Chapter 42 - A little Break

Hello there, author of Heaven Devouring here, you probably thought that this was a new chapter,well…

I got you some good news and bad news.

The bad news is that I am talking a break for three weeks or so, why? Well not because I want to, I really enjoy writing and it's been such a fun thing to do, but the thing is I also have a life outside of this work, and let me tell you it's packed.

I am not here to complain (I totally I am lol), I just wanted to give you guys a heads up.

The good news is: after this three weeks break, I will drop a chapter every day for two weeks, I promise.

And that's all for now, trust me am not dropping this fic, I don't want the ri community to burn me at the stake, I just need time to take care of some things so I can deliver chapters that I am proud of.

Happy New Year in advance everyone, and see ya!