"Can you see me?" I asked in confusion.
"Yes Mel, I can. Look outside" he said.
Wulfric was downstairs again. He waved at me as I glanced out of the window.
"Come on out. I'm waiting" he said.
"I can't..." I began to say but the line went dead.
I groaned squeezing my phone in my hand, so the idiot me could have called him back and let him know I can't see him anymore because he has a dang girlfriend!.
I paced around my room pondering for a while, should I tell him I can't see him anymore over the phone or face to face.
I think face to face would be so much better. The security footage could catch me for all care, I'd just get suspended like Scarlet too but I need to stop this.
I grabbed my jacket from my closet and put it on. I also grabbed a head warmer. It wasn't a great disguise but I'm going with it anyways.