For Pretty Boy, just moments ago, he saw Ye Feifei with her arms crossed, leaning on the car window, staring with her most beautiful pair of eyes among her perfect features, fluttering her long black eyelashes non-stop. She kept her gaze fixed on Pretty Boy, her expression like stars playing hide-and-seek with clouds in the sky, utterly enchanting and adorably reaching new heights!
Note to self: pay attention this is important. While talking, Ye Feifei's head kept rhythmically swaying left and right like a rattle-drum, her eyebrows dancing along, her tone playfully carrying a hint of arrogance and aloofness. Then, combine the aforementioned black (sexy) and hide-and-seek (cute), rearrange them, and what's the result?!
Actually, no matter what result you got, Pretty Boy insists: Dare you say this isn't Ye Feifei blatantly flirting?! Really not? Really not? Really not? If your answer is no, then, are you sure you're not blind?!