"Eloria.....no.....this can't be real...." I look down at the bloody limbs on the ground, starring at remainants that could be from the person that had been by my side for as long as I can remember.
She was the sister I never had. Ever since we became friends we have been giving eachother little presents, nothing expensive of course because both of our families have always been far too poor to afford things that weren't absolutely necessary, but Eloria and I managed to make eachother happy anyways with things we collected and crafted for eachother. When we were nine we started hanging out under the big oak in her backyard, telling eachother stories and playing games we made up for hours. One of my most cherished memories is the day we decided to make that tree into our official friendship tree, a eternal memorial of the bond between us, a place that will remain even after our deaths. To celebrate that special day we made matching bracelets for eachother with strands of our hair braided into it so that we can always have a piece of the other one with us wherever we go. It still remains one of my dearest possessions, even after all those years and I keep it on me at all times.
"Hey, I'm really sorry to interrupt you and I really, really hate to say this but we should leave now, I just saw some infected ones coming in our direction.", Dion's voice managed to tear me out of the few happy memories I have, bringing me back to the cruel reality. Fuck.....I just want to go back to being a kid and fall asleep outside while looking at the stars with Eloria again....Life wasn't easy either back then but atleast I had Rein and Eloria.....But this?....All of this feels so fucking wrong....I've lost pretty much everyone dear to me in a single day.
My gaze drifts to the body part that faintly resembles an arm and I see a bracelet that looks suspiciously like the bracelet I gave to Eloria. All hope that this could be anyone but Eloria are instantly out of my head, she loved hers just as much as I love mine and never took it off. "C-Can you pick the bracelet up for me please?", I quietly ask Dion. I don't like asking for his help but I can't will my legs to take a single step. He nods with a pitiful look on his face and walks over to the body, retrieving the thing I asked for. The boy takes one of my wrists and puts Eloria's bracelet around it so that it's next to the one I'm wearing. "Come on, we should go now, it's not safe here.", he places his hands on my shoulders and starts steering me out of the house.
Gods, why couldn't I have reached here sooner? I have trained my whole life to protect myself and the people I love but when it mattered I was still helpless. I couldn't save anyone, I was too slow, why didn't I run faster? Why couldn't I do anything? I was so fucking useless even though Jaswyn-....Right! Jaswyn! We were separated but he's alive for sure! She was a Knight, she has many years of experience with killing infected ones. It's possible that she made it to that lunatic, Kurtis. I still don't understand why she told me to go to him of all people, but if Jaswyn says he's okay, then maybe I can give him a chance. I have to get to him just as Jaswyn told me to once I brought Dion to his house. I lost everyone but her, I can be depressed later, Eloria...Rein...Mom...Dad...they would all want me to continue fighting. I can't die yet, I have to get out of this town, I owe it to all of them.