"Bro, you have no idea how much I admire Nianhua," Ji Ying said, slurring her words, with most of her body leaning on Pei Yicheng. "How can she be so wonderful, always helping her classmates?"
Pei Yining, drunk and bleary-eyed, stumbled along as she spoke: "You don't know, none of our classmates are as great as Nianhua. Whenever they get a good test paper, they'd rather hide it for their own use than let anyone else take a glance, let alone teach others how to use better study methods."
"I like Nianhua, I really really like Nianhua."
Pei Yining looked at him with hazy, drunken eyes.
"Alright, alright, you like her," Pei Yicheng responded, going along with her as he steadied Pei Yining, afraid she might fall at any moment.
He added, "Next time, don't drink so much, okay? It's not good for girls to drink too much."