In a world where every animal has vanished, humanity stands on the brink of collapse. Fifty years after a mysterious virus wiped out all animal life, the once-thriving ecosystems have withered, and humanity's attempts to replace nature with machines have fallen short. The world is sterile, silent, and slowly dying.
Enter Ethan, a brilliant vet from 20th-century Earth, who died too soon in his world—only to awaken in this one. Bound to an enigmatic transmigrator system, Ethan is tasked with an impossible mission: to bring back extinct animals by traveling through time and across dimensions. From the smallest sparrow to the mightiest dinosaurs, every animal holds the key to restoring balance in a broken world.
As Ethan's daring rescues are broadcast live to a desperate population, he faces relentless threats—poachers, rival nations, and the unpredictable forces of nature itself. All the while, a dark mystery looms: what caused the extinction of the animals, and could it happen again?
With the weight of a dying world on his shoulders and powers that could change the course of history, Ethan must navigate a dangerous path, uncover the truth behind the extinction, and fight to restore life to a barren planet… one animal at a time.
Praise for Chronicles of the Last Ark: Reclaiming Life:
"A thrilling adventure of survival, science, and the rekindling of hope."
"A captivating blend of futuristic technology and ancient life, wrapped in mystery and suspense."