The early morning around 8:30, I stand in front of the mirror in my room as I bring my brush through strands of short black wavy hair. I've always been told my hair looked animated and my green eyes strengthened the comment.
"At least I'm not that short." I chuckle as I remember im 5'8.
The sun shone through the thin transparent curtains that draped over my window. I lift a hand to part the curtains, greeting the outside world.
The sunshine illuminates the room, causing me to rub my eyes lazily as I pull on my black jeans and button my white buttoned worktop.
"Hm. It's a bit loose" I say to myself as I point to the button at my chest. But I ignore it as I shrug.
"Off to work"
I sigh as I grab my black tie and make my way downstairs.
Although I live alone ever since that accident 3 years ago, I can't shake the feeling that everywhere I go I'm being watched mysteriously. I couldn't stand the cool breeze that seemed to hit my neck, just as I felt eyes on me.
I shake my head as I push those thoughts to the back of my head.
Turning on the espresso machine, I make myself a quick coffee and take a sip.
"Blegh" my tongue spurts out, I've always been cat toungued, it made me wonder if I was a sloppy kisser.
I leave my house and inhale the gas from the cars speeding across the street. I walk along the path and take in the refreshing scenery, the grown trees stretching from the park all the way to the end of the city.
I arrive at my workplace. A coffee shop, 'Dandelion Diner'.
I push open the glass double doors open and walk along the tiled floor. I walk behind the counter, slide my white apron on and sign in for my work time.
My boss walks past me and I greet him a warm "good morning sir"
At this point In the day my work begins.
I turn to notice a mysterious man in the corner, quietly sipping on his coffee, staring me down. I move to go behind the counter, and his eyes follow me as I move. I shrug it off, assuming him to be another one of those strange customers.
Work is slow but constant. I walk from table to table, giving orders, and taking. It was a repeated cycle of giving and going, until I come across a specific table. Seated on this table was a middle aged man and seemingly wife.
I take both orders and get a special request from his wife. Whilst writing their order down I happen to exchange a few glances between me and his wife. This man seems to take notice of this as he turns to me with a glare.
His sharp features hit me as he talks furiously "Are you trying to hit on my wife?!"
"No, of course not sir! I'm just doing my job." I bow my head slightly as the man inhales sharply out of irritation.
As I serve him his coffee, his wife thanks me and I turn to nod, a small smile appearing on my face.
"You've done it again!" The man accuses "I know what men are like and I know you want an affair with my wife!"
I clear my throat, to clarify my intentions. "Sir, I like men…" I say, but before I can really finish, I feel a hot brown substance staining my shirt and burning my skin. He threw coffee at me..
I look over to the man to see a horrified expression on his face.
"Im so sorry..- The man says, but before I can bring myself to respond, the same mysterious man from earlier gets in between us, towering over the customer.
In the light, I can see his features all the more clear. A neat bunch of dirty blonde hair, which swept over his face charmingly, and narrow brown eyes, which threatened to pierce through this poor man's soul.
"I believe we have a problem sir?" He smirks as his deep voice rumbles in his throat.
I try to bring myself to speak but for some unknown reason my face is hot and I've lost the will to say anything.
"no not at all it was a simple misunderstanding!" The man spurts out.
I take in a deep breath as I regain my composure. Suddenly the mysterious man turns to face me "I was talking to him" He argues as he grabs my wrist and takes me to a secluded area. A private bathroom..
"You've gotten your clothes dirty darling~" His soft smile reassures me but I take a deep breath. "Would you like to change?"
"No" I quickly speak up "These are my work clothes… I can't… I'm still working"
Suddenly the man brings his head closer and whispers in my ear. His breath hot against my neck.
"We both know this job doesn't give you as much money, and you're in desperate need, aren't you my love"
He whispers seductively as if he has a idea in his head just waiting to burst out
"I'm fine sir.. please excuse me" Although I know he's right. It seems awfully strange to trust him so quickly. But I can't shake the feeling I know him from somewhere and the tone of his voice just makes me wonder.
"Consider this an offer. 10,000 a week." He smirks knowing I can't say no.
"So..what do you say…~?" He whispers seductively