Chapter 152 - Epilogue: Bonus

[Sometime later.....]

(Aerion's POV)

"W-Wha....?" I said as I was strapped down to a bed, "What are you doing?" 

I could only see the dark ceiling above me, several people moving about around in the room as I heard chanting in a foreign tongue I couldn't understand. 

"The Jade Dragon Eye.." I heard the thick accent of the woman in black, "Gifted to you by your father..." 

I tried to sit up but I felt hands push me down as a leather strap fastened over my head, tightening and keeping me in place. I caught a glimpse of a woman standing to my left, holding what I can only make out as iron pliers. 

The woman didn't wear the black veil like the witches I was accustomed to; she wore a black attire, a cloth mask covering her face and I could see her features. She was foreign, I didn't recognize from where. She wasn't from Pentos or anywhere in the Free Cities, at least from what I can tell. She placed her hand on my chin as I tried to squirm free, seeing that the pliers were glowing red. 

"You'll have to hold still...." She said with an even thicker accent than the rest, "To remove the old one." 

"S-Stop!" I managed

I then felt as the pliers burned through my flesh, an overwhelming feeling of pain shot all throughout my head and down to my body. I then felt hands all over my body, keeping me down as it jerked around in response. The pain was intense, it was piercing and hot like a burning dagger had been plunged into my eye-socket. I think it felt that painful since it was on one of the most sensitive parts of the body; the eye. But this eye was long lost and my wound had barely healed, yet, they decided to reopen it. 

"AAGGHHH!!!!" I yelled out in pain, "AHHHH!!! G-gAHHHH!!!" 

I closed my eye and felt the other dead one being slowly ripped apart from my head, nothing but a burning sensation remained where it used to be. 

I coughed, "Hnngghh!!!" I groaned

I then opened, seeing through the tears of pain as the witches threw some strange green dust over my body as they chanted. The moment the dust came in contact with my face, everything went numb. 

"To feel to feel alive...." the woman said as she held something I recognized in the pliers, "The more painful a procedure is, the better. That means you're still breathing. When it comes to a point where you don't feel pain, then you are naught but a corpse." 

"W-What...." I panted heavily

I felt two hands on my head and saw the Witch from before, "We found this in your Wife's quarters..." she said, "You gave it to her, as a token of good fortune....oh, tsk silly boy...." 

"What are you saying...?" I panted

"Jade Dragon Eyes do not bring good fortune." The Witch said, "They are just relics, that is all. But they have their use." 

The other Woman placed her hand on my chin and clutched it firmly, "Hold still." She said, "This won't hurt much, at first. After, you'll feel a pain far worse than you've ever experienced..." 

I felt as something was lodged into my eye-socket, a disturbing and uncomfortable pain followed, but nothing like having an eye ripped out. 

"Ah...." I gasped

"Good boy." The Witch said as she leaned in and kissed my forehead, "You are doing good...." 

"What are you doing to me?" I asked

"It matters not to you.....You agreed to this...." She said, "To keep our hands off her. We'll keep our word. In the meantime, your body is ours.." 

"H-Helaena..." I said softly as I panted

"The pain is about to start." The Woman said as she held a strange metallic needle, connected to a clear tube that contained a strange green liquid, "Keep still." 

I felt the needle pierce through my eye-socket and suddenly, everything went black. 


"W-Why....." Helaena said softly as she patted a wet rag above my brow, "Why are you doing this?" 

I looked down, "I have to." I said softly

We sat in our room, inside a Manse, somewhere in Essos. It had been months since I was brought here, months since everything ended. The Witches gave me a choice; to aid them or defy them. They said that they would throw Helaena aside like trash should I defy them so I had no choice. 

I don't know how she came to end up here; I heard she had died. When I was cutting my way through King's Landing, I heard some soldiers crying out how they needed to avenge her. It pained my heart that she had died, but apparently, that wasn't the case. 

She was right in front of me, alive and well. Well, as well as she could be. 

She was sitting on the bed, cross-legged, looking at me with a worried face, "Aerion...." She said

She wore a simple white dress, her hair was tied up behind her, it had grown a bit since when I was reunited with her. 

I found it hard to be near her, much less speak to her. The past couple of months were difficult for us to interact. We were on opposite sides of a War in which both us lost something dear. In the end, my children survived but hers didn't. 

That broke my heart. 

It broke my heart that I couldn't see my children, that I couldn't see my boys, my girls....

But I suppose that's fair. 

If Helaena can't see her children, then I suppose neither can I. 

She moved away, placing a pillow on her lap as she looked at me, "You're in pain...." She said softly

I looked away, "Yes." 

"You're never in pain." She said

"What makes you say that?" I asked

"You're Aerion Targaryen." She told me

I stood up, "Go to sleep, Helaena." I said as I walked away

"No." She called

I stopped and looked at her, "What is it?" 

"What are they doing to you?" She asked softly

"I...." I said as I lifted my right arm and touched the left side of my face, which was covered in bandages, "I don't know." 

"Why?" She asked, "Why must you subject yourself to pain?" 

"I deserve it." I said seriously before turning around


[Sometime Later....]

"F-Fuck!!!!" I shouted as I felt a burning pain on the left side of my body, "Aghhh!!!!" 

"Stay still." The Woman said as she plunged a piece of Dragonglass into my body, "Your body needs to be compatible with the grafting." 

"I.....I'm fucking trying!!!!" I shouted in pain as I tried to compose myself

"The blood of an actual dragon..." The Witch said as she stood in front of me, holding the glowing jar, "To think that one will be here in Essos, we lucked out. Once its blood is inside you, we'll use pieces of its flesh to graft you a new arm." 

I glanced at my left side, seeing the bloody bandages on the stump of my left arm, "W-What?" I asked, "What for?" 

"Don't ask questions." The Woman who dug the dragonglass deeper said, "You don't get to ask questions." 

"The magic in your eye has taken its full effect, healing that part of your head." The Witch said as she gestured at someone, "Take a good look." 

I saw some women, wearing white cloth masks, approach. They held a large mirror and placed it in front of me. 

I saw my own reflection, seeing the grotesque sight of my body covered in bandages that were bleeding. 

I panted, "W-What?" 

"Your eye." The Witch said

One of the women pulled the bandages off my left eye as the Black-Masked woman continued digging the dragonglass into me, nothing but pain overwhelming my body. 

"Hnnghh!!" I managed as I looked at the mirror

"Open it." The Witch said 

"I....A-Alright..." I managed

I opened my left eye, revealing a dragon's eye, glowing brightly, green in color. 

"Isn't it great?" The Witch chuckled, "You are most welcome, Aerion." 

"What....." I managed, "What is this....?" 

"Silence." The Black-Masked Woman said as she straightened up, "We'll begin the transfusion in a moment. After, we'll proceed with the grafting. It'll take a few days to complete. Inform the Targaryen Princess that she will be alone for some time." 

"W-What....." I said as I began to feel nauseous

"Soon, we'll see if you're compatible with the Embers." The Witch said, "I have high hopes." 


[Some more time later.....]

"I don't like any of this....." Helaena said as she stood under the tree on the hill, "Aerion...." 

I blinked, "I...." 

I don't know how long it has been. Every waking second that I can think of, it's nothing but agonizing pain, subjected to the prying blades of the witches that hold us captive. And every moment that I'm not their plaything, I'm with her, trying to console her. 

I'm trying. 

I just don't want to lose her. 

She's the last thing I have close to me that reminds me of my Family. 

She is my Family. 

I looked down, seeing my left arm covered in thick bandages. It was hard getting used to this limb, I was already grown comfortable with not having a left arm. 

All it took was my right arm to comfort Helaena when she woke up in the dead of the night, screaming because of her nightmares. It only took my right arm to comb her hair as she wept, remembering her children. It only took my right arm to serve her the plate of food whenever she didn't want to eat. 

Yet, here I am, with a new arm and eye. My left eye was covered by an eye-patch the Black-Masked Woman gave me as a gift. She called me a "good boy" for surviving her wretched experiments and kissed me on the cheek. 

It was all strange. 

It was all sick. 

When Helaena didn't have her nightmares, I had mine. I kept dreaming of the cold, of the North. The dangers that crept Beyond The Wall. Those dreams had meaning, I know they did. It's coming, That Thing is...

I looked around, seeing that we were in a beautiful green hill, the Manse down in the distance. It was one of the few times we were allowed to be outside. 

I sighed and looked at Helaena, "It's already too late." I told her, "It's done. What could we only do is get it over with and see it through." 

"Do you not want to see them?" She asked softly

"More than anything." I said

"And...?" She asked

I walked up to her and patted her cheek, "They will be fine." I said with a smile, "My presence will only complicate things..." 

"Aerion....." She said

I stepped back and looked to the side, "Aegon and Visenya are safe, thanks to that Lannister, Tyland." I said with a slight smile, "Aegon's egg had hatched and he now has a dragon he named Stormcloud. Visenya has no dragon. Baela and Rhaena look over them, they're both married as girl Rhea is safe in Runestone, Willam is acting as her father...I wonder how long he'll have left...." 

"How do you know this?" She asked

"The Witches have spies everywhere." I said as I closed my eye, "Viserys is in Lys. I have asked for a couple of favors to send protection his way. They found a Pit-Fighter to serve the Rogarre family who have him safe. As much as I long to see them, I am confident that they will be safe." 

I opened my eye and looked at her, she was giving me a worried look. It's that same worried look she always gave me, even when we were young. 

"Helaena...." I said suddenly, "I never got to apologize....for everything....." 

She crossed her arms, "You never needed to." She said softly, "None of it was your fault." 

"I....I killed your brothers." I said, "And Aegon....I should've-" 

"Stop it." She said shakily, "All that is in the past." 

"Just stop it." 


[Some more time later.....]

"A-Ahh...." I said as I stopped feeling pain

"Interesting." The Black-Masked Woman said, "You no longer scream." 

"It doesn't hurt that much." I said as I looked down to see her sticking a blade into my midsection, "Is that bad?" 

"It means you are no longer human." She said

I looked at her, "What?" 

"Not like you were one regardless." She said as she pulled the blade out and covered the wound with a cloth, "Countless hours working on you, I have fallen in love with what you will become. You are the perfect specimen." 

"You are sick...." I said with a scowl

"My name is Yin." She said

"Like that ever mattered to me..." I said as I clutched my wound

"You are ready." She undid my straps, "Step out of the seat." 

I stood up, almost stumbling. 

The doors to the chambers opened and the Witch walked through, followed by what looked like massive men clad in black armor, dragging several people with bags on their heads. 

"What's going on?" I asked

The Witch gestured at the men and they pushed the people on the ground. Then, I saw another woman in a black veil, a much longer one than usual, walk through the door. Her green eyes were glowing far more brightly than the other witches I was accustomed to. 

"This is our High-Priestess, Ren." The Witch said, "She is to oversee the Embers' embedment." 

"Xiu-shin, this boy is the one?" The High-Priestess said, her voice slightly distorted

The Witch nodded, "Indeed, My Lady." 

The Witch gestured at the men who immediately removed the bags of the people that where knelt down. There were three, two men and a woman. 

I narrowed my eye, recognizing the woman, "T-That's...." I said, "M-Mysaria?" 

Mysaria looked up and at me, "W-What? L-Lord Aerion??" She said with a shocked tone

I looked at the Witch, "What is the meaning of this?" 

I felt as Yin stood by my side, the Witch gesturing at the other men. I recognize one of them, I remember he was the one who gave me the Jade Dragon Eye back then. 

"T-The Grey Snake..." I said

He looked at me and widened his eye, "W-W-What?! No! You're supposed to be dead!!!" He shouted, "Where am I?!" 

"The Grey Snake and Sterling." The Witch said, "Right before your eyes. And the woman your Father chose over your own Mother. Tell me, Aerion Targaryen, who do you wish to sl-" 

Before she could finish, I walked up to the Grey Snake and clutched his throat with my left arm, which was covered in bandages. 

"W-Wait!" He managed

In an instant, I squeezed hard and crushed his throat, killing him instantly. The other man, a large and burly one with a grey beard looked at me. 

"Y-You monster....!" He said as I stepped back, the Snake's body collapsing on the ground

Without a warning, I swung my left arm at his face, punching a piece of his head off right off, blood and brains flying everywhere. 

I panted, "M-Monster?!" I exclaimed with rage, "It was you who killed her children!!!" 

I stepped back, seeing the two corpses of the man collapsed on the ground, blood pooling out everywhere. 

Mysaria had blood splattered all over her face, "I...." She said

I pointed at her, "Leave that one with me." I said coldly

"I'm envious." Yin said

"Shut up." I snapped

The High-Priestess stepped in front of me, her glowing green eyes gazing upon me, "Hm...." she said, "Magnificent. He will do. Do it, Xiu-shin." 

"Embed them into him." 


[More time later....]

"I've made my decision..." Helaena said as she sat behind me, scrubbing the wet cloth on my back, "I think...I can move on....." 

I nodded, "Right...." I said softly, "I'm glad..." 

"But..." She said

"Yes?" I said with a raised eyebrow

"If it's with you." She said softly

"I see." I said

The door to the room opened and Mysaria walked in, "A-Aerion..." She said softly, "Is everything alright here?" 

I nodded, "Yes.' 

She was wearing a black silk dress and had her hair tied up in a bun. She was wearing a collar with a bright jade hanging from it. 

"Alright." She said as she nodded, "If you need me, let me know." 

"Thank you." I said 

She walked out of the room, closing the door behind her. 

"Hm..." I said, "She can be clingy sometimes." 

I felt Helaena's arms around me, "Do not forsake me, Aerion..." she said softly

"Never." I said, "Helaena?" 

"Yes?" She asked as she hugged me from behind

"Am I a Caterpillar?" I asked

I looked at her, she had her chin on my right shoulder. She wrapped her arms tighter than before as tears flowed down her cheek as she smiled. 

"I...." She managed

"You held me...." I said softly, "While's strange, isn't it?" 

She forced a chuckle, "A-Aerion...." 

"She was there in the Red Keep, Helaena..." I said, "Rhaenyra was there when you said spoke the truth....and I never paid you attention...." 

"Aerion...." She said as she peered into my eyes, "You...." 

"I am a caterpillar..." I said softly, "I will be in a prison of my own making...and will emerge a new creature, will I not? Newfound wings, newfound life, eh?" 

"I'm sorry...." She whispered

I smiled as a single tear ran down my cheek, "N-No..." I said, "You don't need to apologize. I understand it now....." 

"My purpose..." 


"Mysaria is kind." Helaena said as we lay in bed together, wearing our nightwear, "When you're not here, she helps console me with my nightmares." 

We were on our side, looking at each other. She was so beautiful, her hair had grown back to her original length, just like her sister's.....

"I'm glad." I said with a slight smile

"I thank you for everything, Aerion." She said softly as she looked at me, "For being there...for me..." 

"It's the least I could do." I said 

"Still, thank you." She said softly, "I appreciate you." 

I nodded, "Of course. Always." 

"I've given it some thought." She said softly, "We'll need a new name, to avoid danger upon us....." 

"Is that so?" I asked 

"Braedaz." She said, "I think it'll be appropriate. Nobody questions Valyrian words in this part of the world." 

"That's a decent name. Straightforward....Bronze..." I said

"Fitting...for you..." She said

I nodded, "I suppose so." 

"What will you do tomorrow?" She asked me

"I suppose I have time to walk with you." I said, "You can hold my hand this time, if you want." 

"I would like that." She said softly

"Mhm." I said

"Do you think that if our Father married us instead, none of this would've happened?" She asked suddenly

"I don't think of that, Helaena." I said, "It already happened." 

"I'm sorry." She said as she looked away

"It's alright." I said, "Let's think of tomorrow, that's all we can do." 

"Right." she said, "Aerion?" 

"Yes?" I said

She looked at me, a serious look on her eyes, "Will you love me like you loved her?" 

I took a few moments to process what she just said. 

I let out an exhale, 

"I'll try." 

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