Chapter 3 - prologue

Author's pov

A girl was sitting on the chair in an underground basement and thinking about something when a man came and tell her something as soon as she hear the words an evil smile appears on her face and anger is totally visible in her blue orb eyes ..

"I told you avyaan singh rajput i will destroy you destroy every single inch of you and i think it's a better start you can't even realise that you awake a devil now you just wait and watch "


On the other side

A man was sitting on the chair in his cabin peacefully his face has no expressions totally blanked face,but his eyes that hazel eyes it seems like theywant to say something,something that can't be expressed .

Suddenly the door of the cabin opened with a bang and another men of age around 25 to 26 came inside ,his face shown fear and anger as well.

He started talking to the man sitting on the chair

"Avyaan everthing is going out of control someone hacked our system and ..

Suddenly anger was visible on Avyaan's face and started saying "And"? "Open your fucking mouth ekansh and?"

"And that truck in which drugs are coming it fall into the lake driver died amd drugs they are just totally destroyed"

Avyaan eyes widened in shock "who the hell wants to be destroyed by coming in between my deal"

Ekansh was standing there quite coz he don't know what happens ..


In the night

On a Random beach

Avyaan was sitting on his car bonut he was holding a bottle of Alchohal his hazel eyes was moist and he was just looking at the moon  blankly suddenly a tear flood out on his cheek .

The night was so dark suddenly  light thunders so loudly and it starts raining it's seems like that sky is also crying with him .

Avyaan was crying and if someone sees him like this his heart will also melt Avyaan was crying so loudly he was screaming the hell out of it.Waves of see is flooding so harshly it was like whole nature tree ,sea ,sky everyone is crying with Avyaan .

"Ishikaaaaaaaa " he screams the so loudly" I love you Ishika please don't hate me i-i can't ishika i-just -can't i can't tolerate your hate please-try ,try to understant me forgive me 😭i love you i didn't want to hurt you i just want to make you safe please ishika please ....


💞So that's the prologue i hope  you like it .

💞This is a fictional book all the characters and scenes are imaginary so don't compare them with reality .

💞This book contains mature themes like drugs ,gun scenes ,sex , rape  etc. So if you are not comfortable please don't read the chapter after triggered warnings

💞If you don't like any part of this boom so please don't start abusing in comment section i don't tolerate any abusive things about my book .

💞for spoilers and information about story follow me on instagram❤


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