Chapter 85 - Timeskip

[Years Later]

(Aerion's POV)

"Hm...." I said as I held a baby in my arms, "How many does this make it?" 

I heard Rhaenyra's chuckle, "That's my seventh...." She said softly, "And that's your fourth." 

"Four children, huh?" I said with a smile as I held a sleeping baby girl in my arms, "Who would've thought?" 

I looked at her, she was smiling, sitting up in her bed as I noticed she was sweating more than usual. She had just finished her labors and gave birth to another baby girl that I was currently holding. Like my first three children, I was with her. Well, I wasn't there for the majority of Visenya's birth, but I got there at the very end.

After a couple of years since the incident with Daemon, Rhaenyra and I lived peacefully in Dragonstone. Rhaenyra was very persistent in wanting to go for more children and after she gave birth to our boy, Viserys, she wanted more, saying she wanted another daughter at least. 

And now, here she was. A beautiful baby girl. 

I reached for her and wiped some of her sweat away from her eyes, giving her a smile, "You look beautiful." I told her with a gentle tone

She grabbed my hand and kissed it, "Thank you." She said softly, "And of the greatest sights...holding my precious daughter." 

"Hm." I smiled at her 

The doors opened and I heard Elinda's voice, "Princess, Milord, the children wish to see the Princess." She said

I looked up to see Jace holding baby Viserys as Elinda had Aegon in her arms, making their way to the other side of the bed, to Rhaenyra's left as Visenya walked over to me with Joffrey and Luke behind her. 

"Daddy." Visenya said as she hugged my leg

"My girl." I said with a smile, "Do you wish to see your sister?" 

She nodded, "Yes!" She said with a bright smile

I leaned forward and showed the baby to her as Joffrey and Luke leaned forward, looking at her. 

"Wow, she looks just like Visenya did when she was born." Luke said, "Doesn't she, sister?" 

Visenya smiled, "Pretty..." She said

I heard Jace's chuckle, "Yea, I bet she is." He said as she leaned Viserys to Rhaenyra, "Viserys was crying for you, Mother." 

"My sweetlings.." Rhaenyra said as she patted Viserys head

I leaned back and handed the baby to Rhaenyra who took her without hesitation, showing it to Jace who leaned forward with a smile. 

"Ah, look at this one.." He said with a chuckle, "So small and so precious...." 

"Mm." Rhaenyra said, "You were like that when you were born." 

"Is that so?" Jace said, "I thought I was bigger and stronger." 

"Who told you that?" Rhaenyra chuckled

I picked Visenya up sat her on my lap and leaned in, kissing her on the cheek, "Hm." I said as she giggled, "I don't remember Jace or Luke's birth, but I know Joffrey was small too." 

"I was?" Joffrey asked

I nodded, "Yes." 

"Was I small, daddy?" Visenya asked

"Yes, you were." I smiled at her 

"What's her name?" Luke asked as he stood there

Rhaenyra looked at me and then at him, "Rhea." She said with a smile, "Her name is Rhea." 

"Rhea Targaryen." Jace said as he held Viserys, "That's a good name." 

I nodded, "It is." 

I saw that Aegon was looking away as Elinda held him in her arms, completely uninterested in any of this. 

I chuckled slightly, "Come on buddy." I called for him, "You don't wanna see any of this?" 

He looked at me and then at Rhaenyra who was smiling at him, then he just looked away again. 

"Guess not." I muttered

"Ah, everyone is here." I heard the Maester's voice 

I looked past Luke to see him at the foot of the bed, his hands behind his back. 

"Thank you for taking care of my mother, Maester Gerardys." Luke said

"Of course." The Maester said, "My Lord Aerion, a word with you? I'd let the children get to know the babe a bit more." 

I nodded and set Visenya down, "Alright." I said standing up and walking over to him who was already at the doorway

He looked away as he rubbed his hands, "My Lord." He whispered, "I am glad the Princess is giving birth to healthy babies, I really am." 

I frowned, "Yea...?" I said

He gulped and glanced at Rhaenyra who was smiling while holding Rhea, "I believe this is the last one she can smoothly give birth to." He said, "Seven in a row without issue is a rare thing to do. Viserys was a bit difficult, yes, but he came out healthy. the girl.....this time it was a bit rougher than the last...and I'm afraid for the next one." 

I frowned, "Maester, I was there, everything looked fine." I said in a hushed tone like he was speaking, "What do you mean?" 

"The Princess is strong....yes, but she doesn't know her limits." he replied, "I am sure that the eight pregnancy will be tougher than the last. If she were not the Heir....I would allow her to do as she please, but....My Lord, you must convince her that this is the last....I cannot guarantee a safe birth, for her nor the child....."

I sighed, "Are you sure?"

He nodded, "Yes." He said with a grim tone, "I'm sorry. I am glad that the babe came out fine....but for the Princess's sake....I suggest this is the final one...." 

I nodded, "Okay..." I said, "I'll speak to her."

"Thank you." 


A lot has happened since the incident with Daemon. Rhaenyra was adamant about having another child right after Aegon, so we tried for another a couple of months later. By the time Viserys was born, Aegon was almost turning two. We let Viserys grow up a bit before even speaking about having another child We had so many things to do. 

I had overseen Jace and Luke's dragonriding training and even helped them get a bit better with the sword. I didn't leave the island; there were no problems, it was completely peaceful and nearly boring. Almost perfect. 

My sisters were warding at Driftmark after the whole incident happened. Princess Rhaenys didn't feel like they were safe there, considering that Daemon could return and do something to them. I agreed to it simply because I didn't want them to be separated from each other. As for Daemon, he was imprisoned for a whole year, King Viserys changed his mind after a serious argument shortly after the incident. 

After that year, he returned to Pentos, occasionally going to Driftmark to visit my sisters. I didn't really care about what he did, as long as he left me and Rhaenyra alone. 

Everything was fine; we took vacations to Runestone once in a while, despite what had happened. I was watching my children grow, sharing happy memories with them. Aegon was a quiet but happy boy, always enjoying his brothers' presence as Visenya always clung to me. Viserys was an even quieter boy who didn't enjoy others if it weren't Jace or Rhaenyra. 

Then, Rhaenyra asked me for another one. 

I didn't refuse her, of course, and we tried. And here we are, with another child, this time it's another girl whom I named after my Mother. 

Rhea Targaryen. 

I stood over her cradle as she slept, "Hm.." I said, "Aren't you a beauty...." 

I walked over to the bed where Rhaenyra sat, covering her face. 

I sat down slowly and sighed, "You okay?" 

She sniffed, I looked at her, wiping tears away, "It's not fair." She said as she looked at me, "It isn't fair, Aerion." 

"I know, dear, I know." I said as I reached over for her hand, "I'm sorry." 

I had told her what Maester Gerardys told me. To say she was upset would be an understatement. Saying such news after a birth isn't a great idea so I was really worried about her. I needed to tell her the truth and make sure she didn't get too devastated.

"Why can't I just be happy?" She said softly, "I wanted more....You know that...." 

"Rhaenyra, seven is plenty." I said with a slight smile, "Besides, the more we have, the tougher it'll be to handle them. I honestly don't know if I'll be a good father if I focus on too many things at once. I am barely managing by as of now." 

"But..." She looked down, "I..." 

I crawled into bed with her, wrapping my arm around her and kissing her on the forehead, "Don't worry." I said with a smile, "I think he's just worried if you want another right away, your body might not be able to handle it so quickly. Let's wait until Rhea is older, I mean older. A few years, three, let's say. Okay? Only then, we'll try again, okay?" 

She sniffed, "Three years?" She said

I nodded, "Yea, I think your body would recover. I mean I'm no Maester, but yea, let's try." I said with a positive tone, "Hm? How does that sound?" 

"I..." she said as she looked down, "Would you even want me in three years?" 

I frowned, "What?" 

"I..." She said, "I'm not getting any younger." 

"Oh, not this again, Rhaenyra." I sighed, "Look, you're beautiful the way you are, okay? I don't care. you are the love of my life. Tell you what, after you recover, we'll do it every night, okay? Obviously, I won't finish inside because you know....and if we do, we'll make sure you drink Moon-" 

"Oh it's easy for you, so full of youth and vigor." She cut me off with a sarcastic tone, "Every night, you say?" 

"Hm." I chuckled as I leaned and briefly kissed her on the cheek, "Up to you, I know you'd want that. But enough of that, my love." 

"Let's get some sleep." 

[Read my Novel: Cursed As A Dragon God ]

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