"¡¿Qué sentido tiene que vengan estos ángeles, si ni siquiera pueden ayudarme contra este desgraciado?" mientras la llama del Demonio Fénix ganaba terreno en medio del choque de nuestros ataques. Los que habían llegado recientemente estaban en una batalla contra los demonios que se habían retirado antes, donde los demonios los superaban en número, siendo casi el doble.
—¡Jajaja, muere como el insecto que eres! —como si eso no fuera suficiente, su llamado aumentó más en intensidad y cantidad, superando por mucho mi ataque, tomando la delantera en el choque de poderes hasta hacerme retroceder con fuerza aunque mis piernas estuvieran enterradas en el suelo—. ¡Maldito seas! —apenas pude detener mi retirada luego de chocar contra una casa de piedra—. Aún puedo intercambiar la mayor parte de mi carne, músculos y tendones por más células de las anguilas eléctricas, pero de nada serviría que este bastardo pueda aumentar aún más su poder… Necesito, al menos, una oportunidad, un hueco que pueda aprovechar.
Puñalada (x3)
A pesar del shock de energía que se estaba produciendo, pude ver borroso como tres lanzas blancas atravesaban al demonio Fénix, una en la cabeza, otra en el corazón y la última en el estómago. "¡Malditos ángeles!" , al escuchar su grito, pude sentir como su llama se debilitaba y, como un milagro, tuve mi oportunidad. "¡Ahora, muere!" , cambiando la mayoría de las partes de mi cuerpo; la torrencial cantidad de electricidad aumentó de repente, penetrando y abriéndose paso por el centro de su llama. "¡¿Qué?!" , solo se pudo escuchar su grito antes de que la inmensa cantidad de electricidad lo engullera y lo estrellara contra varias casas de piedra destruyendo las que se encontraban a su paso.
"¡Muere!" , aunque ya se había estrellado contra varias casas de piedra, árboles y además de recibir varios millones de voltios, seguía lanzando una cantidad torrencial de electricidad sin cesar; después de todo, mi ataque no era de energía que pudiera explotar al final del ataque o con una colisión contra el suelo; solo podía electrocutar, paralizar y quemar lo máximo posible.
Gasp, gasp. "No, I didn't know this could be," gasped. "So tired." After almost twenty minutes, my body had stopped producing electricity; at the same time, I had become completely exhausted, so much so that I could barely keep myself from eating cake. "Oh, this has to be a fucking joke," out of nowhere the ground began to shake violently and from the place where the remains of the Phoenix demon should have been, a huge whirlwind of fire emerged and then an immense bird of fire emerged from it, the legendary Phoenix bird.
I looked with a blank face at that creature that had just appeared. "I may have had a chance to win before, but now," I couldn't help but let an empty laugh come out of my mouth as I resigned myself. "I guess I'm already dead," I couldn't help but collapse on the ground with the tiredness that ran through my body, in addition to the immense feeling of helplessness at seeing the legendary immortal bird in all its glory. "You made me show my true form and now, you resign yourself to die?" Unlike before, now his voice was deeper and stronger, resonating throughout the place. "Unfortunately for you, I'm not going to give you a quick death," then with a simple flap of his wings he incinerated the entire town, leaving only ruins and burnt rocks.
Thanks to my reinforced skin, the immense heat wave caused by his flapping did not manage to cause me any kind of serious damage, only some minor burns. "Ha, ha, hahaha, even with my reinforced skin this monster is capable of burning me with a simple flap of his wings." My eyes became empty, I lowered my head and closing my eyes I resigned myself to death. "(Scream in Maya)" —as if it were a signal, a loud scream reached my ears; the voice was sweet and childish, a familiar voice that I had heard very often this day.
"This, is this a hallucination?", opening my eyes, I saw the little daughter running towards me, not caring about the immense heat in this place and the burned rocks on the ground. "What are you doing here? Go away!", I did not hesitate and began to shout loudly at her to escape, to get away from the place.
I watched in disbelief as a huge burst of fire fell on the place where the daughter was running, then exploded, releasing a blinding light. When the light ceased, I could see with an empty expression the place where the daughter should be, seeing only the place with a huge crater. "What annoying squeals, an insect like that should not even exist."
I could feel that sensation again, like something was breaking inside me, hearing his words that did nothing but make me angrier. "I will kill you," I muttered as with all the effort I could muster I began to stand up. "I don't care if you are immortal, I will kill you," looking up in fury to see that legendary bird as a red spark flashed in my eyes. "If with a quadrupedal form I can't fight you, then I will kill you with a humanoid form." My body began to dismember and mutate.
"If I could mutate and hybridize my body three times so far, then doing it four times won't be a problem for me." My hind and front legs began to lengthen into arm and leg shapes, my small fingers stretched into long fingers with thumbs, my torso lengthened and grew, on my back waist my long tail moved and my neck had lengthened enough to turn my head in any direction a hundred and eighty degrees.
"Interesting, but your resistance is of no use," the huge legendary bird spread its wings and lunged at me. "RRRRAAAAARGH!", letting out a loud roar, I braced myself and ran towards him charging hard, and with a strong impact our heads collided as I stopped his two legs with my hands. Then we began to exert force to see who would back off, or well, that's how it should have been.
"Tell me, do you like heights?" Tightening the grip of his legs on my hands, he began to rise off the ground, carrying me with great ease until we began to surpass the clouds. "Before you crash me into the ground, I crash you into the ground." Holding his legs tightly, I began to stagger and gained momentum. We changed our positions so that I was on top of him and we began to fall at high speed. "Damn bastard!" His body began to release an immense wave of heat that began to heat my skin with force and generate burns, but I was not going to let go.
With a loud sound we crashed into the ground, generating a crater; the force of the fall was so much that it ended up breaking my legs, causing me to fall to one side and start to drag myself away, then lean against a stone house and get up with effort. "At least I'm still alive, although unfortunately it's a monster; it should be better than me." A wave of heat came out of the crater and then the Phoenix came out without any injuries. "Now you can only die, after all, you can't even run anymore."
Opening its wings, it launched itself at me and I barely managed to stop its attack, which didn't help much, since its attack sent me flying, crashing me hard into the ground... "Damn, it hurts like shit." Lifting only my torso I could see how a call of fire rushed towards me, which would barely manage to reduce the direct damage of its flames.
Its call lasted too long and its intensity was so much that it had even left me with second degree burns. I didn't even have time to recover when it charged towards me, giving me a strong charge that was able to break several bones and then with one of its paws it grabbed my face. And crashed me against the ground with force several times, until breaking the bone plate that was around my neck.
Clenching my fist tightly, I connected a punch to its face only to not generate any kind of reaction. "Did you really think that a blow from you would affect me?" Seeing my blow, the Phoenix pierced my arm with its beak. "I'm not playing anymore, now I'll take this seriously." Covering my vital points with my arms, I was hit by several powerful pecks, which easily pierced my reinforced skin and had even broken two of my horns.
After the shower of pecks, he grabbed one of my broken legs and began to slam me hard against the ground several times, like a rag cleaning the dirty ground, until he finally threw me hard against the last remaining stone houses. "So this is the true strength of the legendary bird," enduring the pain in my body, using my arms, I lifted my torso and tried to get up, despite my broken legs.
Whoosh! Thud!
I could barely hear a silent sound before a strong blow to the stomach took all the air from my lungs. "Cough, cough," coughing blood, I looked up to see the huge Phoenix flying through the sky and then flying hard and fast towards me, giving me a strong blow, which even blocking with my arms was devastating, and as if that wasn't enough, he began to hit me several times in the same way from all directions.
My reinforced skin began to crack more and more with each passing blow, until finally a blow to the belly made me spit out a mouthful of blood and send me rolling on the ground. "I don't plan on dying," tightening my grip on the ground, I tried to get up. "If I'm going to die, at least I'll take you with me." Remembering the warm touch of that little girl on my griffin beak and her gentle embrace on my paw, I used all my strength and stood up with a fire that refused to extinguish in my eyes. "Phoenix."
As I stood up, I was greeted by the sight of the Phoenix. As it opened its beak, a huge magic circle appeared and as it was about to release another wave of flames, several spears of light shot towards it, stopping the Phoenix from launching its attack, then a white light surrounded my body.
Seeing that and feeling the pain in my body slowly disappear, I looked up at the sky, seeing some humanoid beings with white wings… "Damn angels!" The words were snatched from me by the Phoenix. "The truth is, I had forgotten about you," the number of them had dwindled to just over a hundred, some had burns.
I raised my body slightly and felt my body had recovered to the point where I could stand up. "It seems the healing magic of the angels is effective," clenching my fists tightly, I stood up and my body began to generate electricity again. "This is great," with a smile on my face and almost over a hundred angels behind me, I looked at the Phoenix. "It's time for round three."
Well, since there were no comments on whether you liked it or not, I decided that I would rewrite everything in italics except for the characters' dialogues. With that being said, see you in the next chapter, take care.
One more thing, does anyone know if any fallen angels of the same grade as Azazel or Kokabiel died in the great war?
∧,,,∧ ~ ┏━━━━━━━━━┓
( ̳• · • ̳) ~ ♡ Thanks for reading. ♡
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