Serena tipped her shades up the bridge of her nose, and pulled up on her scarf, making sure to keep her face hidden. The bar that Scott had picked was barely in business with only the bartender and a drunk in attendance. But still, she couldn't afford to be reckless, not with the scandal with Luther and Cassie's online squabble.
After a tensed half hour of waiting, she heard the bell jingle behind her. Her phone vibrated in her bag, she quickly took it out, but right before she answered, a hand tapped her shoulder.
She froze.
Upon hearing her brother's voice she looked over her shoulder to see Scott, dressed in dark shades and a grey cap. He took off his disguise, and sat on the stool next to her.
He signaled the bartender over, "We don't want to be disturbed for the next hour." He pulled out his wallet and took out some dollar notes. "Here." He slipped them to the bartender.