Zina's nervous habit reared its ugly head, and she started twisting her fingers as fragments and fragments of her discussion with the masked man came to her.
One thing had become pretty evident to her which was the fact that the man didn't intend to hurt her. It sounded twisted, especially in view of everything said man did, but her heart and her mind simply weren't in agreement when it came to painting the man as a terrible, psychopathic person.
"I was just wondering if you've caught him," she answered, avoiding the real reason why she was inquiring about him in the first place.
"No I haven't," Daemon answered carefully, "but I shall have his name on my desk by afternoon."
When Zina said nothing else, he said, "if that is all then I shall take my leave."
"That is not all!" Zina objected panickedly, "I mean, I've more things to inquire about."