replied. Finally Angelina tried, she went for a trumpet and blew it in Hope's ear. He jolted out of the bed, shaken by the sound of the trumpet. He looked at the three girls before asking: "Is it Judgement Day?" The girls shook their heads as Gabriela started stroking Hope's black hair.

"You were out for two days. You know Thursday and Friday. It's Xander who got your homework from school. What happened?" Gabriela asked while sitting by Hope.

"Who's Xander?" Angelina asked in confusion.

"Her boyfriend." Hope grumbled before explaining what happened when he had finished he looked at the other side of the room were Daniel was. His whole body was bandaged up and he was sound asleep but his breathing was slow and heavy as if it was difficult to do.

"Has he woken up?" Hope asked as he looked at Daniel's peaceful body.

"No. Raphael said he might be out for a while like at least two weeks." Angelina said as she went over to Daniel's bed. Hope looked at them with shock

"And at most?" He asked.

"A month." Gabriela replied, before Hope could reply Raziel entered the room. He was holding a box and a teddy bear.

"Heyyyy Raziel! Whaddup?" Gabriela asked Raziel smiled at her before heading to Hope. He gave the box and teddy bear to Hope.

"Sorry." Raziel said while the four teen-agers stared at Raziel in confusion.

"I asked you and Daniel to follow Michelle and you guys got hurt. So I'm sorry." Raziel explained while patting Hope's hair, "Get well soon." He added. Suddenly a portal appeared and Uriel and Jasmine came out.

"Woah! Which badass knight is that?" Gabriela exclaimed but quickly shut up when Uriel shot her a death glare. Jasmine awkwardly waves at everyone in the room,

"Ummmm hi everyone. Errr. Uriel is looking for Michael. Have you seen him?" Jasmine asked. Hope pointed to the door.

"He's in the living room with Raphael. I think, cause that's the last place I saw him" Hope said, Uriel thanked him before turning into an orange flame and disappearing. Jasmine looked at the others before nervously smiling.

"Soooooo. Hi?" Angelina said, while Jasmine just nodded. The whole room was quiet.

"I'm just going to leave." Jane said as she left the room.


"Soooo. Asmodeus tricked her and she's turned away?" Michael asked Uriel who nodded, Azrael was playing chess with Raphael who was obviously winning. Michael sighed while rubbing the bridge if his nose.

"First Belphagor, now Asmodeus. I really want to chop of their heads." He said under his breath, the only person who heard him was Raphael.

"We all do. Checkmate." Raphael replied while beating Azrael in another match. Azrael groaned before getting up.

"I'm going. I need a break from losing, can you escort me Uriel?" Azrael asked while stretching his body out. Uriel agreed as they left Professor Maxwell's home. They walked around town for a while before Azrael suggested that they go to a café, they went to the nearest café.

"I'm thristy." Azrael said while he put his head on the table, Uriel told him he'll get him something and left. He was gone for a while.

"Hey~ can I sit here?" A familiar sounding voice asked Azrael whose head was still on the table, he just gave a thumbs up and the person sat down.

"So what you doing here?" The voice asked.

"Waiting for a drink." Azrael replied. A voice giggled which made Azrael feel odd.

"I never saw the day Azrael would come to earth for a drink. It's funny." The voice mused while still giggling, Azrael finally looked up and froze when he saw the person.

"What are you doing here?" Azrael asked petrified. Azazel laughed as he played with his hair, his eyes looking at Azrael lustfully.

"Just checking if a rumor is true or not~ it is true." Azazel replied while still staring at Azrael, a smirk creeping on his lips.

"I've missed you. It's been like how long? 10,000+ years right?." Azazel stated while leaning his chin on his hand. "You look cute but as always." He added.

"Ok, ew." Azrael finally said disgusted. "And I don't miss you." He added with disdain, Azazel looked sort of shocked by that statement.

"You don't? Why?~" Azazel asked shocked that only made Azrael pissed off.

"Don't act coy. You know what you did." Azrael snarled, Azazel looked at him annoyed.

"That? Oh c'mon. It was going to be a little fun~ had it not been Uriel being a total ass. We could have had fun~" Azazel said seductive like.

"And I'm glad I came early before you did anything." Uriel's voice growled, Azazel looked up and saw Uriel holding a drink in his hand while staring at Azazel with daggers in his eyes. "Get lost. Now."

Azazel got up look at Uriel before asking.

"So I can't speak to my bestie? Awwww." He started leaving the café.

"Oi, Azrael~" Azazel said, as Azrael looked at him confused.

"You look pretty when you sleep like that " Azazel said before leaving, Azrael looked traumatized at that statement. He was visibly shaken by that.

"H-how did he even get out of there?" Azrael asked Uriel who simply shrugged his shoulders.

"Only God knows, that's for sure." Uriel replied.