Chereads / Mystery Tales Under the Moonlight / Chapter 49 - Chapter 49: Things Remain the Same, But People Change (1)

Chapter 49 - Chapter 49: Things Remain the Same, But People Change (1)

Chapter 49: Things Remain the Same, But People Change (1).


Amidst the uproar in the stands and the audience's discussions, some were silently observing alone, as if uninterested in joining the lively and delightful chats.

"…Tsk." Lilith clicked her tongue internally, "Why is my opponent so weak! Annoying… I want a strong opponent, boo boo! This is unfair, unfair!"

Despite her outwardly indifferent expression, she was complaining like a child in her mind.

But honestly!

The match was quick and unenjoyable; the others were lucky, but I faced useless scum!

While walking out of the arena amidst the audience's applause, her eyes turned to a black-haired boy sitting with some people, laughing as if he were about to faint.

Since she's frustrated anyway… why not vent her frustration a little?

She smiled like the kind girl she is and quickly went towards the group.

The battles were nearing their end; only a few remained.

"Right, Leon, what happened with those teachers? You came sooner than expected."

"Myeh, not by much; I told them I don't intend to participate in any power struggle here and that it wouldn't please my master, as he'd be angry if anything were to happen to me."

"What? Master? Since when do you have a master?" Lloyd questioned.

"I don't, you fool who became smart; they think I have a teacher since I'm this strong, and since I'm unknown, they don't know who my teacher is."

"Hmm, no need to insult every time, though." Lloyd thought to himself for a moment and continued, "I understand now; it's logical to believe that your teacher is a powerful secret expert. You established that impression to make them stop trying to catch you?"

"Not exactly, but there's some truth in your words."

"That's not what I was asking, Leon." Loki shook his head.

"And? Regarding the attempted murder, it was just problematic procedures; they don't care, especially since they tried to check for themselves. I didn't intimidate the boy without precaution, you know?"

"I already know all that; what I mean is, about the person who manipulated the opponent I faced; did you find out who it was?"

"Not exactly… I narrowed down my options, and it should be one of three people; I'll investigate them later; you just focus on what you let slip, Loki."

Saying that, Leon's eyes turned to someone.

"Thank you, brother… you're right; I've missed a lot already."

"Don't worry; just don't mess it up."

"I won't, not anymore."

Loki's eyes flickered as he saw her from afar.

A young woman with white hair and unique violet eyes sat alone, lost in thought.

His older sister, the person he lived with longer than anyone in his family.

Someone who sacrificed her life to not lose him and, at the same time, regretted not spending enough time with her.

[Anyway, there was really no need to plan that much; I told those old men I'm going to class (D), and they were showing surprised expressions, but I know more than to be deceived; they already know.]



Hearing his words, everyone sighed in annoyance.

So all this confusion was pointless?

"This is annoying; I underestimated them, but it doesn't matter; they won't interfere anyway." Leon's eyes flickered coldly.

[The power struggle in the academy is related to student results and the class as a whole. It's just some marine resources; it's not as if a war will break out because of that; no need for the elders to interfere.]

[At most, they'll try to get us with some suppressive methods, but that's all; they won't overdo it.]

While playing rock-paper-scissors with Logan, Raphael concluded the guess.

"Guys, I'm going somewhere; I'll be back soon." Lloyd said as he stood up.

"Where to?"

"You'll know when I get back."

The others looked at Lloyd for a bit and returned to what they were doing.

"I was overthinking unnecessarily." Leon sighed.

"What exactly was the young master overthinking?"

He heard whispers behind his ear; the girl's quiet and sweet voice entered his ears.

"Young lady… isn't it impolite to surprise me with your graceful voice like that? This young man here might be flustered."

"Ohoho, how could such a humble young lady surprise the esteemed young master?"

The two's routine conversation began like this every time they met.

"Eloquent, what my ears hear."

"Seeing him act like this makes the blind grateful for being so."

"Leon's twin sister; she's definitely his twin sister!"

"Ignore them… my turn now!"

The others didn't want to participate in these two's conversation or pay attention to the audience's surprised shouts at the situation.

They finished playing rock-paper-scissors among themselves to determine who would go get food.

"Do they really know each other?"

"Their relationship seems really close… I'm jealous!"

"But… since when does Young Princess Lilith know this savage? There are no rumors or news about it."

"It might be a secret relationship, like those in stories? Kyaa~"

"There's definitely a history between them; remember when she said before that they shouldn't ruin what they've worked on for a long time, what could it be?"

[Gossip spread like wildfire, really.]

[Certainly; these fools will be my future wallet, kikeki.]

[Humph, what do you mean by your wallet? It's our wallet!]

[Yes, yes; my wallet, your wallet; what's the difference?]

[There's definitely a difference; don't interpret words as you wish! Anyway… do you really intend to enter the lower class?]

[Yes, of course; what? Are you curious?]

Leon sat in his seat haughtily; when annoyed by people's nosy stares, he roared at their faces like a beast.

What are you looking at, you bastards… grrr!

"Shush shush; the sky is beautiful today."

"Yes… the moon makes the night really clearer."

"It's noon."

"Just shut up and accompany me; can't you see that beast looking at us as if he wants to kill us? Just ignore me!"

The audience began to claim they were minding their own business, trying to avoid Leon's murderous gaze.

Lilith put her hand in front of her mouth and laughed slightly; she sat beside Leon.

When she sat beside the boy, the ferocity on Leon's face towards the audience lessened, though his face was still sullen.

"Humph." He snorted coldly while looking away from Lilith.

[Wow, what impeccable acting. Anyway, of course I'm curious; shouldn't I know what my partner is doing?]

[Ooh, what a nice thing to say.]

Leon sneered slightly.

[Of course, it's nice; who's the madman who would abandon a walking treasure? I must know what my partner is doing so I can reap the benefits!]

[What a rude thing to say with such a smile… I liked this.]

[Okay, okay; young master, so what's your intention in entering class (D)?]

[It's simple, young lady; I want to build my own forces; the lower class is the best place for me; there are no nobles with families who want control, not to mention the low standards for communication, unlike the weak in the upper classes; I prefer the weak in the lower classes.]

[…What a truly simple reason, but coming from you, I have an ominous feeling…]

[That's it… wait! What ominous feeling? I'm a noble and honest person; don't question my honesty!]

Many memories of Leon since his arrival flashed in Lilith's mind—the violent beatings, the exaggerated mockery, his play in the arena earlier, and more.

[Yes, you're very honest; the sun will rise from the west if I question your honesty, young master.]

…Doesn't the sun always rise from the east?

[Thinking about it, where are your guards? I don't see them with you today.]

[Oh, not much; I sent them to the young princess of Cairo.]

Leon's gaze turned to where the Cairo princess was sitting; he could see that she was smiling mysteriously at the people kneeling before her.

[Did you decide you'll support her or what?]

[No… it's still too early to choose someone to support in the succession battle, but of course, according to the young master's decision, this little one will change her mind.]

[Enough with your flimsy attempts; I won't decide yet.]

[Hehehe, reserved as always.]

[Yes, you say that, who was about to cry when she didn't find a strong opponent to fight? That was obvious to me from your expression, which you barely maintained cold in the arena.]

[When… when was I about to cry? I wasn't!]

[Yes, yes; that's right~]

Lilith looked at Leon with a slight frown, while his smile widened.

[…Your annoyance is amusing.]

[It's not!]

"All students taking the class determination exams, there's a new announcement."

An imposing and heavy voice made the air vibrate.

The last battle in the arena ended, and eyes turned towards the source of the voice.

A person with short black hair was floating in the air; his black eyes were like a deep black sea.

Above the teachers' room, he could be seen; his cold voice pierced everyone's ears; the Barbarian Hunter, supervising professor Deus.


Leon and Lilith looked at each other, then their eyes turned to that person.

The others who hadn't finished their chatter also looked at the person floating in the air.

Lloyd, who wasn't here earlier, seemed to be walking with someone.

Specifically, he was walking with a young woman.

Her blue hair fluttered with the winter breeze; her deep black eyes were calm.

Her school uniform was long and modest, concealing her body; the girl wore a blue scarf.

The young woman walked silently behind Lloyd, and the boy was silent in return; an atmosphere of calm and serenity prevailed over the two.

"They're here! It's the young lady Lloyd fought earlier, and we suspected they were in a relationship!"

"It's impossible for him to do something like getting along with a girl; that's hard for him… you bastard, what were you doing absent all this time?"

"Grass-eater, it seems you're listening, huh?"

"Our little one grew up, our little one grew up; I feel proud as a father…"

"Raf, you're not a father; you're both the same age; and also, stop those artificial tears; it's disgusting."

The atmosphere was quiet, at least, before the others saw the atmosphere between them.

The two's calm expressions instantly disappeared, and their faces became flustered and embarrassed.

"Guys… give me a moment to explain…" Lloyd spoke in a low, flustered voice.

"Stop it, guys; they're embarrassed."

Loki scolded the others and approached them.

Lloyd looked gratefully at Loki; at least there's one sensible person…

Loki put his hand on Lloyd's shoulder and spoke in a sincere voice, "He may not be the best guy, but he's a kind person; I hope you take good care of him."

Forget that, he's the worst!

The person Loki was talking to was Selena.


The girl took a moment to understand Loki's words, and when she did, she felt like her head exploded; the girl's face turned very pink.

While flustered, she quickly gestured in the air, as if saying it was a misunderstanding.

"This… this is a misunderstanding; let me explain!" Lloyd shouted in embarrassment and wanted to explain.

Loki frowned and said, "Come on, man; no need to lie to me; I understand; we all do; isn't that right, guys?"

"One hundred percent."

"I support you, Sa-hyoung; I may not have much money, but I still have some in my family's house; I'll support you with all I have!"

"This bastard… he's grown up so much without me noticing."

Fatherly tears fell from Raphael's eyes as he wiped them with a handkerchief.

"As Loki said, he's a kind young man despite appearances; take good care of him, my sister-in-law."

"That's not it! We're just acquaintances, guys; don't jump to conclusions so easily; I've known her for a while, nothing more!"

Lloyd couldn't take the embarrassment anymore and shouted in annoyance.

…Seriously, these friends never listen.

"Yes, yes; the story of old acquaintances and all; it's fine, man."

While it seemed like they didn't believe him, Lloyd was trying to find a hole to put himself in.

This embarrassment was too much!

Selena, who had been flustered until now, seeing Lloyd's reaction with his friends, remembered Lloyd's words earlier.

"They might be a little impulsive, but they're good friends… most of them at least; I hope you'll get along."

The girl understood what he meant; a small smile appeared on the girl's lips; they were really kind people.

"Speaking of which… my sister-in-law—ahem, I mean, sister Selena, why haven't you spoken yet?"

Dio asked, sitting with Chai Nayon, trying to avoid her murderous gaze after she discovered he cheated at rock-paper-scissors.

"Huh? And did you guys even give her a chance to speak?"

Loki, who started the problem in the first place, said in a reproaching voice.

Selena looked silently at the group; she didn't speak, but she showed an apologetic smile.

"It's not that she doesn't want to… but that she can't."

Lloyd looked at her for a while, as if asking for her consent; after getting the consent, Lloyd said in a calm voice.

Silence spread slightly in the place.

For Selena, their reaction was expected.

This was the fate of people with disabilities; they always received "pity."

Selena didn't feel uncomfortable; she was already used to it.

While she was about to signal that she didn't mind…

The others opened their mouths at that moment.

"That's it? Thank goodness; I thought she hated us for a moment!"

"Everyone faces their problems in life; it's fine, it's fine, young lady."

"Yes." Chai Nayon nodded slightly.

"Don't scare us like that, Lloyd! Look at Leon; he's eccentric and short, but he's our friend anyway!"

"Shut up, you bastard; don't think I don't know you talk to your sword like crazy whenever you get the chance!"

Their reaction was unexpected; they ignored it as a minor problem.

Usually, this could be considered disrespect towards people with disabilities, but this was wrong.

People with disabilities didn't need pity; what they wanted was for people to treat them as normal people.

Everyone knew that; that's why they didn't pay attention to the fact that she couldn't speak and didn't delve into the issue.

Selena remained standing in her place, not understanding what happened for a moment.

Lloyd smiled slightly at the girl, "These are my friends; I hope you didn't get upset?"

The girl came out of her stupor when she heard Lloyd's words; she immediately shook her head as if saying she didn't mind.

"Oh, I forgot to introduce you to them; this is my dear friend Selena Arthur."

Lloyd introduced Selena to his friends.

Selena smiled politely as she greeted them.

"Selena, these are my dearest friends; this is Loki."

"Oos." Loki raised his hand in greeting.

"Dio and Raf."

"Pleased to meet you, sister-in-law." Dio said.

"As a father, I'm proud; take good care of him." Raphael was still wiping his tears with a handkerchief.

Lloyd tried to suppress his embarrassment by continuing his speech, who was welcome to Selena, whose face was already red.

"The rest… let's skip it."

"Oy! That's rude!" Leon complained from the side.

"Sister-in-law—ahem, I mean, older sister Selena, I am Fernando; I hope we get along."

"Chai Nayon; you can call me Nayon."

"Huh? You didn't allow yourself to be called that; that's cheating!" Dio also complained.

"Hehe." Leon laughed at his suffering.

"You're not allowed until I allow you," Chai Nayon said.

"So when will you allow it?"

"I won't tell you."

"I am Logan Hermes; don't hesitate to ask me for anything, whether it's beating those who try to bully or bother you, or beating them! Despite appearances, I'm really strong."

Logan smiled in his own way as he introduced himself.

"Young lady Selena, this humble girl is Lilith Chronos; I hope we build a good friendship."

As always, Lilith smiled politely.

"Tsk tsk, since no one will introduce me, I'll do it myself; sister-in-law, I'll say this from now on; this guy's a fool, but he's kind, and you won't find someone better than him; I'm Leon; as his older brother, I accept you—bwagh!"

In the seat beside him, Lilith hit his side upon seeing that he wouldn't stop.

"…You're doing this on purpose, aren't you?"

Leon didn't accept it and poked her forehead in return.

"…Painful." The girl frowned while staring at Leon with slight displeasure.

Leon only laughed.

Selena saw their interactions, and a smile cracked her lips.

"Due to some circumstances in the northern forest, the contents of the second test have been changed."

The supervising professor's voice reached the group's ears.

"…Okay, enough chatter; we'll talk later as we wish."

Hearing Leon's words, the others looked up.

Lloyd and Selena sat together, while Leon sat between Logan and Lilith.

Chai Nayon sat on Dio's right side, and Fernando sat on his left.

Loki was sitting in the front, while Raphael sat in the upper chair.

Because of Leon's intimidation, there weren't any audiences close to them, and most of the chairs were left empty.

"There will be no third section of the second test, and the rules will be changed; before moving on to the third test, all students must go to the Mental Demon Purification Hall; that's all!"

After saying those words, Deus turned into a flash of yellow light in the air and suddenly disappeared.

He didn't leave anyone room to talk or ask questions.

"Saying the northern forest… I wonder what happened?"

Leon's eyes flickered coldly.

That wasn't his doing, and since he decided to live there, he naturally wanted to know what happened in his new home.

Whoever you are, if you touch my things, I'll kill you most cruelly!

"The test contents changed? What happened?"

"I don't know either, but it's not the only time… though it's not common, there were some times when this happened."

People were discussing among themselves.

"Oh, right, Leon, since those old men were deterred by your teacher, can we act more freely in the third test?"

While trying to use Fernando as a shield against Chai Nayon, Dio seriously asked.

"Yes; basically, I have a plan to ensure I get a lot of money and, at the same time, enter class (D); hehehehe."

A sinister laugh appeared on Leon's face.

Selena wasn't flustered, and it seemed Lloyd had explained it to her.

"The thing is that we will…"

Leon explained his plan to the others.

Every time he continued to speak, the others' expressions changed little by little.

"A truly beautiful plan, young master; hohoho."

"Sometimes, I have to commend you; how can you be this considerate? Hahaha."

"I know, I know; hahaha; I really surpass myself sometimes."

Logan, Loki, Lilith; everyone except three people.

Sinister laughter escaped their mouths.

"Seriously… how can they laugh at such a heinous matter with such purity…"


Lloyd and Chai Nayon murmured.

Selena shook her head in disappointment despite her calm smile.

When Lloyd said they were impulsive earlier, I understood it more clearly now.