Chereads / SCP: "The Rise of The Administrator" / Chapter 8 - Chapter 8: "A Catastrophic Day"

Chapter 8 - Chapter 8: "A Catastrophic Day"

Chapter 8: "A Catastrophic Day"

Léonard emerged from bed at dawn, his face marked by fatigue, bloodshot eyes, and aching muscles. He had spent the night immersed in a reality that defied comprehension. The sound of automatic weapons, the inhuman screams of SCP-939, and the insane adrenaline that had kept him awake had left him drained of all energy. The SCP Foundation was no longer just a fascination from obscure tales on the internet; it was now his reality. And that reality was anything but kind.

Looking at himself in the bathroom mirror, Léonard couldn't help but grimace at his own reflection. His disheveled hair and deep dark circles gave him the appearance of a zombie, barely functioning. He took a sip of coffee before grabbing his bag and heading out to school. Every step felt heavier than the last, his mind still drifting somewhere between the memory of the previous day's events and the constant terror of what awaited him.

Upon arriving at school, he was greeted by the incessant chatter of his classmates. But today, the laughter, the trivial discussions, and the shouts of teenagers seemed so disconnected from his own world. As he entered the courtyard, he couldn't help but feel a deep sense of alienation from the other students. He walked through without responding to any of the usual greetings, heading straight to his classroom.

Once seated at the back of the class, he rested his head on the desk, hoping to snatch a few minutes of sleep. However, his mind refused to let go, bombarding him with flashes of the bloodied faces of Delta-4, the mutilated bodies of the SCP-939, and the piercing screams of the Alpha. He shuddered at the memory of the battle.

The math teacher, Mr. Dupuis, entered the room with energy, striking the blackboard with his chalk to demand silence.

— "Léonard Gauthier?" The teacher's voice thundered in Léonard's head.

Léonard jerked upright, eyes wide, trying to figure out where he was. All eyes in the class were on him.

— "The answer to the equation on the board, Léonard?" repeated Mr. Dupuis, crossing his arms, looking slightly irritated.

Léonard stared blankly at the board. The numbers danced before his eyes, blurred by exhaustion. He opened his mouth, but no words came out.

— "Hey, Léonard, didn't you sleep last night or what? Stop touching yourself, it'd tire you out less!" called a student from the back of the class, provoking a burst of laughter.

Léonard felt his face flush with embarrassment as his classmates chuckled quietly. He mumbled something unintelligible before the teacher moved on to another student for the answer.

The rest of the morning didn't go any better. In history class, he couldn't retain any details about the French Revolution. Names and dates went in one ear and out the other. In English, he stammered miserably when the teacher asked him to conjugate a verb in the past tense. Even in gym class, where he usually excelled, Léonard found himself clumsy and exhausted. After a failed attempt to jump a hurdle, he tripped and sprawled out on the ground, catching the attention of his coach, Mr. Lebrun, who allowed him to retreat to the bench.

— "Léonard, are you okay? You're as white as a sheet," asked Sarah, a classmate, sitting next to him with concern.

— "Yeah... Just a bad day," Léonard lied, giving her a weak smile.

The last class of the day seemed endless. Léonard could only think of one thing: getting home and sleeping. When the bell finally rang, he gathered his things with relief and hurried toward the exit, hoping to escape before anyone else could talk to him.

But as soon as he stepped outside the school gates, he spotted an unmarked black car parked near the entrance. Two men in dark suits stood leaning against the vehicle, discreetly but attentively watching the students leaving. Their posture, their attire—everything indicated they weren't ordinary people.

Léonard felt a twinge of anxiety as he unintentionally moved closer. One of the men straightened up and calmly approached him.

— "Léonard Gauthier?" he asked in a deep but respectful voice.

Léonard nodded, suddenly feeling very exposed under the watchful eyes of the other students leaving school.

— "I'm Agent Marchand, and this is Agent Lefebvre," continued the man, discreetly showing him his SCP Foundation badge. "We've been assigned to escort you to Site-35. The Site Director would like to speak with you."

Léonard furrowed his brow. He remembered the notifications about Site-35, a new site under his command. But he hadn't expected to be approached so quickly by field agents.

— "I... I didn't know it was for today," he replied, still a bit taken aback.

Agent Lefebvre smiled gently. "We understand that this is all new for you, sir. The Director just wanted you to visit the facility as soon as possible. It will help you better understand your new responsibilities. There's nothing to worry about, we're here for you."

Léonard hesitated for a moment, but the two agents were calm, respectful, and kind. It contrasted with the cold, distant image he had of Foundation agents.

— "Alright," he finally said. "I'll come with you."

The agents escorted him to the car with impeccable courtesy, careful not to attract attention. They opened the back door for Léonard, inviting him to sit. Once inside, he felt the comfort of the leather seats and the peaceful silence that filled the car, a welcome respite after the chaos of his day.

As the car pulled away from the school, Léonard leaned back against the seat, closing his eyes for a few seconds. But he knew it wasn't yet time to rest. A new life awaited him, and Site-35 would be the first step toward a series of challenges he could never have imagined facing.