At exactly 8 p.m., I sat down at my desk and opened my laptop. I logged into my Mistagram account and started scrolling through random posts. I did this until 8:30 p.m., which is when the three of us had planned to have a video call to catch up on everything that has happened in our lives since we graduated from college.
I told them I am working for Diego but I have not told them that he proposed to me and I agreed to go out with him. I want to surprise them when we are having the video call. I wanted to see their faces as they hear the shocking news.
My heartbeat went up when the clock hit exactly 8: 30 pm, suddenly, a wave of shyness and bits of nervousness were building inside me.
I cannot tell how they would react to me dating Diego, whether they would support me or warn me to back off from the relationship.