[More than 100 years ago there were seven types of breeds: demons, angels, fairy, semi -human, high dwarfs, elves and humans. These were the races that existed at that time, but the gods got out of the heavens and, on a rainy night, they attacked the race of demons and killed everyone. Thus, the gods decided that it was the beginning of a new era: the era of the gods. Thus began a war where the other races supported the gods seeking the extinction of the human race.]
- Doctor: Heroes, I know they are listening to me. I will tell you the most basic: you were created by me. They will have the mission of saving the human race. They are the twelve heroes; You were created with the last twelve Vitae Gems. These will be put in their hearts and give them a high healing capacity; They may heal any wound or part that has been damaged, but they can die if, unfortunately, they are transferred in the heart please end with this war ...
100 years later ...
Capsule opening!
??: What are these things? Why are there humans within them? Will they be alive?
Open capsule! Open capsule, open capsule!
- Where am I? (Who is that man with iron armor?)
Knight: Are they alive? They will be enemies ... (shit, I don't know).
- My brothers and sisters are already waking up ... Hello, gentleman? Where am I? Who are you?
Caballero: I am one of the gentlemen who has the obligation to protect this kingdom, the last one left throughout the earth.
- That? Does that mean that humanity is losing a war?
Knight: Yes, humanity is about to get to an end. I have the duty to protect King Kaelith from the Lumeria kingdom, who is the last hope with its inhabitants. And who are you, mysterious boy?
- Sorry, I haven't introduced myself. My name is Catter, one of the twelve heroes.
Knight: Heroes? Are you heroes?
- Yes, we are the twelve heroes chosen to save humanity.
Knight: You, heroes, you can help us end this war between races and gods!
- Sure, quiet, gentleman. We were made to help humanity, but can you tell me who we fight for while my brothers wake up?
- Although tell me, mysterious gentleman, why is humanity reaching extinction?
Knight: Sure, I have not told you what is happening and why the human race is coming to an end. There is only the last kingdom that exists of the human race, and it is Lumeria ...
- [The gentleman inhales sadly on his face.]
- Knight: The truth is that 180 years ago the gods created seven races: angels, fairies, elves, high dwarfs, semi -human, demons and, finally, we humans. But, 105 years ago, they decided to eliminate a race: the race of demons. Because of that, there was an unbalance of power among the six races that remained. We, the human race, were the most affected, since we cannot use magic. We are the only race that cannot use magic.
- Knight: For that reason, we are the weakest and little by little we were conquered and subjected to slavery that were alive in the conquered lands. Many are killed and there are no more of us ...
- I see, so this is the last city that is standing from all the others.
- Knight: That's right, hero. This is the last city standing, and if it falls, the human race will cease to exist.
- Hey, Caballero, what was the race that was eliminated by the gods?
Knight: It was the race of demons.
- Why, Knight? Why did they eliminate it?
- Knight: Even if you don't believe it, they were the strongest race and banned wars between races. But when it was eliminated by the gods, the race of Los Angeles remained as the strongest.
- So what race is the one that is conquering us?
- Knight: All, except the semi -human and elves. And the five gods have no mercy on us; They hate us with their whole being.
- Shit! Then it is time to fight for three races at the same time and against gods. Could it be that we can win?
Knight: Yes, unfortunately, we no longer have salvation. Our end is coming.
- Akira: AAAA! Then it's time to fight them. It doesn't matter if we die; We will protect humanity as it gives, right?
[Akira says it with a smile on the face.]
- Since when are you awake, brother?
- Akira: Since the knight began to talk about races.
- Well, you are already informed against which breeds we are going to face, Akira. I hope you are prepared, brother.
- Hana: I also want to fight.
- Sister! Give me a hug!
[Catter throws himself on his sister Hana's arms, but he dodges him, causing him to fall to the face of face.]
- Sister, why are you so bad? You only care about fights.
- Hana: You're right, little brother, but you know I don't like hugs.
- Haruki: And me? Are you not going to greet me, brother Catter?
- No, you don't, Haruki. If I hug you, you will never release me.
- Haruki: Hahahaha, you never change, brother.
- Of course not, I'm still the kind and good boy, right?
- Haruki: Yes, yes, you never change, catter.
[Haruki strokes catter's head while smiling.]
- Rin: Hol ... Hello, guys, how are you?
- Haruki: Ah, Hello, little sister.
- Hana: finally wake up.
- Rin: I'm sorry, it's ... is that ...
- Don't apologize, Rin. You know she has no feelings.
- Hana: What did you say, shit brat?
- Daichi: stop fighting, you two.
- Hana: Lo ... I'm sorry, brother. It is that Catter takes me out of what.
- Daichi: Stop fighting, please. Just take better.
- Sorry, older brother.
- Ken: How are my brothers and sisters?
- Shut up, Ken.
- Ken: But what do we tell the young man? Daichi scolded you. Hahaha.
- Hmph. (Why did he have to get?)
- Daichi: Brothers, help to take Mei, Emi and Aiko.
- Ok, brothers, let's help our sisters ...
- Daichi: Hey, gentleman, have you seen two other heroes, just like us?
- Knight: Yes, they are outside. I think my comrades had to have taken this place outside if it is gigantic