Chapter 98 - Supper III

(Third Person POV)

The King sat back down abruptly, letting out a slight gasp as he panted, "Ah....." 

"Are you well?" Alicent leaned in to him

Viserys waved her off, "I am well." 

Rhaenyra had also leaned in out of concern, "Father...." She said as she placed her hand on his shoulder, "Are you sure?" 

He looked at her, "Yes, my dear..." He said weakly, "I just need to sit for a while." 

Aerion side-eyed him, scanning his posture as he sat. He didn't think he was in any condition to be moving around, the Bronze Dragonlord was able to tell that his movements were sluggish and akin to when he was bedridden. 

"He's pushing himself too much. He shouldn't have come out here...." Aerion thought to himself

Everyone looked at Viserys, expecting him to say something else. Otto was looking at his King, wondering if he should send for him to be taken to bed. The Hand's eyes wandered towards Aerion, who was looking back at his plate of food. 

He didn't say anything, merely scanned the young man with a careful gaze. He was recalling the conversation he had earlier with Viserys, about Aerion and his emotions. Nevertheless, he was not going to say anything just yet as he didn't feel he was part of the Family that Viserys was speaking to. 

Rhaenyra rubbed her Father's shoulder, "Just take it easy..." She told him, "Alright?" 

"Of course." Viserys smiled, "Y-Yes...." 

As this happened, Aegon leaned into Jace with a mischievous smile, "So you're getting married, eh?" He chuckled

Jace looked at him, "W-Well yea." 

"About damn time." He joked, "Unlike my Brother, I figured you'd be more up to it." 

"What are you saying?" Jace whispered

"Oh you know." Aegon chuckled, "Anyways, congratulations, Nephew. You finally have a chance to be with a Woman." 

Jace took a sip of his cup, "Alright..." he said

"If you need any tips, just come to good ol' Uncle Aegon." Aegon chuckled as he held his cup of wine, "Eh?" 

"Alright, that's enough." Jace said

Baela was hearing all of this, "Let it be, Cousin." She whispered

Aegon nodded, "Alright." He said with a smile, "If you say so." 

Helaena wasn't paying attention to the conversation, but Aemond was. He was looking over at his brother speaking to Jace, his eye occasionally wandering to Luke who was eating his food and speaking to Rhaena. 

"I mean....." Aegon said to Jace, low enough for them to hear, "If she is not content with you. I can-" 

Jace stood up, slamming his hands on the table in the process. This startled everyone, save for Aerion, who didn't seem interested in what was going on. Rhaenyra looked at her son, wondering what had gotten into him as Viserys frowned. 

Aegon was hiding his smile as Jace gave him a serious scowl. 

Aemond then slowly stood up, piercing Jace with his serious eye, not saying a word. This was an obvious attempt to intimidate his own Nephew, who was a bit taken aback by the action. Both of Rhaenyra's sons were obviously unsettled by Aemond's presence as they had their history. 

Right now, Jace was a bit shaken by this, not knowing how to proceed this sudden and impulsive action of standing up in response to Aegon's comment. 

"Sit down." Aerion suddenly said without looking up

Everyone's gaze went onto Aerion, who was casually eating his food, not looking up at all. 

Aemond shifted, "I-" 

"If you're going to say some words." Aerion said, "Wait your turn. Jace is speaking." 

Aemond looked at Jace who had a confused expression on his face, "Mm." He said as he sat back down

Aerion then glanced at Jace, giving him a slight nod. 

Jace picked his cup up and raised it, looking at Aegon, "I..." He said before clearing his throat, "A toast. To my Uncles, Aegon and Aemond. We...uh...we grew up together, everyone knows that. And's true that certain circumstances have drifted us apart, but one thing has not changed....and that's the fact that we are blood...." 

Aegon looked down, hiding his sly smile but didn't say a word due to Aerion's gaze being set upon him. He was well aware that Aerion is not someone he wanted to anger, especially in a setting like this. 

"Here's to our future...." Jace continued, "I wish we can set aside our differences and prosper as Family...." 

Viserys chuckled, "Well-spoken, my boy." He said, "Spoken like a Future King." 

This comment caused Alicent and Otto to grimace, something that Aemond caught. And while he didn't bother to look in their direction, Aerion had a feeling that they were bothered by it. 

Jace slowly sat down, patting Aegon's shoulder. 

Aegon nodded, "Okay." He said softly with a chuckle

Rhaenyra cleared her throat and stood up, "I have something to say as well." She said as she looked around the table, "'s not easy for me to say...but it's true that this table is somewhat estranged to each other. My Siblings, whom I share the same Father, I am aware that we have not had the relationship we should've had...." 

Viserys looked up at her, a sad look in his eyes as Alicent did the same. The Queen furled his lip as she quickly looked away. 

Rhaenyra was looking at her siblings individually who were looking at her in the eye, except for Aemond, who didn't care enough to look in her direction. While Aegon didn't really show much of a reaction, it wasn't due to malice. Helaena gave her a sweet smile which Rhaenyra returned, the two sisters being the only ones that had a bond. 

"I..." She continued, "I wish that I could've been more present in your childhoods, to build a bond between us. But alas, that did not happen. And I do regret that terribly, but I am myself a Mother as well...Your Nieces and Nephews....they are your blood. So I hope that whatever differences we have, you see them as what they are, Family. And that you care for them like they were your children as well." 

Aegon glanced at Jace and tried to hold back a chuckle due to Aerion's gaze. He found that whole thing funny due to the fact he was close in age to his Nephews, but it was clear that Rhaenyra was referring to the younger ones that weren't present. 

"And I wish to say some words to the Queen....." Rhaenyra said as she looked at Alicent, "Your and I were once friends.....we were close.....we were sisters.....and I know some incidents have caused us to drift apart but I know that we shared one thing in common despite all.....we are both Mothers....and we love our Children. It is because of that Love for our's because of that we have drifted apart most recently. But I hope that it's the Love we have for our children that will bring us back together...." 

Alicent gulped, "T-Those are kind words, Rhaenyra..." She said softly

Rhaenyra nodded, "Y-Yes..." She smiled slightly, "My Father, His Grace, is right.....we are Family. Our House must not be divided. I hope this gathering between us brings us together closer than we were before. And I know that earlier today, Mine own Husband did something rather.....bloody....but he did what he would've done for any one of you; Fought for my Honor." 

She reached for Aerion's hand, squeezing it gently as she gave him a warm smile. Aerion looked at her, caught in the beauty of her wife's smile, completely mesmerized. 

Rhaenyra then raised her cup, "To Family." She said with a smile, "May our House prosper." 

Aerion lifted his cup and gave her a slight smile, "To Family." He said softly

Everyone, save for Aemond, did the same. 

Viserys chuckled as he looked at Rhaenyra, "My girl..." He said, "I am proud of you." 

Rhaenyra sat down as she looked at her father, "Thank you, Father...." 

"How the Gods smile upon us." He said with a smile, "My Heir.....she who shall become Queen so..." 

"My precious girl." 

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