A young boy sat with his head bowed and his amber eyes brimming with shiny tears.
"Fa, please, don't go!" Micah cried.
The elderly man rested a thin hand on the boy's face and smiled tired lying, "Go to the land of Fae and find the truth..." Closing his eyes, the man smiled and silently went to the afterlife. Tears rolled down his cheeks as Micah clutched the man who had recently passed, refusing to let go; unfortunately for him, his father's soul had already moved on.
Looking tiredly at his laptop, the dark haired boy groaned in frustration: the screen showed the words 'No results found.' for the millionth time! What was this Fae place anyway and what did it have to do with the so-called truth?! Rubbing his eyes gently, he sighed, had he wasted away 3 years for nothing, was it finally time to give up? But then again, he couldn't ignore his father, the only person who had taken care of him for 20 years,'s final wish. What had he done with his life?
He rolled up the sleeve of his favorite, navy blue jumper and checked the time: 12:14.
"Shoot, I better head to bed!" he thought.
Closing his eyes, Micah drifted off to the world of dreams.
What do you think will happen to Micah?
A) He will have a good night's rest.
B) He will have a weird dream.
C) I think...