[The heroes enter the room. They see the king, who is without morals, and he looks at them, closing his eyes. The heroes and the knight kneel before the king]
- Knight: King Eldring, here before you are the twelve heroes.
- King: I introduce myself, heroes. I am King Eldring, the last king of humanity. I know that you are here, you who call yourself the twelve heroes, but my people, my people, can no longer handle this war. They are already tired and hungry. My people are dying... I'm sorry, but this war is already coming to an end. We, the human race, are already giving up.
- Daichi: King! I know that you have fought with all your might, but you have to go outside and talk to your people. You don't have to give up. Even if we lose, we must fight until the end.
[Catter looks at Daichi and whispers in his ear.]
- Catter:Daichi, the king is not emotionally prepared to talk to people.
[The king listens to Daichi's words and begins to think about whether it is okay to surrender without first putting up a fight. If his people will listen to him, even if they are all starving. The king gains enough courage and tells the knight to gather all the people of the kingdom in front of the castle immediately. Ten minutes pass. The king gets up from his throne and heads towards the bench where the people were gathering. The king waits a few more minutes for the people to finish arriving. After seeing that everyone has arrived, the king begins to speak.]
- King: People of the Lumeria kingdom! I know we are going through a very dangerous situation. Our race is coming to an end. The other races and the gods want us to disappear from the map, as happened with the demon race, a great ally of ours. People of the Lumeria kingdom, do you want to give up? Do you want to see how your sons and daughters are raped and killed in front of your eyes without doing anything? Do they want to see their relatives die without doing anything? Tell me! Do they want to fight and be remembered as a race that did not give up and fought to the end, or as a race that died cowardly? Tell me, you want to fight! Tell me, you want to continue fighting with honor until the end, like true warriors! Because I, yes, I will fight to the end for my people and my race. I can't promise you that we will win, but I will tell you that at least we can put up a good fight and buy time for some people to escape.
[The king shouted with all his voice towards the people of the kingdom of Lumeria. Everyone, upon hearing his words, wanted to fight to the end and not die without doing anything, watching how their loved ones were killed. Everyone raises their hands and shouts loudly, and begins to see their flag, which was up above, where everyone could see it, which proudly represents the human race.]
- Mey: The king's speech was great!
- Yes, Mey, it was great.
- King: Heroes, the enemy races are approaching. We only have five hours until the battle. I trust you, heroes. I know we will put up a real battle.
- Daichi: Yes, my king, trust us. We will give these foolish races a real battle.