Converting my mana is easier said than done, I closed my eyes and I applied myself to visualizing the mana inside me, if I have to say how I perceive it I would say a calm expanse of water as the professor told me.
-<< negative feelings huh >>
- << Yes negative feelings allow this conversion >>
The professor answered my thought he was sitting on a chair and observed me thinking about the question.
- << You see emotions are a factor that greatly influences the use of magic >>
- << So everyone should be able to use dark mana these are the criteria to acquire it >>
- << No people can't use it like that, there must be a certain compatibility to be able to use this energy, even I who am here present do not have a very great aptitude but you your body can perfectly adapt >>
- << I see but tell me how this conversion is done exactly >>
-<< Well look at me >>
Saying to look at it the professor held out his hand and a bluish smoke appeared at the level of it, I knew that it was his mana that he was showing me all of a sudden the blue color changed to a dark and purplish color seeing that I was fascinated the professor continued his explanation
- << You see mana is an essence that living beings possess, it can be used in multiple ways giving them powers that can exceed understanding you will see in the future of people >>
-<< I assume that dark mana is one of these variations, isn't it? >>
-<< Yes, you understood everything >>
The way he describes mana and its multiple characteristics helped me to complete the information in the books on mana, magic is only a class in the use of mana and everyone can more or less use it but the special powers that people develop are what makes this entity so special in these worlds.
But while I was meditating on the professor's words, the professor's mana suddenly turned black and surrounded him, giving him a sinister appearance as if he came straight from the depths of the abyss
- << It's the dark mana that you observe, an ability that almost allowed one to reach the rank of OVERLORD >>
OVERLORD, the rank of beings who have exceeded the limits of their species to reach almost divine peaks of power
-<< Well, to help you, I'm going to send you my mana to force yours to change nature so you can remember the feeling of doing it >>
-<< Huh!! O O OK >>
Having given my agreement the professor condensed the dark Mana into a sort of arrow on this one a bit gothic design it looks like the professor is still in his emos period hum hum
Suddenly I started to tremble, he's going to throw it at me is that it no but damn
-<< Ha ha Excuse me professor you want to pierce me with this arrow no >>
To my question he started to smile and answered me
- << Yes that's right >>
To this answer I asked the question that any person would ask mechanically in fact I should even say naturally
- << Is it going to hurt? >>
He gave me the same smile and answered in the great calm
- << Yes >>
-<< Wait... Wait a minute..ARGH >>
I'm not dreaming he really pierced me, I saw the arrow inked in my chest, I even thinks she is sinking deeper.
But the most important thing is that the second after a pain took me like or burned me with a red-hot iron, I wriggled on the ground and little by little I began to lose consciousness
Hum!? nagisa he seems completely furious and rushes towards the professor
-<< >>
I had no more strength and I fainted from the shock of the pain.
Memories are the whole, of a sensation, an impression, an idea, a past event contained in the memory, that is why the most significant events of our life cannot be easily forgotten like your birthday party with your loved ones or your first kiss with your loved one but this storage capacity applies to bad memories.
That is why sometimes I wonder I would like to be able to select the best ones and forget the bad ones.
Yes, especially the event that changed my life.
An/ Hi I am the author of the work thank you for reading it, it is really an honor for me, also need not comment and to report errors to me.