Chereads / The Gauntlets of Power / Chapter 2 - Gathering of Supplies and the New Shop Girl

Chapter 2 - Gathering of Supplies and the New Shop Girl

In the morning light the five of them met in the cities courtyard. The rays of the sun warming their backs as they spoke to one another. The blue horizon just beginning to show and the clouds daring them to go on an adventure.

"Well boy, Aurelius'll tell you what we're in need for and you sort us out in who/where we should be talking to" said the everlastingly pompous Art

Aurelius with his soothingly calm demeanor spoke to Fabio " What we need is salted meat, two pounds of salt, your choices of herbs, flour. And alas some a cask of mead and of wine. That's it for the food necessities, but we are also going to need twine, quick burning wicks, blackpowder, and a new sword for you. Lastly we are going to need a caravan and two horses."

Fabio thought for a moment and the responded justly. "For the salted meat there is no better place than Barnaby the butcher he is on forth avenue. Prices can't be beat nor the quality of his meat as I hunt for him myself quite frequently I should know."

"I already have a collection of my own cooking herbs, but for the salt and flour I'd have to say you'd need to go to Mrs. Doubtfire the baker on third avenue. As this is the small town of firesworth they shouldn't be too hard to find." Fabio said pensively

"She should also have twine and for the burning wicks, blackpowder, and the sword there's no better smith than her husband Mr. Doubtfire, but he's on 1st ave."

And as if it were a second thought to Fabio he said "Oh, and the caravan you can seek out Mr. Long, he breeds thoroughbred horses and has a few nice caravans I've heard he's been trying to get off his hands. Meaning you should be able to haggle him down on the price."

"As for me I must be off to find my boss a new shop boy it won't be too hard I know and have the perfect person in mind for the job. She was already in need of a job; so it shouldn't be too much to convince her of."

Art went directly to Barnaby the butcher and found quite a large shop for a small town, but that could be due to the constant passage of all the travellers. It was painted an off green and red with an ivory border underneath with the sign reading "Baranaby's Butchery"

"Alas the boy was right, not hard to find in the slightest" mumbled as he strolled through the crown into the entrance of the shop

"I'm looking to purchase 10 pounds of salted beef from you, good sir" he said while looking at the slightly disheveled Barnaby with his butchers cap covered in fresh and dried animal blood.

"Enough with your sirs and pleasantries that'll be 5 silver pieces and I won't be having any bargaining as I'm already giving you more than a fair price for that amount." Coarsesly said Barnaby

"Fair put" Arthur said as he handed the man his money and collected the wares.

As this was happening Sir Scott went back to "The Deep Barrell" to collect a cask of mead and a cask of wine.

He spoke eloquently to the shop owner " Forgive us for taking your shop boy, but a young man need nothing more than an adventure to start his life. How ,uncle do I owe you for a cask of mead and one of wine?"

"Sir Scott" said a petite woman in a red dress and white apron "you've aided this town greatly, in being so, I'll give you a good price! How does ten silver pieces sound?"

"Reasonble enough to me and I thank thee for the gesture of kindness" Sir Scott said stoutly.

Trekking his way through town and down first avenue Aurelius made his way to a shop with a carved sign with fading blue paint that said "Don't Doubt Fire".

"This must be the place" the calm mannered but stern faced Aurelius chuckled.

"Mr. Doubtfire I presume? I'm in need of twine, blackpowder, and a sword for thee young lad named Fabio of the house of Rosas" he stoically asked

Mr. Doubtfire a lumberingly and largely looming presence stopped his work and responded in kind "Easy enough to do and young Rosas? He's finally getting out into the world I'm happy to hear that. I actually have something specially made for him that he was saving up for. How much twine and blackpowder are you looking to buy?"

Pensively he said "I'm looking for about a sack of black powder and if you have any extra burlap I could make good use of that, I'm looking for a roll of twine and I almost forgot I'm also looking for quick burning wicks!"

"Alright, for that what would you think is a fair price?" He asked Aurelius

"I'm thinking about one gold coin ought to cover it all, do you think that too little" he inquired

"Let's shake on it and I do have some extra burlap that I'll throw in just for helping getting that young Fabio out into the world. I couldnt bear see that young man stuck in this quaint village for the rest of his existence" Mr Doubtfire said with a heatfelt tonation in his voice.

The most aggressive of the bargainers was the shabby looking pirate-esque man though seeming downtrodden he knew his was around a quick sale. And in being so he was tasked with finding Mr. Long and acquiring their caravan and horses

"Mr. Long" he said as he walked up to a large house with a barn and three caravans "I'd like to purchase two horses and a caravan from you"

"No time for pleasantries with the likes of you" said Mr. Long smiling gently

"Well since we've done business before I'd rather not haggle too much knowing quite well we could be at it for hours." Laughing hysterically Bartholomew said

"Quite right you are and in being so upfront I'll just have to give you my best price off the bat and I'll pick out my two best horses if you take the price without as much as a whimper" said Mr. Long slyly " It's going to cost you 20 silver and 50 copper coins"

"For once you're actually giving me a fair price, so be it, let's shake on it" as he dumped out his coin purse and gave the amount to Mr. long

As it now reached closer to dusk Fabio, had in tow, Jeannette who would be taking over as his replacement at "The Deep Barrell". The rest of the men and the caravan waiting outside were awaiting his arrival.

"I told you it wouldn't take much convincing her" Fabio shouted happily as he walked to take a seat with the other men

"Everybody knows each other in this quaint village, so there is no need for me to introduce her to the boss lady Miss Monroe" he laughed

Aurelius once again in with his cloaked face spoke firmly but quietly " It seems we have all our wares and everything is order. We might as well make a break for this journey at first light. You haven't even told us where we're yet, Art."

Art, beamed a bright smile "Boys were heading to the city of Opus"

A glimmer of bright eyes and wide smile shone among the men and Aurelius than took Fabio outside to give him his first gift besides that of their friendship and agreeing to take him on their journey that is.

"Follow me young lad" his calm demeanor covered in a happy glow "I have something for you"

He handed him a beautiful sword in a leather scabbard with silver tipped end engraved with roses and the gaurd of the sword a beautiful golden dragon beamed brightly back at him.

"This is what I've been saving up for! I-I couldn't possibly accept this as a gift." He uttered the words awestruck

"Think of it as a token of our friendship for you will make an indispensable member of our team" he spoke of the young Fabio brightly.

They all turned into sleep early after a few more hours of drinks and laughter as they had a long journey to start early in the morning.