After Bren and Kim Min-jun talk about the large fire that happen Kim Min-jun realize on just how much damage he did in the thousand gold pavilion building and deeply think on how will he pay for the damage that burn to ashes.
Uhhh I can't pay right now maybe next time?..Kim Min-jun said while making excuse for himself.
Hahah I know that you don't have money just forget about this is just the branch of our business!..Bren said while laughing.
'he sure is filthy rich I burn the things here worth at least 50.000 Mero here!'.umm ok but still I'll pay you back somehow by the way I'll be going at adventure I'll like to explore the continent!.. Kim Min-jun said to Bren with a an excitement showing at his face.
After some time of talk to each other Kim Min-jun decided to leave the capital tomorrow as he's excited to explore the foreign world.
So you'll be gone for a while huhh it'll take at least 25 years for you to completely explore the continent are you sure about that!?.
Bren ask.
No I'm not gonna fully explore it I'm just gonna visit the popular places in here like the kingdome of the north, South, East,West I'll like to explore all of it!?.. Kim Min-jun answer.
Oh but it'll take at least 15 years at max for you to explore all of it!..Bren said while questioning expression showing at his face
It's fine as long as I can explore all of it because I haven't been able to leave the kingdome to take some fresh air!.. Kim Min-jun answer with a smile on his face.
Ughh I was just about to hire you as my one of personal guard but your gonna left for traveling ok fine here take this this should be enough to support throughout your journey!..Bren give a pouch of Money to Kim Min-jun to help him at his journey to explore the other kingdome.
While Bren giving the pouch to Kim was dumfounded and don't know what's inside the pouch and ask.
Bren what's inside this pouch and it's light!. Kim Min-jun ask Bren what's inside the pouch as it's light as a feather.
Ahhh that's a subspace pouch you can store at least 50 kilos of item in there and I already put a worth of 25,000 Mero in there so you won't go being a beggar while traveling but still you should accept some mercenary request to support your self!. Bren answer Kim Min-jun.