Chapter 124 - One Day III

(Third Person POV)

Aerion sat atop Vermithor, looking down at the sight he had just created, around fifteen minutes after he was attacked by the main Lannister forces.

There was nothing but flames and smoke that covered the field, a carpet of red and black, the sounds of screaming soldiers filled the air in a horrifying manner as the stench of burning flesh and melted rock was noted. 

Aerion Targaryen had won his third battle of the day. 

Within that day, he had defeated The Baratheon Army in the Battle of Tumbleton, killing Borros Baratheon in single combat. He then moved to Stony Sept, defeating the camped forces of Jason Lannister and burning the camp to the ground, the flames taking a good portion of the wall in front of the town.

Jason Lannister was executed shortly after the quick and one-sided battle and right after, the main forces that were barely returning to the camp began to charge at Aerion and Vermithor. 

It is safe to say that they stood no chance since Aerion did not bother to dismount his mount. Vermithor's flames obliterated the cavalry, infantry, and pretty much any member of the Lannister army. Some broke off and retreated, squirming away in fear of flames and death. None of that mattered to Aerion, as his job was already done; crippling his enemies' forces with ease. 

"Hm." Aerion said as he flew away atop Vermithor, "There goes that." 

Vermithor let out a triumphant roar as he flapped his wings, ascending further to the skies as smoke filled the air. 

Now, Aerion headed East, to intercept Criston Cole's Host. He was aware that there were probably more Lannister forces skirmishing with Rivermen deeper into the region, but he was not interested in interacting with his father. His main priority was crippling Criston's Host and returning to Tumbleton, where he was sure Ormund Hightower was going to be. 

Aerion was sure that the Greens were about to dispatch their mightiest weapon, Vhagar now that he had done the damage. But since the damage was already done, Aerion was not worried in the slightest. Two armies were crippled, the third and fourth were not going to take chances since the Black-Loyalists were about to take advantage of the momentum caused by Aerion. 

In a single day, Aerion Targaryen had shifted the favor to their side. But there was still the matter of Dragons and he was well aware. Vhagar was more than capable of causing the same amount of damage but the same could not be said about Aemond himself, individually. Aemond would need to stay mounted on his dragon to be a proper asset, unlike Aerion who was able to cut down through hundreds of men with ease. 

Aerion Targaryen was The Warrior Incarnate after all. 

Aerion had his helm on, he merely adjusted the strap on his chin as he looked ahead into the sky where Vermithor was flying. 

"Let us go now, Vermithos." He said as he patted the sack where the heads were, "We are done here." 


[In the Riverlands, North of Stony Sept]

There was flames raging on as Lannister soldiers scattered into the fields, running away for their lives as Tully Bannermen stepped to the side, watching streams of flames be shot at the enemy soldiers. 

The nasaly roar of Caraxes was heard as the Bloodwyrm's figure was seen through a wall of smoke. Lannnister men were burnt to a crisp as the massive red dragon crawled through the field, a dense stream of dragonfire shooting all over the ground. 

"Is that all you lot have?!" Daemon's voice was heard as Caraxes stopped a stream and let out another roar, "Fucking pathetic!" 

To the side, several Tully soldiers were finishing up Bracken soldiers that they had been fighting for the past hour. There were some forces of the main Lannister army, a few hundred strong, that had decided to attack some parts of the region but were met with strong Tully resistance. It got against their favor even more after a dragon showed up. 

Prince Daemon Targaryen had decided to descend into the battle after being bored in Harrenhal. 

Caraxes roared, biting into several soldiers that ran for their lives and swallowed them whole. 

"Hmph." Daemon said as he was atop his mount, "Is that all there is to it?" 

A few horseriders galloped towards Daemon, "Prince Daemon!!" they called

Daemon looked to the side as Caraxes shot flames into the distance, "Yes?" He said as the flames burned retreating soldiers, "What is it?" 

"We have just received word." He said, "Our scouts have stated they see the main Lannister camp at Stony Sept to be in flames." 

"In flames you say?" Daemon said as Caraxes stopped, shifting still

"Was that not you? You just got here." the horserider said

"No." Daemon said, "I just came from Harrenhal, Stony Sept is a bit down." 

The horserider nodded, "What do you think it is? Some attack by our fellow allied forces?" 

"Is there any sign of that cunt, Jason Lannister?" Daemon asked

"No, My Prince." He said, "From what we were told, the smoke is too thick and the flames are too hot." 

"Dragonfire, then." Daemon smirked, "It appears my son has flown out to War. Inform Lord Elmo that Aerion Targaryen has made his move. We gather back at Harrenhal." 

The horserider nodded, "As you wish." 

Daemon chuckled, "The gods will begin to weep today." he said, "The Realm will bleed. That son of mine is crazy for love." 

"He'll burn everything for His Queen." 


[In the Border of The Riverlands and The Crownlands]

Criston Cole rode on his horse, leading his army that he had successfully gathered after a campaign. Next to him, Ser Gwayne rode on his horse, looking around. 

"Has there been any word of the Hightower and Baratheon armies?" Criston asked Gwayne

"No." Gwayne said, "The plan was to gather in Tumbleton, but it is unknown what has become of it. They'll probably send word soon." 

"Best hope that they do." Cole said, "We need our armies and Vhagar to take Harrenhal from Daemon. I had already sent word to King's Landing, Prince Aemond will take flight soon." 

"That is reassuring." Gwayne said, "I find it odd that no movement has been spotted from Aerion Targaryen." 

"I doubt Rhaenyra has allowed him to act." Cole said

They believe this because Aerion had done his work without most of the Realm finding out in time. As they spoke, the Baratheon and Lannister armies had suffered a massive blow, their Lords' heads were in the possession of Aerion, who was flying in the skies. 

The gods were on Aerion's side, the clouds above them were thick enough for a dragon as large as Vermithor to fly over them undetected. That and Aerion's knowledge of quick routes that would be good for him to pass by without anyone noticing. This is one of the few factors that made Aerion Targaryen an incredibly dangerous enemy, something that even his Father was aware of. Daemon knew that once Aerion flew Vermithor to war, Fire and Blood would follow. What better way to display this than the Battle of Tumbleton and The Burning of Stony Sept. 

[a/n: I know he didn't burn Stony Sept]

Cole looked around, the open field before him and his army, "It is rather quiet, is it not?" 

"None of Rhaenyra's supporters will dare attack us in the Crownlands." Gwayne said, "And with Prince Daeron backing the Hightower army, they won't dare try to put a dent into it. As for the Lannisters and Baratheons, it's a different story. They don't stand a chance, however." 

"Hm..." Cole said, "If you say so...." 

Cole stopped his horse, feeling that something was wrong and he looked up into the air, seeing that there was slight shifts in the clouds. 

"Is something the matter?" Gwayne asked

Cole didn't respond, his vision focused on the sky as a creeping feeling filled his spine. It was something akin to dread, a feeling that something was terribly wrong. 

"We're in the open." he said

"Yes...." Gwayne said, "Now that you mention it, it wouldn't be ideal...." 

"No..." Cole said as he didn't take his eyes off the sky, "We're in the open, Ser Gwayne....." 

Gwayne looked up into the sky and narrowed his eyes, "Oh..." He said, "Well...I don't think..." 

Suddenly, a massive winged figure burst through the clouds, a loud and deafening roar being heard throughout the sky. 

"DRAGON!!!" a shout was heard

Cole scowled, "Shit!!" He said, "Get to cover!!!" 

Gwayne was still looking up, "T-That's...." He said, "Oh's Vermithor!" 

Vermithor was roaring as he swooped down, the figure of Aerion atop him was visible even from below. 

Aerion was holding the sacks that carried the heads as Vermithor had dipped down, "Well well...." he said as he looked at the massive army that was gathered, "The third one of the four." 

"Time to burn you." 

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