Chapter 4 - Hiding Forever

Day 4

Last night, I found a little hiding spot. It's not big, and it's not much. But for now, it's enough.

I may have to find someone else in the future, yet all I can do is rest. 

Hoping that tomorrow leads to a better day.

Day 5

I'm awake, but I really don't want to be.

I need food desperately, so desperately.

There isn't much trash in front of me, but there's enough. And more keeps dropping from the buildings.

Seems as though I'm in a trash chute!?

Not the most pleasant spot for most people. But for me. HIP HIP HOORAY. I should be able to get plenty of food.

Rustling around I find some chicken scraps. Oh sweet chicken, I haven't had some in forever.

A rare treat, a REALLY REALLY REALLY rare treat.

Most usually, it's either veggies OR half eaten veggies.

I'm still hungry, but I know the chicken's all I'll find today.

So I lay down to rest once again.

A boring, but lucky day has gone by.

I quite like boring days though. Means I didn't die.