Chereads / House Of The Dragon-For The Queen, Not The Prince / Chapter 105 - The King-Consort II

Chapter 105 - The King-Consort II

(Aerion's POV)

"I'm here to see Lord Borros." I said after I dismounted Vermithor, who let out a deep rumble

The guards of Storm's End looked at each and then back at me, flashes of lightning illuminating the entire dark and cloudy sky as I stood before them. 

"O-Of course, Lord Aerion." One of them said as they gestured for me to follow them

Vermithor let out a growl as he leaned forward. 

I raised my hand, "Easy." I told him in high-valyrian, "This won't take long." 

I had flown to Storm's End to relay a message to the Storm Lord and while it was a quick flight, I had ventured into an impending storm that could make it difficult to fly. The clouds are thick and have covered the surroundings of Storm's End, the air was heavy with moisture and the winds have picked up rather quickly. 

I had to hurry. 

I looked at the guards and nodded, "Let us go." I said as I began to walk

As I took a couple of steps, I heard a loud rumbling off into the distance, a very familiar one. I stopped and turned to my left, seeing the massive figure of Vhagar rise from the ramparts of Storm's End. The Old Hag let out loud call, rearing her head up. 

"Tch." I said with annoyance as Vermithor stood up and returned the call, "I was beaten, hm? No matter." 

I glanced at Vermithor, "Stay. Do not do anything stupid." 

Vermithor looked at me and shook his neck, letting out a rumble as he lowered himself. 

I turned and continued to follow the guards. 

After a few minutes, I made my way towards the main hall of Storm's End, where Lord Borros sat on his seat, looking at me with a serious look. To my right, his left, I saw some young girls standing there while looking down. His daughters, I presume. 

To my left, I noticed the tall and slender figure of Aemond, standing next to a young girl as he looked at me with a sly smile. It appears that the serpents have struck first, sinking their fangs into the Stormlands. No matter, I'll try my best to persuade this man to our cause. It doesn't matter what Otto and Alicent do, I won't be dissuaded. And Aemond's presence here will not faze me. I was right to keep Jace or Luke at Dragonstone. 

If either of them were here, Aemond would've tried something, that's for sure.

I stood there, in the middle of the room, looking at Lord Borros, "My Lord." I nodded at him

"My Lord." Borros nodded back, "What brings you here?" 

I sighed and placed my hands in front of me, "I don't need to say, do I?" I said, "You're well aware of what's transpired, Lord Borros." 

"Hm. Perhaps." He said, "What of it?" 

"What of it?" I raised an eyebrow, "You're smart, aren't you, My Lord? Why do you think I, The KIng-Consort, have come all the way here?" 

"King-Consort?" Borros chuckled, "Did your Queen send you, My Lord? Just like the King sent the Prince here?" 

I nodded, "You could say that." I said, "The Lords of the Realm swore fealty to Rhaenyra when she was named Heir, your Father included." 

He narrowed his eyes, "My Father, hm?" 

"That's right." I said, "House Baratheon had sworn allegiance to Queen Rhaenyra Targaryen and I am here to confirm it. What say you?" 

Borros chuckled, "Is that so?" He said, "Well, Lord come here empty-handed." 

"Was that wrong of me?" I asked

"King Aegon sent his brother as an offer." Borros gestured at Aemond, who stood there quietly, "The Prince had made his choice of any of my daughters. What? Will you marry one of my daughters, King-Consort?" 

"Obviously not." I said 

"Very well then." Borros said, "If you can't make me a good offer, then I suppose you came here in vain. Unless of course....." 

I sighed, "What?" 

"Either of your Princes." Borros said with a slight chuckle, "Jaecaerys or Lucerys." 

Aemond shifted, but said nothing. I could tell he was bothered by this. 

"The Princes are already betrothed." I told Borros

"Fine then, Joffrey then." Borros said as he gestured at the daughters to his left, "Choose one of them, any is fine. Betroth Joffrey with one of my daughters and your Queen will have my full support." 

"Joffrey is but a child." I said, "Are you certain of this." 

"Well that's the only thing that can convince me, boy." Borros scowled, "But now that I think about it, I would be a fool to accept a marriage proposal between my daughter and your boy-princes whose dragons aren't larger than Vhagar's foot. Tell me, what do you think the wise decision would be? Vhagar? Or whatever your boys' dragons are?" 

"So dragons? That's the dealbreaker?" I asked 

"Vhagar is outside mine own walls." Borros said, "But Prince Aemond has been merciful enough to not threaten us with her flames." 

I felt the corner of my lip curl up, "Oh." I said, "Then you must truly be a fool." 

Borro's eye twitch, "What did you say?" 

"Cousin." Aemond spoke up, "What are you doing here?" 

I didn't take my eyes from Borros, "Speaking with the Lord of Storm's End. You?" I said, "What? You looking pretty?" 

"Fufu." Aemond said, "Lord Baratheon is a wise man. By accepting my proposal, he's received the safety that is Vhagar. Do you think your Bronze Cunt is a better choice?" 

"Matters not what I think." I said, "Facts are what matters. And the facts are that Lord Borros is a coward if he sides with your Grandsire." 

"Aegon is King." Aemond said

I looked at him, "Tell me, does he really want that?" I asked

"Mm." Aemond said, "Forget this." 

He unsheathed his dagger and tossed it towards me, causing all the guards to flinch and reach for their weapons. 

I saw as the dagger slowly slid towards me, "What?" 

"Let's pick up where we left off." Aemond said, "You were going to give me an eye." 

I looked at the blade and back at Aemond, "Are you stupid?" I asked, "We're past that, Aemond. Your Father is dead and my wife's throne was usurped. You think mutilating myself is going to make peace? The only thing that'll do that is if your brother steps down and all of you bend the knee to Rhaenyra. And only then, would I consider quenching your Ire. You stand in my way as an enemy now, not Family. And that's the last thing I want, however." 

"Mm. I knew you were one." Aemond said, "A coward." 

I kicked the dagger back towards him, "You're an angry little boy, that's what you are." I said, "Letting emotions dictate your actions. Go back to King's Landing and tell your Grandsire that. You can have the Stormlord if you want, it won't make a difference to me. Rhaenyra will get her throne, one way or another." 

Aemond stepped forth, "Is that so?" He said as he reached for his sword

"Enough." I heard Lord Borros said, "By the gods, boy. When Aerion Targaryen descends upon your home in a time of conflict, you thank the fucking gods it's as an envoy, not a warrior. I will not spit in their faces by allowing him to be harmed. Stay your blade. Do what you wish outside my walls, but do not spill blood in my hall." 

I nodded, "Well spoken, Lord Borros." I said, "I will pass along the message to the Queen. And for the sake of her friendship with your late father, I will see to it that your home isn't fully destroyed. Should War actually break out." 

Borros looked at me, "Do you truly intend to fly your dragons out to war, Lord Aerion?" He asked me as he clutched the sides of his throne, "Hm?" 

"Not all of them." I said as I turned around and began to walk away, 

"Just mine." 

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