Chereads / Railroaded [Honkai: Star Rail] / Chapter 20 - Let the Devil Out [Part 2]

Chapter 20 - Let the Devil Out [Part 2]

Seele glides through Boulder Town's twilight streets, her footfalls whispering against the cobblestones. Geomarrow's ethereal glow paints long shadows across gabled facades, creating an atmosphere that would unsettle most. But for Seele, this eerie ambiance is home.

As she navigates the labyrinthine alleys, her mind drifts to her recent exchange with Natasha. The medic's worried visage flashes in her memory, concern etched into every line. A twinge of guilt pricks Seele's conscience, but she steels herself, knowing the gravity of their mission.

Natasha's urgent words echo in her mind: "We're critically low on medical supplies. The mine incident depleted our reserves beyond our initial rationing plans."

Seele's response had been instinctive. "I'll procure more from Rivet Town, Nat."

But Natasha, ever cautious, had protested. "It's too perilous alone. Have Oleg send backup."

Frustration had bubbled up inside Seele at those words. She understands Natasha's concern, but sometimes the older woman underestimates her capabilities. "Wildfire's exhausted," she had argued. "They need rest. They'd only slow me down. Besides, miners' lives hang in the balance..."

"I suppose there's no alternative... But you're skirting Vagrant territory - who knows if they've already overrun it? Perhaps enlist the Astral Express crew? They've proven their mettle. Please, Seele, for my peace of mind."

Seele's lips thin as she mulls over Natasha's suggestion. The Astral Express crew... Capable, yes, but outsiders. Can she truly entrust her safety to them in Rivet Town's treacherous depths?

Her reluctant agreement rings in her ears: "...Fine, I'll consider asking if they're awake."

Rounding a corner, she sidesteps a murky puddle, mentally cataloging Natasha's requests. Metal plates and bandages for immobilizing fractures, rubbing alcohol from the abandoned orphanage, painkillers from the lab... Each item a precious commodity in the Underworld's harsh reality.

Seele melts into Boulder Town's shadows, her destination fixed: the Astral Express crew's lodgings. She mutters under her breath, "Quick check on Xander, then I'm out." She shakes her head, pushing away Natasha's concerned voice echoing in her mind. "They've done enough. No need to burden them further."

A flicker of movement catches her eye. Seele ducks into a nearby alley, pressing herself against cold stone. Her pulse quickens as she peers around the corner.

Xander ambles down the street, alone, his gait casual and unhurried. Seele's eyes narrow. "How is he mobile already?" she whispers, recalling his injuries from the mine. Relief and suspicion war within her.

Her attention shifts to another figure. Bronya, the Silvermane Commander, trails Xander, her movements stealthy and precise. Seele's lips curl into a frown. "What's the Princess up to?"

Without hesitation, Seele shadows them both, her lithe form becoming one with the darkness. She follows as Xander turns down an alley, Bronya close behind.

In a swirl of ethereal butterflies, Seele materializes before Bronya, blocking her path. "Alright, Princess," she hisses, "explain yourself. What's going on and why are you—"

Bronya's hand clamps over Seele's mouth, her eyes wide with alarm. She raises a finger to her lips, urgently shushing Seele.

Seele smacks Bronya's hand away, her voice a harsh whisper. "What the hell are you doing? Explain yourself!"

Bronya grabs Seele's arm, yanking her deeper into the shadows. "I spotted him while returning from Chief Oleg's," she breathes, nodding towards Xander's retreating form. "He must be plotting something!"

Confusion clouds Seele's features. "Sure, it's odd to stroll this late, but why are you so worked up?"

"I must confirm he's the evil I suspect him to be."

"Evil?" Seele scoffs. "Right, your demon theory. You're off your rocker, Princess."

Indignation flashes in Bronya's eyes. "Didn't you witness his powers? His capabilities at the mine? How can you look at that man and not see the threat he poses?"

"He saved people I care about. I owe him."

"So he's ensnared you too..." Disappointment drips from Bronya's voice.

Seele rolls her eyes. "Woman, you're unhinged."

"I'll prove it to you—" Bronya's head snaps up. "Wait, we're losing him."

Before Seele can protest, Bronya grabs her hand and pulls her along. They weave through Boulder Town's alleys, always keeping Xander in sight.

"Honestly, Princess," Seele whispers as they duck behind a stack of crates, "I dislike you, and I normally wouldn't care, but we've fought side by side. So I'll be straight with you. You need professional help. What's this fixation you have with him?"

Bronya's jaw clenches. "He's a demon! You weren't there to witness it, but he sowed chaos in the overworld and threatened my mother's life. He injured dozens of Silvermane Guards as he escaped justice for his crimes."

A smirk plays on Seele's lips. "Well, no offense, Princess, but if what you say is true, many here would hail him as a hero. Your mother's reputation isn't exactly stellar down here."

Bronya's eyes narrow, but before she can retort, Xander turns another corner. They hurry to keep up, their argument momentarily forgotten.

Seele crouches in the shadows, her gaze fixed on Xander as he strolls into the plaza. Beside her, Bronya's breath catches, her eyes locked on a young girl with blonde pigtails and a giant, wheeled mining claw.

"Those are the Moles," Seele whispers, a hint of fondness in her voice.

Bronya turns, curiosity piqued. "The what—"

"Shh!" Seele clamps a hand over Bronya's mouth, her attention riveted on Xander. He leans against a nearby building, arms crossed, watching the children play with an enigmatic smile.

A scrawny boy in tattered clothes darts towards Xander's hiding spot, skidding to a halt as he notices the man. Uncertainty etches itself on the child's dirt-smudged face.

Xander's smile widens. "They won't find you here. I'm a mean, scary monster – why would they come near me?"

The boy's laughter is tentative, tinged with nervousness. "You promise to stay quiet?"

Xander nods solemnly. "Sure."

As the child ducks behind the corner, Seele feels a grudging admiration for Xander's easy manner with the kids. She watches as the blonde girl – Hook – begins searching the plaza, methodically uncovering her hidden friends.

Eventually, Hook approaches Xander, suspicion evident in her stance. "Who are you? What are you doing here?"

Xander's eyes sparkle with amusement. "Just enjoying the night air. It's quite refreshing, don't you think?"

Hook's eyes narrow. "Are you allied with the witch Natasha?"

Surprise flickers across Xander's face before he schools his expression. "Ah, the fearsome witch? I've encountered her and lived to tell the tale."

Hook sniffs, unimpressed. "I, Pitch-Dark Hook the Great, have faced her many times. But I haven't defeated her yet." She scrutinizes Xander. "If you're really on our side, tell me – have you seen Timmy?"

Xander pushes off the wall, circling the gathered children. Their heads swivel to follow him, backs now to the building where Timmy hides. "I haven't a clue where this person could be," he says, his tone exaggeratedly playful.

Hook's eyes narrow. "You sound too suspicious."

A chorus of agreement rises from the other children.

Xander raises his hands in mock surrender, a smile playing on his lips. "Whatever could that be for?" His neck tilts slightly to the left.

Seele's lips curve into a knowing smile as she realizes Xander's ploy.

"Why are you doing that weird movement?" Hook demands, jabbing a finger at Xander's face.

"What movement?" Xander asks innocently, his neck still angled.

Behind the group, Timmy emerges from his hiding spot. He crawls silently towards the "base," throwing Xander a mischievous grin.

Hook stamps her foot. "That! With your neck! Spill it!"

Xander's eyes dance with mirth. "Why, being a distraction, of course."

Timmy lets out a victorious yell, sprinting towards the base. The other children yelp in surprise, scrambling to catch him, but it's too late. Timmy touches the base, grinning triumphantly.

As the children congratulate Timmy, Hook turns to look back at Xander, whispering to her companion. "How'd you get such a powerful minion...?"

Timmy approaches Xander, hand raised for a high-five. "What's your name, Mister...?"

Xander returns the high-five with a gentle slap. "You may call me Alexander if you'd like. Or Xander for short. Whatever you prefer."

Seele watches intently as the children swarm around Xander, their eyes wide with curiosity. Hook, ever the leader, steps forward, her chin tilted up defiantly.

"Where are you from, mister? We've never seen you in Boulder Town before."

Xander's eyes twinkle with amusement. "I'm a traveler from far away. Ever heard of a place called Earth?"

The children shake their heads, bewildered. Timmy pipes up, his voice small but eager. "Is that another town in the Underworld?"

"Not quite," Xander chuckles. "It's a whole different world. Imagine a place where the sky stretches endlessly above you, no cavern ceiling in sight."

The children gasp in wonder, their faces alight with imagination. Julian, a scrawny boy with tousled hair, points at Xander's coat.

"Why's your coat all ripped up? Did you fight a monster?"

Xander's hand brushes the tattered edge of his coattail. "Ah, this? It's a battle scar from a fierce encounter with a particularly nasty Fragmentum beast. You should've seen the other guy."

The children lean in, eyes wide. Hook crosses her arms, skeptical. "If you're so tough, why haven't we seen you fighting monsters before?"

"I'm new in town," Xander winks. "But I've had my fair share of battles. In fact, I just helped your friend Natasha with a tricky situation at the mines."

Hook's eyes narrow. "The witch? You've met her?"

Xander nods solemnly. "Indeed I have. She's quite formidable, isn't she?"

The children nod vigorously, their faces a mix of fear and admiration. Seele can't help but smile at their antics, remembering her own childhood awe of Natasha.

As the questions continue, Xander answers each with patience and humor, his easy manner drawing the children in. Seele notices how he subtly steers the conversation, learning their names and stories in turn. It's a skill she recognizes from her own interactions with Wildfire's younger members.

Xander's demeanor shifts. He crouches down, meeting Timmy's eyes with a gentle but serious gaze.

"Timmy, when's the last time you ate?"

The boy fidgets, avoiding Xander's eyes. Seele feels her stomach clench, recognizing the signs of hunger all too well. She glances at Bronya, seeing the same realization dawning on the Silvermane Commander's face.

Xander takes in the visage of the gathered children. "Have any of you eaten today?"

The silence that falls is deafening. Seele's hands curl into fists, nails biting into her palms. She feels a surge of anger at the injustice of it all, at the system that leaves children to go hungry in the shadows.

Xander's voice is soft as he turns to Hook. "This nighttime adventure... it was your idea, wasn't it?"

Hook nods, her usual bravado faltering. Xander's hand rests gently on her ushanka. "That's very clever of you. And very brave."

Seele's breath catches as she realizes what Xander means. Hook had organized this game to distract the others from their empty stomachs. It's a tactic Seele herself had used in her orphanage days, when food was scarce and spirits needed lifting.

As if on cue, a chorus of rumbling stomachs breaks the silence. The children burst into giggles, the tension broken. Hook's face flushes as her stomach growls the loudest.

Xander's eyes sparkle with mischief. "Say, would you like to see a magic trick?"

The children nod eagerly, hunger momentarily forgotten in the face of potential wonder. Xander makes a show of waving his hands, muttering nonsense words under his breath. With a flourish, he produces a wrapped sandwich seemingly out of thin air.

The children gasp in delight. Isabella, a girl with pigtails, leans in close. "What is that?"

"This," Xander announces with a grin, "is an Overworld pork sandwich. Made from genuine Belobogian pork."

"What's pork?" Timmy asks, his stomach growling again.

Xander winks. "It's delicious, that's what it is." He turns to Hook, offering her the sandwich. "As leader of the Moles, why don't you decide who gets this?"

Hook takes the sandwich, her expression thoughtful. She looks at her friends, then back at the food in her hands. "We'll share it," she declares.

Xander's smile widens. "A wise decision. But you know what? I don't think one sandwich is enough for all these hungry adventurers."

With another wave of his hands, more sandwiches appear. The children's eyes grow impossibly wide as Xander distributes the food, making sure each child has their own.

Seele feels a warmth bloom in her chest as she watches the scene unfold. She turns to Bronya, a smile playing on her lips. "See? Nothing to worry about after all."

But her words die in her throat as she takes in Bronya's expression. The Silvermane Commander's eyes are fixed on the ground, her shoulders slumped. Tears glisten at the corners of her eyes, threatening to spill over.

Concern floods through Seele. Despite their differences, she's never seen Bronya look so... broken. "Hey," she whispers, reaching out tentatively. "What's wrong?"

Seele watches as Bronya turns away, her silver hair cascading forward to hide her face.

Bronya's whisper barely carries on the night air. "It's nothing."

Seele's lips part, ready to press further, but she hesitates. In that pregnant pause, Bronya swiftly swipes at her eyes, a dejected sigh escaping her lips.

Xander's voice booms across the plaza. "Hey, kids! How about meeting a real princess and her silent sentinel?"

Seele's head snaps up, attention yanked back to the group. Two more sandwiches materialize in Xander's hands, his golden eyes glowing with an eerie light that captivates the children.

Timmy's finger jabs toward Xander's face. "Whoa! Your eyes are glowing!"

A mysterious smile plays on Xander's lips. "I'm channeling my powers to sense the people of the town. We have two shadowy figures following us right now. But fear not, there's no danger."

Seele's eyes widen. She turns to find Bronya already rising, her posture tense.

"Seems our cover's blown," Seele mutters, pushing herself to her feet.

They approach the group, Bronya a silent shadow behind Seele. As they near, Hook's eyes grow comically wide.

"Gasp! It's Seele the soldier!" Hook flings her arms skyward in dramatic fashion. "Our most dreaded foe!"

Xander's eyebrow arches. "Wasn't Natasha the witch your arch-nemesis mere moments ago?"

Hook's face scrunches in concentration. "That's... seman... seman..."

"Semantics," Xander offers.

"Yes, that!" Hook nods vigorously. "Semantics! Seele's our ultimate enemy! And she's found a powerful ally!"

Before the children can scatter, Xander playfully taps Hook's ushanka. "No talking with your mouth full. It's impolite." His gaze shifts to Seele, mischief dancing in his eyes. "We've struck a deal. Food in exchange for a temporary truce."

He extends a wrapped sandwich to Seele, who can't help but smirk at his antics. She plays along, her tone exaggerated.

"Indeed. Sustenance for clemency. I shall honor our accord." She accepts the sandwich with a flourish.

Xander produces another, offering it to Bronya. Hook tilts her head, curiosity coloring her voice.

"Who's she?"

Xander's voice takes on a reverent tone. "A princess from the Overworld, a paragon of virtue. She'll save many from the Fragmentum's grasp." He leans in, stage-whispering to the children. "Isn't she a vision?"

Seele can't contain her laughter at the absurdity. To her surprise, a light blush dusts Bronya's cheeks.

"Thank you... Xander," Bronya murmurs, accepting the sandwich. Xander doesn't comment on her omission of "demon."

The children swarm Bronya, peppering her with questions. Seele watches, a fond smile playing on her lips, then notices Xander taking a seat off to the side, content to observe.

She approaches him, sandwich in hand. "Not hungry?"

Xander shakes his head. "I'm fine."

"Why's that?"

"Those were my last sandwiches. I left two for Dan and March."

Seele moves to break her sandwich in half, but Xander's hand gently stops her. He smiles warmly.

"I insist. Eat it all."

Seele frowns. "It's more practical if I eat half. I've got a mission soon."

Xander's eyes light up. "In that case, don't worry. I'll join you to make up for the terrible burden of a sandwich."

Seele mock-punches his shoulder, eliciting a laugh from Xander. The sound is warm and genuine, catching her off guard. She finds herself smiling despite her best efforts to maintain her tough exterior.

As she bites into the sandwich, savoring the rich pork flavor, Seele marvels at the unexpected turn of events. Here she is, sharing a meal with children under her protection, a princess she's long considered an enemy, and a mysterious stranger who defies all expectations.

The night air fills with excited chatter and Bronya's soft responses. Seele watches the Silvermane Commander's usually stern demeanor melt away, replaced by a gentle patience she's never witnessed before. It's a stark contrast to the cold, duty-bound soldier she's come to know.

Xander leans back, his posture relaxed as he observes the scene. There's a contentment in his expression that Seele finds intriguing. She studies him, trying to reconcile this playful, kind-hearted man with the powerful, potentially dangerous individual she witnessed in the mines.

"You've got a way with kids," Seele remarks, breaking the comfortable silence.

Xander's eyes crinkle at the corners as he smiles. "They remind me of home. Of simpler times."

A wistfulness in his voice piques Seele's curiosity. She's about to inquire further when Hook's voice cuts through the air.

"Princess Bronya! Show us your powers! Pleeeease?"

Bronya hesitates, her eyes darting to Seele and Xander. Seele gives her an encouraging nod, surprising herself with the gesture.

With a small smile, Bronya raises her hand. A shimmering, soft teal light envelops her palm as the air begins to whip around them. The children gasp in awe, their faces illuminated by the soft glow.

As the children crowd around Bronya, marveling at her display, Seele notices Xander watching with an unreadable expression. There's a depth to his gaze that she can't quite decipher.

"Shield for your thoughts?" Seele asks, her voice low.

Xander's eyes remain fixed on the group. "I'm thinking about the resilience of the human spirit. These kids, living in such harsh conditions, still find joy in simple wonders. They remind me of those I met in my youth, those I couldn't help. It's... inspiring."

Seele nods, a lump forming in her throat. She thinks of her own childhood, of the struggles she faced growing up in the Underworld. "They're tougher than they look. They have to be, to survive down here."

Xander turns to her, his golden eyes piercing. "And what about you, Seele? What's your story?"

The question catches her off guard. Seele finds herself wanting to deflect, to maintain the walls she's built around herself. But something in Xander's gaze makes her pause.

"I..." She takes a deep breath, steeling herself. "I grew up in an orphanage here in the Underworld. It wasn't easy, but it shaped me into who I am today."

Xander nods, his expression thoughtful. "And now you're part of Wildfire, fighting to protect these people."

"Someone has to," Seele shrugs, trying to downplay the weight of her role.

"It's admirable," Xander says softly. "The work you do, the risks you take. These kids are fortunate to have someone like you watching over them."

Seele feels heat rising to her cheeks at the unexpected praise. She's not used to such open admiration, especially from someone she barely knows. She's about to respond when a small hand tugs at her sleeve.

Timmy gazes up at her, his eyes wide with excitement. "Miss Seele! Princess Bronya says you have awesome powers too! Can you show us?"

Seele glances at Bronya, who gives her a small nod of encouragement. It's a strange moment of camaraderie between them, one that would have been unthinkable just hours ago.

With a smirk, Seele stands up. "Alright, kids. Prepare to be amazed."

She takes a few steps back, closing her eyes to focus. When she opens them, they glow with an otherworldly light. In a flash of purple energy, she disappears, reappearing behind the group of children.

"Boo," she whispers, causing them to jump and squeal with delight.

As she continues to demonstrate her abilities, teleporting around the plaza in bursts of ethereal butterflies, Seele can't help but feel a warmth spreading through her chest. The children's laughter, Bronya's small smile, Xander's approving nod - it all combines to create a moment of unexpected joy in the midst of their harsh reality.

For a brief, shining moment, the weight of her responsibilities lifts. She's not Seele the Wildfire lieutenant, or Seele the orphan, or even Seele the protector. She's just Seele, playing with a group of children under the geomarrow's glow.

As she reappears next to Xander, slightly out of breath from her display, Seele catches his eye. There's a knowing look in his gaze, as if he understands exactly what this moment means to her.

"Thank you," she murmurs, too quietly for the children to hear.

Xander simply nods, a small smile playing on his lips.

As the excitement begins to die down, Seele notices Bronya checking her watch. The Silvermane Commander's expression tightens slightly, a hint of her usual stern demeanor returning.

"It's getting late," Bronya announces, her voice gentle but firm. "You should all be heading home soon."

A chorus of disappointed groans rises from the children. Hook crosses her arms, a defiant pout on her face.

"But we're not tired!" she protests.

Xander stands up, stretching languidly. "The princess speaks truth, I'm afraid. Even brave adventurers like yourselves need rest."

He crouches down, meeting Hook's eyes. "Besides, think of all the exciting dreams you'll have after tonight's adventures. Who knows what new quests await you in the morning?"

Hook's pout slowly transforms into a thoughtful expression. "I guess... but will you come play with us again?"

Xander glances at Seele, a question in his eyes. She finds herself nodding before she can think better of it.

"We'll see what we can do," Xander promises. "Now, off you go. And remember, brave Moles always look out for each other, right?"

The children nod solemnly, gathering their things. As they prepare to leave, each one takes a moment to thank Bronya and Seele for their displays of power. Seele watches them go, a mix of emotions swirling in her chest.

Once the plaza is quiet again, Seele turns to Xander and Bronya. The atmosphere shifts, the playful energy of moments ago replaced by a more serious air.

"So," Xander says. "Care to explain why you two were shadowing me?"

Seele shifts her weight, her eyes darting between Xander and Bronya. The tension in the air is palpable, thick enough to cut with her scythe.

"I spotted you walking alone," she says, addressing Xander. "Healed up and out late without your crew. It was... suspicious."

Xander's eyebrow quirks up, a silent invitation for her to continue.

"Then I noticed the Princess here," Seele jerks her thumb towards Bronya, "tailing you like some amateur spy. Figured I'd see what all the fuss was about."

Bronya's cheeks flush, her regal bearing faltering for a moment. "I was merely—"

"Following me to discern my intentions," Xander finishes, his golden eyes twinkling with amusement. "Whatever that means."

Seele can't help but smirk at Bronya's discomfort. The Silvermane Commander's usual composure is cracking, and Seele finds she rather enjoys the sight.

Xander leans back, his posture relaxed despite the scrutiny. "I left Dan and March to rest. Unlike them, I heal quickly. A few hours of sleep after the mine incident was enough to get me back on my feet."

His gaze softens as he continues, "I wanted to check on the children here. Growing up in struggling conditions... it's not unfamiliar to me."

Seele blinks, caught off guard by the admission. She searches Xander's face, looking for any sign of deception, but finds only a quiet sincerity that tugs at something deep within her.

Before she can probe further, Xander turns to Bronya. "And you, Princess? Care to explain your little espionage mission?"

Bronya straightens, her chin lifting. "I was concerned about your intentions. It felt necessary to keep an eye on you."

"And what did you conclude?" Xander's voice is light, but there's a challenge in his eyes.

Bronya hesitates, her gaze flickering between Xander and Seele. "I... I may have misjudged you, at least in part. Your actions tonight were unexpected."

Seele can't resist the opportunity to gloat. "See? Told you he wasn't the demon you made him out to be."

A blush creeps up Bronya's neck. "Perhaps I was... overzealous in my assessment. But I still don't trust you completely!"

Xander waves a hand dismissively. "It's okay. I'm not asking you to..."

His words trail off, leaving an awkward silence in their wake. Seele shifts her weight, remembering the real reason she's out here.

"Well, this has been... interesting," she says, breaking the silence. "But I should get going. Those medical supplies aren't going to retrieve themselves."

Xander perks up. "Ah yes, your mission. I believe I offered to accompany you?"

Seele hesitates. Part of her bristles at the idea of needing help, but another part, one she's not entirely comfortable acknowledging, welcomes the company.

"I... suppose an extra pair of hands couldn't hurt," she concedes.

A mischievous glint appears in Xander's eyes. "You know, Princess," he turns to Bronya, "you should join us too. That way you can help the Underworld and keep an eye on me. I am a demon, after all. Who knows what nefarious deeds I might get up to?"

Bronya's face sours, but she lets out a resigned sigh. "What exactly is this about medical supplies?"

Seele explains the situation quickly, outlining Natasha's request and the dire need in Rivet Town. To her surprise, Bronya's expression softens, determination replacing her earlier skepticism.

"I'll join you," Bronya declares. "The people of the Underworld need help, regardless of my personal feelings."

Xander claps his hands together. "Excellent! Shall we get going, then?"

As they set off towards Rivet Town, Seele can't shake the feeling that this unlikely trio is about to stumble into something far more complicated than a simple supply run. The shadows of Boulder Town seem to lengthen behind them, and a chill that has nothing to do with the temperature runs down her spine.

She shakes off the foreboding feeling, focusing instead on the task at hand. The weight of her responsibility to Wildfire and the people of the Underworld settles on her shoulders, familiar and grounding.

"So," Xander's voice breaks through her thoughts, "what exactly are we looking for in Rivet Town?"

Seele rattles off the list Natasha gave her. "Metal plates, bandages, rubbing alcohol from the old orphanage, painkillers from the lab... basically anything we can scavenge that might help treat injuries."

Bronya's expression darkens. "The situation must be dire if you're resorting to scavenging abandoned areas."

"Welcome to life in the Underworld, Princess," Seele can't keep the bitterness from her voice. "We make do with what we have."

An uncomfortable silence falls over the group as they navigate the winding streets of Boulder Town. The geomarrow's eerie glow casts long shadows, transforming familiar alleyways into alien landscapes.

As they approach the outskirts of town, Xander speaks up again. "We should be prepared for anything. Rivet Town's been abandoned for a while, right? No telling what might have moved in."

Seele nods, her hand instinctively moving to the hilt of her scythe. "Fragmentum beasts, scavengers, maybe even some Vagrants if we're really unlucky."

Seele leads the way through the winding streets of Boulder Town, her footsteps sure and swift. The familiar glow of geomarrow casts long shadows as they approach the outskirts. Bronya's voice cuts through the silence, tinged with a hint of disapproval.

"If we hadn't happened to be passing by... were you really planning to venture into the Fragmentum alone?"

Seele rolls her eyes, not bothering to slow her pace. "Of course. What's all the fuss about? I've done that loads of times."

Bronya's voice takes on a lecturing tone. "So reckless... According to Silvermane Guard protocols, any expedition into the Fragmentum must consist of at least four members, plus a communications officer."

Seele whirls around, her eyes flashing with defiance. "Exactly, Silvermane Guard protocols. Your rules don't apply here, Princess."

Xander chuckles softly, diffusing the tension. They press on, the familiar streets of Boulder Town giving way to the untamed wilderness beyond. Fragmentum beasts appear sporadically, but the trio dispatches them with ease. Seele's scythe flashes in the eerie light while Xander moves with a fluid grace that belies his earlier injuries.

As they approach Rivet Town, the encounters dwindle. The abandoned bridge looms before them, metal fences and wooden boxes scattered haphazardly across its surface. Seele's pace slows, her eyes scanning the desolate landscape.

"We've arrived. This is Rivet Town." She sighs, memories flooding back. "It's all hauntingly familiar. Stay alert and watch your step. I haven't been here in ages. Fragmentum monsters likely lurk about."

Her gaze sweeps across the empty streets. "Our view's limited from here. Let's find higher ground for a better vantage point."

They ascend a set of worn stairs, emerging atop a building at the town's entrance. The vista before them is a ghostly mirror of Boulder Town - similar infrastructure, houses, and small apartments line the streets. But where Boulder Town teems with life, Rivet Town lies silent and still. Rust creeps across metal surfaces, billboards stand illegible beneath layers of grime. Debris clutters the streets - cardboard, wooden boxes, discarded remnants of lives long fled. Darkness reigns within the buildings, broken only by the distant, looming silhouette of the Furnace Core.

Seele's arm extends, pointing to a structure perched on a distant hill. "See that house on the hill? That's Natasha's old orphanage. After Oleg found me, he sent me there. I spent more than half my childhood in that place."

Xander lets out a whistle. "Impressive structure."

A wistful smile tugs at Seele's lips. "Natasha said some wealthy businessman donated it. Whatever his business, he must've had a good heart." Her voice softens. "I miss those carefree childhood days..."

Bronya stands silent, her eyes fixed on the distant orphanage. Seele turns to her, eyebrow raised.

"What's the matter, Princess? Cat got your tongue?"

Bronya blinks, as if coming out of a trance. "No. It's just... this place feels oddly familiar. Never mind."

Seele scoffs. "...Weirdo."

Bronya's cheeks flush with indignation, but Seele has already turned away. Xander's shoulders shake with silent laughter.

Seele's attention shifts to the area below the bridge. "Look down there. See that jumble of old stalls? That's Rivet Town's abandoned market. The supplies Natasha needs are likely there." Her voice hardens. "Let's move out and stay alert for monsters."

They press on, winding through desolate streets. A dilapidated structure looms ahead, its faded sign barely legible. Broken chairs and tables litter the area outside, a stark reminder of livelier times.

Bronya's eyes narrow as she studies the building. "A restaurant...?"

Seele chuckles, memories flooding back. "Heh... the most famous eatery in town. Natasha would treat well-behaved kids to a special meal here."

"Did she ever treat you?" Bronya's tone carries a hint of teasing.

Seele scoffs, mischief glinting in her eyes. "Do I strike you as a goody two-shoes? Not a chance."

They delve deeper into Rivet Town, navigating corners and traversing stone streets. The buildings here seem less ravaged by time and neglect. Bronya's gaze darts from structure to structure, surprise evident in her expression.

"These facilities appear remarkably well-preserved for a place abandoned years ago."

Seele pauses, her eyes sweeping across the eerily well-maintained surroundings. "Now that you mention it, it does seem... could people still be living here? Impossible..."

The abandoned marketplace sprawls before them, an open plaza flanked by empty stalls and rusted carts. Crates of geomarrow ore and miscellaneous items clutter the area. Seele's eyes narrow as she surveys the scene.

"There's a pile of crates over there. Maybe we'll find what we need. Stay alert for monsters - they like to lurk in places like this."

As if summoned by her words, Flamespawns and Incineration Shadewalkers emerge from the surrounding alleys. Seele springs into action, her form blurring as she blinks between targets. Bronya and Xander provide cover fire, their shots ringing out in perfect synchronization.

Between teleports, Seele glances at Xander. "Aren't you going to do your thing?"

Xander's expression clouds with confusion. "My what?"

"That thing you did back at the mine. It'd make this a lot easier if you just took care of them all at once."

Xander laughs, his eyes never leaving the encroaching enemies. "I'd be willing if you're okay with hauling a bloodied man back to Boulder Town."

Seele winces, remembering the toll it had taken on him. "Right, the backlash from that was brutal."

As the last monster falls, Seele begins rifling through the crates. Bronya joins her, while Xander stands guard, his eyes scanning the perimeter. Frustration mounts as box after box turns up empty.

"Damn, how are they all empty?" Seele growls. "Are even the monsters hoarding supplies now?"

Bronya shakes her head, her voice thoughtful. "Fragmentum creatures don't require materials we humans use. And if they had taken anything, this place would be in far worse condition..."

"You think someone else got here first and cleaned us out?"

"It's just a theory, but there are fresh footprints on the ground here."

Seele sniffs the air, her senses heightened. "The scent of disturbed earth is still fresh. They can't have been here long before us."

Xander's eyes close, his brow furrowing in concentration. Seele and Bronya watch him expectantly, the silence stretching between them.

"Any luck?" Seele's voice is taut with urgency. "Tell me you've found something. We need to find supplies, even if we have to turn this market inside out."

Xander's eyes snap open, his irises glowing with an otherworldly light. "I've found someone, not something."

He strides purposefully towards a corner of the market, where a stall stands propped against a crumbling wall. Seele and Bronya follow, curiosity and wariness warring in their expressions.

Xander's voice is soft, gentle. "Hey there, little one. Mind coming out? We promise we won't hurt you."

A small figure emerges from behind the stall, clothes tattered and blond hair matted with dirt. Seele's eyes widen in recognition, a name escaping her lips in a shocked whisper.


Her shock quickly turns to anger, her voice sharp as she addresses the boy.

"You little brat! What are you doing here alone? Don't you know how dangerous this place is?"

Eric's eyes dart between Seele, Bronya, and Xander, his posture defiant despite the tremor in his voice.

"S-Seele? Y-You can't tell me what to do! I-I can go wherever I want, it's none of your business!"

Seele's gaze sweeps over the hidden crates, realization dawning on her face. A grudging admiration creeps into her tone.

"You took all the materials and hid them here? Not bad, kid."

Her expression hardens as she continues, "But if we hadn't taken care of those monsters, what was your plan? Just cower here, shaking in your boots?"

Eric's chin juts out, his voice rising in pitch.

"Wh-Who asked you to do anything? I was just about to escape, I didn't need your help at all!"

Seele crosses her arms, her eyebrow arching skeptically.

"Still stubborn, huh? Then enlighten me, how exactly were you planning to haul those big metal plates past those monsters?"

Eric's bravado falters, his gaze dropping to the ground.

"Um... There's always a way..."

Xander steps forward, crouching down to Eric's eye level. His voice is gentle, a stark contrast to Seele's sharp tone.

"You were brave, kid. But she's right, you could have been hurt... Is there a chance you can share the materials with us? They're needed to help injured people. Kids, just like you."

Seele scoffs, her patience wearing thin.

"Don't be so polite to him. Everyone in the Underworld knows this brat is a no-good thief."

She turns back to Eric, her eyes narrowing.

"If memory serves, even the clothes on your back came from another kid, didn't they?"

Eric squirms under her gaze, his voice barely above a whisper.

"Um... About that..."

Seele presses on, her tone demanding.

"Tell us, what do you even want with metal plates and gauze bandages? We need them to save lives."

Eric's eyes dart around, as if searching for an escape route. Finally, he mumbles a response.


Seele's brow furrows in confusion.

"Come again?"

Eric's voice grows slightly stronger, though still tinged with uncertainty.

"Uh... 200 shield..."

Seele's hands fly to her hips, her voice rising in disbelief.

"Are you kidding me? You're trying to negotiate?"

Bronya's quiet voice cuts through the tension.

"...Not much, but I didn't bring my coin purse."

Xander nods, a coin bag materializing in his hand.


Seele whirls on Xander, her eyes flashing with indignation.

"You're actually planning to pay this little crook? I'm telling you, this is his same old trick—"

Eric's voice breaks through, desperation evident in his tone.

"No! ...Not this time. I really need the money... my daddy..."

Seele's patience snaps, her words laced with bitter experience.

"Using your dad as an excuse again... if he knew about this, you'd be in hot water."

Bronya's voice rings out, firm and authoritative.

"Seele! That's enough. And Xander, wait just a moment..."

Seele watches, stunned, as Bronya steps forward, her demeanor softening as she addresses Eric.

"It's Eric, right? Here, take this."

Bronya extends her hand, offering a shiny, golden-plated medal with a brilliant blue stone set in its center. Seele's eyes widen in disbelief as Bronya continues.

"This is a medal given to me by the Architects... See that blue stone in the middle? That's a Geomarrow crystal of the highest purity."

Seele's jaw drops, her mind reeling at the casual offering of such a valuable item. She glances at Xander, but he seems unfazed, as if this turn of events is perfectly normal.

Bronya's voice is gentle as she explains.

"You need money for your family, right? Take this to a knowledgeable buyer, and they'll instantly recognize its value."

Eric's eyes fill with tears, his voice choked with emotion.

"sniffle ...Th-Thank you! I..."

Bronya holds up a hand, her expression serious.

"But... you must promise me one thing: Never steal from others again. Do you promise?"

Eric nods vigorously, his voice earnest.

"I-I promise! I'll never steal again!"

A smile spreads across Bronya's face, warmth radiating from her words.

"Then we have a deal. If you break your promise, I'll bring my Silvermane Guards and catch you myself! Here, take the medal and return to town. We've cleared any threats along the way. You'll be safe."

As Eric reaches for the medal, his eyes shining with gratitude, Xander's voice cuts in.

"Eric, hold out your other hand."

Eric complies, and Xander deposits 300 shields into his palm. The boy's eyes widen, overwhelmed by the generosity.

Xander's expression turns serious as he asks, "Do you know how to barter, kid?"

Eric nods hesitantly, and Xander continues.

"I'll assume you do, but just in case, let me give you some advice on how to get the most out of that medal, okay?"

Seele listens, bemused, as Xander launches into a detailed explanation of negotiation tactics. Eric hangs on every word, his earlier defiance replaced by rapt attention.

As Xander finishes his impromptu lesson, Eric's voice rings out, filled with genuine gratitude.

"Th-Thank you, whoever you guys are! You can take all of these things!"

His expression turns serious, his voice dropping to a near-whisper.

"You need to be careful too! There's something really scary in that house up on the hill..."

Eric's eyes dart around, as if checking for eavesdroppers, before adding, "Oh, r-right! The road across from the market is blocked... If you want to go further, you'll have to take the shopping street."

Bronya nods, her voice calm and reassuring.

"Understood, thanks for the warning."

As Eric scampers off, the valuable medal clutched tightly in his hand, Seele turns to Bronya. Her voice is soft, tinged with a mix of confusion and grudging respect.

"...That medal meant a lot to you, didn't it? Are you sure you're okay just giving it away like that?"

Bronya's response is immediate, her conviction evident in every word.

"If it will set him on a better path, it's more than worth it."

Seele can't keep the skepticism from her voice.

"And what if it doesn't?"

Bronya's eyes take on a distant look, her voice filled with quiet determination.

"From a young age, my mother taught me to be forgiving and to nurture the goodwill in people's hearts... Even if I am but a small glimmer of light in this world, I must try my best to shine brightly for others. I must give him a chance, Seele, because others can't."

Seele shakes her head, struggling to wrap her mind around Bronya's idealism.

"... I don't really follow your logic."

She clears her throat, eager to move on from the unexpected display of generosity.

"Anyway, ahem, we should get moving. Eric said we need to take the shopping street to go any further. I think I still remember where it is... this way."

Seele leads the way through the winding streets of Rivet Town, her footsteps sure despite the years of absence. The familiar buildings loom around them, shadows stretching in the eerie geomarrow light. As they climb higher, the orphanage on the hill grows closer, a looming presence against the cavern ceiling.

"This is the street alright. The orphanage should be at the end," Seele calls over her shoulder, her voice echoing off the abandoned storefronts.

Bronya's expression clouds as she takes in their surroundings. "These shops and signs... Why do I feel like I've seen them before? But when...?"

Xander remains silent, his eyes darting from shadow to shadow, ever vigilant.

They reach a set of stone stairs, worn smooth by years of use. Seele pauses at the base, memories flooding back.

"The entrance is up this way. I wonder what the old place looks like now. Maybe some things will still be familiar."

As they ascend, Bronya's voice cuts through the silence. "These stairs... they seem to have become narrower..."

Seele ignores the comment, focusing on the path ahead. As they near the top, she can't help but marvel at the state of preservation.

"Almost there... I didn't expect this place to be so well preserved."

A twinge of regret colors her next words. "Y'know, if we could've worked together to push back the Fragmentum... maybe we wouldn't have had to abandon our homes."

Bronya remains silent, but Xander's voice is low and measured. "It's dangerous, thinking of what ifs... It's never good to dwell on what could have been."

Seele glances back at him, curiosity piqued. "...Speaking from experience?"

"...I am, yes." The weight in his voice silences any further questions.

Finally, they crest the hill. The orphanage stands before them, its imposing facade a stark reminder of days long past. Seele's breath catches in her throat.

"...We made it! It's been so long... but this place hasn't changed one bit."

Xander's dry tone cuts through her nostalgia. "Minus the graffiti on the walls, I hope, and the litter strewn about, and the forgotten crates and metal barrels, and the geomarrow scattered around..."

Seele rolls her eyes. "Yeah, yeah, yeah, smartass, I get it. It's a bit more disorganized and worn-down but I'm telling you, it's almost the same!"

As they approach a cluster of crates, Bronya's voice is tinged with doubt. "These crates have been sitting here for years, right? Even if they contain materials, are you sure they're still usable...?"

Seele scoffs. "You think undergrounders care about expiration dates? Having any supplies at all is a miracle down here."

She begins rifling through the nearest crate, frustration mounting with each empty container. "No... No... Empty... How are they all empty? Who could've—"

A sudden movement catches Bronya's eye. She whirls around, rifle materializing in her hands. "Careful! Enemy—"

Time seems to slow as an Ice Out of Space looms behind them, massive ice shards poised to strike. In a blur of motion, Xander vanishes from Seele's side. She blinks, and all of a sudden, he's dancing around the monster, sword flashing in the dim light. Another blink, and he's sliding to a stop behind the creature, its body already crumbling.

Seele doesn't hesitate. In a flash of purple energy, she blinks to Xander's side, her scythe cleaving through the monster's neck. Its body disintegrates, leaving only scattered ice shards in its wake.

"Huh, that was it?" Seele quips, adrenaline still coursing through her veins.

Xander smirks. "What did you expect? That it would regenerate and come back for round two?"

He mutters something under his breath, too low for Bronya to catch, but Seele dismisses it as random chatter.

"Fair point," Seele concedes. She can't resist a jab at Bronya. "You were a bit slow on the draw this time, Princess."

Xander's voice cuts through the air, stern and unyielding. "You're being unfair to her, Seele."

Seele exhales heavily, relenting. "Fine, fine... I'll admit, fighting alongside you two has been pretty exhilarating." Her eyes sweep the area, memories surfacing like bubbles in still water. "Should be clear now. Let's scout around. Back in the day, us orphanage kids were always scrapping out here. If memory serves, there should be some first aid supplies stashed in that corner. Let's hope the monsters didn't get to them first."

As Seele moves to investigate, she notices Bronya's distant expression. The Silvermane Commander's gaze roams over the playground equipment, a strange recognition dawning on her face.

"...It wasn't my imagination after all..." Bronya murmurs, her voice barely above a whisper.

Seele's brow furrows, confusion etching lines across her forehead. "Huh? What are you on about?"

Bronya's voice is soft, almost reverent. "This building, this playground... I've seen it all before."

Seele's eyes widen, disbelief coloring her words. "What?! Come off it. The overground and underground have been sealed off for over a decade. A Silvermane Guard stepping foot down here would've been headline news, let alone an Overworld Princess."

Realization hits her like a thunderbolt. "Wait, unless... before that..."

Bronya nods, her eyes distant and unfocused. "...Yes, it's possible. That would explain why my memories are so hazy." She straightens, determination settling over her features like a mantle. "Come on, I need to explore a bit more before I can be certain..."

Seele leads the way to what appears to be a children's park, her footsteps crunching on the debris-strewn ground. A rusted metal slide looms before them, its once-bright colors faded and chipped like an old bruise.

Bronya tilts her head, eyeing the structure with curiosity. "What's this contraption? Some kind of toy?"

"Yep." Seele grins, a mischievous glint in her eye. "Take your pick, red or blue?"

Bronya hesitates, then decides, "Hm... blue."

Seele's laugh echoes through the abandoned playground, a sharp contrast to the eerie silence. "Ha! Would you look at that? After more than a decade, the teeth marks are still here."

"Teeth marks?" Bronya's brow furrows, confusion evident in her voice.

Seele shrugs, a hint of pride coloring her words. "Well... this one time, a bigger kid tried to snatch this toy from me. I couldn't outmuscle him, so I just sank my teeth in and hung on for dear life."

Bronya's nose wrinkles in disgust. "...How uncouth."

Xander chuckles, shaking his head in amusement. "I'm amazed you still have teeth."

Seele ignores them both, striding towards a set of rusted swings. Without hesitation, she plops down on one, the chains creaking ominously under her weight. With a powerful kick, she sets herself in motion, swinging higher and higher.

Bronya's eyes widen in alarm. "Hey, don't sit on that! It's filthy!"

Seele throws her head back, relishing the rush of air against her face. "Ah, this really takes me back... I remember one time I swung so high, everyone thought I'd fly right off."

"...Who knew swinging could be so intense?" Bronya mutters, watching Seele's ascent with a mix of awe and trepidation.

Seele's voice softens, a hint of wistfulness creeping in. "Back then, I dreamed of swinging myself into the sky and flying up to the Overworld."

Bronya's expression shifts from concern to disbelief. "So reckless... It's a miracle you've survived this long."

"Hmph, aren't we all living miracles down here?" Seele retorts, her swing slowing to a stop.

Throughout the exchange, Xander remains silent, his eyes scanning the area with an unreadable expression.

Seele hops off the swing, her boots kicking up a small cloud of dust. She strides purposefully towards a corner of the park littered with crates, Bronya and Xander following close behind.

"We've combed everywhere but here..." Seele mutters, her hands already moving to overturn boxes. "Here's hoping my memory hasn't failed me."

She rummages through the debris, tossing aside broken toys and tattered papers. Abruptly, her eyes light up like beacons in the gloom. "Ah! Jackpot! And it's barely damaged!" She holds up a battered first aid kit triumphantly. "Nat would never have guessed her old supplies would've lasted this long."

Bronya steps closer, her voice tinged with concern. "You should still check the expiration dates, especially for things like rubbing alcohol. If it's expired, it won't be effective."

"Good point." Seele nods, rifling through the kit's contents. "Let me check a few bottles."

As she sorts through the supplies, something catches her eye. A silver pin glints in the dim light, its surface etched with the image of a snow owl pursuing a tiny rabbit. "Huh? What's this?"

Bronya's breath catches in her throat, a sharp intake of air. "This is... This is from my childhood."

Seele's head snaps up, disbelief etched across her features. "From your childhood? Are you certain...?"

Xander's voice cuts through the tension, matter-of-fact. "She was an undergrounder, it seems."

Bronya nods slowly, her eyes never leaving the pin. "Yes, I remember now... I—I used to live here... B—Before the Architects took me away, before Madam Cocolia adopted me... This was my home!"

Seele's mind reels, pieces falling into place like a complex puzzle. "Hold on... you're saying you lived here and Cocolia adopted you? Then—"

Xander's smirk is audible in his voice. "Weren't you always calling her a Princess? Why the surprise?"

Bronya ignores Xander's jab, her voice growing stronger with each word. "Yes. I'm the successor chosen by the Architects. In the future, I will become the guardian who leads Belobog."

Seele stands frozen, unable to form a response, her mind a whirlwind of conflicting thoughts.

Bronya's confidence falters, confusion creeping into her tone. "Why... Why didn't I remember this until now? My childhood memories are so blurry..."

Xander's voice is almost cautious. "Either you were too young to remember... or the Architects might have done something to make you forget."

Bronya's head snaps up, her eyes flashing with defiance. "No, mother would never allow such a thing... there's no way she would..."

She takes a deep breath, her words tumbling out in a rush. "The Architects said that the guardian's successor is selected from among all people in Belobog. The selection process can take anywhere from a few years to a few decades. During that time, all children of the appropriate age in both the Overworld and the Underworld will be tested. In the end, only one child deemed as 'worthy' will be chosen. I... must have been chosen from among the children here and then taken to the surface..."

Seele's mind whirls, memories of her time at the orphanage flooding back like a tidal wave. "Kids were always coming and going at the orphanage..." she murmurs. "I never imagined a future Supreme Guardian could've been among us. Did Nat know about this? Was she keeping it secret all this time...?"

Bronya shakes her head, her voice barely above a whisper. "Maybe... most likely not... The selection of the successor is done with utmost secrecy, and the chosen child must completely bid farewell to their past. And so... I became the daughter of Madam Cocolia. My only identity is that of guardian successor, but I'm... not good enough..."

She turns away from them, arms wrapped tightly around herself. Her next words are muffled, thick with emotion. "Every day I witness Silvermane Guards sacrifice their lives in the Fragmentum, but I've never had the resolve to change mother's mind."

Seele watches as Bronya turns, her gaze sweeping over the sprawling expanse of Rivet Town below. The Commander's shoulders slump, her voice barely above a whisper.

"The Underworld has been struggling, but I never tried to help. I didn't even know that it was my own home that had fallen into such a dire state..." Bronya's voice cracks. "In the end, I haven't been able to guard anything. How could they have thought I was worthy to be the successor?"

Seele's patience snaps like a frayed rope. She marches up to Bronya, hands on her hips, fire in her eyes.

"Hey! Are you quite finished?"

Bronya blinks, startled out of her reverie. "...Huh?"

"Wah wah wah..." Seele mocks, rolling her eyes dramatically. "So tiresome."

"I... what?" Bronya's brow furrows in confusion.

Seele scoffs, her voice dripping with sarcasm. "What? You expected me to pity you after that little speech?" Her eyes flash with anger. "You can hide in your palace, fretting over your Overworld problems, while others put their lives on the line. Meanwhile, down here in the Underworld, we worry about whether we'll have food for our next meal or survive another week!"

She jabs a finger at Bronya's chest. "'Even if I am but a small glimmer of light in this world, I must try my best to shine brightly for others.' Wasn't that your line? Well, if you truly want to protect everyone, why are you standing here wallowing? Get moving!"

Seele watches as Bronya's expression shifts, sadness giving way to determination like storm clouds parting to reveal the sun. The Commander straightens, her voice steady.

"You're right... You're absolutely right. Self-pity solves nothing. Thank you, Seele."

Seele crosses her arms, a smirk tugging at her lips. "Hmph. I'm no good at consoling, but I excel at knocking sense into people. Sign me up anytime."

Her voice softens, curiosity creeping in. "... I can tell you bear a heavy burden. Why do you force yourself to carry it?"

Xander's voice cuts through the tension. Seele turns to see him fiddling with a cross pendant, the metal glinting in the dim light.

"She's the successor to the guardian of Belobog. Not only is she to be a leader always saddled with responsibilities, but she's also a symbol of her people, an ideal. She must always be vigilant of her behavior and thoughts..." His eyes meet Bronya's. "After all, her actions not only affect her, they affect everyone around her. She has to force herself because it's her duty, it's what's expected of her, whether she likes it or not. That's her cross to bear."

Bronya nods, her brow furrowing. "You're right, but that's an odd way to phrase it... a cross?"

Xander tucks the pendant back into his coat, an enigmatic smile playing on his lips. "It's just an expression from where I come from."

Bronya's eyes narrow, curiosity evident in her voice. "I'm surprised you're so familiar with the expectations of my role. Your words were remarkably apt... have you...?"

Xander shakes his head. "I've never shouldered such a burden. At most, I took on the responsibility of caring for my family when I was far too young, and later managed a team of a few dozen employees." His voice grows solemn. "The only advice I can offer is this: you do what you must. It's all you have left, and all anyone cares about."

Seele watches as Bronya processes Xander's words, her own mind whirling like a maelstrom. She clears her throat, drawing their attention.

"Hmph. Who'd have thought the future Supreme Guardian and I came from the same orphanage..." A mischievous glint enters her eye. "What cosmic joker decided to throw us together, huh? How about I give you the grand tour of the orphanage? Unlike you, my childhood memories are crystal clear."

Bronya's lips curve into a small smile. "Alright, I'll indulge in this trip down memory lane with you for a while."

Seele leads the way, her boots crunching on the debris-strewn ground. She points to a faded mural on the orphanage wall.

"See that? We painted it during one of Natasha's art therapy sessions. I was... seven? Maybe eight?"

Bronya squints at the faded colors. "What was it supposed to depict?"

Seele chuckles. "Your guess is as good as mine. Abstract expressionism, I suppose. Mostly, we just enjoyed flinging paint at each other."

They round the corner, coming to a small garden plot choked with weeds. Seele's voice softens.

"This is where we attempted to grow vegetables. Emphasis on 'attempted.' Turns out, geomarrow light isn't ideal for photosynthesis."

Bronya kneels, brushing aside some dead leaves. "Look, there's still a sign here. 'Carrot Patch'?"

Seele snorts. "Yeah, right. More like 'Disappointment Patch.' We harvested exactly one carrot, and Natasha made us split it between twenty kids."

As they continue their tour, Seele finds herself relaxing. It's strange, walking these familiar paths with Bronya. The uptight Silvermane Commander seems... different here. More human.

They pause at a rickety wooden structure, its planks weathered and warped.

"This was our fort," Seele explains. "We'd hide out here when we wanted to dodge chores or avoid taking our medicine."

Bronya runs her hand along the splintered wood. "It's so small..."

"Well, yeah. We were kids." Seele grins. "I bet you can't squeeze in there now, Princess."

Bronya's eyes narrow at the challenge. Without a word, she drops to her knees and crawls into the fort.

Seele blinks in surprise. "Hey, I didn't mean—"

"It's cozy," Bronya's muffled voice comes from inside. "I can see why you enjoyed it."

Seele crouches down, peering into the dark interior. Bronya sits cross-legged, her white uniform already smudged with dirt.

"You're full of surprises, aren't you?" Seele mutters.

Bronya emerges, brushing off her clothes. "I may not remember everything, but... this place feels familiar. Safe."

Seele's chest tightens at the wistful note in Bronya's voice. She clears her throat.

"Yeah, well, don't get too sentimental. This place wasn't all sunshine and rainbows."

They continue on, Seele pointing out various landmarks. The tree they'd climb to sneak treats after bedtime. The window they'd prop open for midnight escapes. With each story, Bronya's eyes grow wider, a mix of disbelief and amusement playing across her features.

As they round the final corner, Seele's steps falter. Before them stands a simple wooden bench, its paint long since faded.

"This is..." Bronya's voice trails off.

Seele nods, a lump forming in her throat. "Yeah. This is where Natasha would sit with us when we had nightmares. Or when we missed our parents."

She sinks onto the bench, the wood creaking beneath her weight. After a moment's hesitation, Bronya joins her.

They sit in silence, the weight of memories pressing down on them like a physical force. Seele sneaks a glance at Bronya, surprised to see tears glistening in the Commander's eyes.

"Hey," Seele says, her voice gruff. "No waterworks allowed. You're supposed to be the tough one, remember?"

Bronya wipes her eyes, a watery chuckle escaping her lips. "I apologize. It's just... overwhelming."

Seele sighs, leaning back on the bench. "Yeah, I get it. It's weird being back here. Seeing it all again."

"Thank you," Bronya says softly. "For showing me. For helping me remember."

Seele shrugs, uncomfortable with the gratitude. "Don't mention it. Seriously."

They lapse into silence again, but it's different now. Less tense. Almost... companionable.

Finally, Seele stands, stretching her arms above her head. "Well, that's enough nostalgia for one day. We should probably head back. Natasha's gonna wonder where we've been."

Bronya nods, rising to her feet. "You're right. We have a mission to complete."

"...Hey, where did Xander go?" Seele's voice cuts through the air, sharp with sudden realization.


Having decided to leave those two peas in a pod alone, I quickly make my way down through an alley connecting to the Orphanage's entrance, intent on locating the remaining painkillers.

I crouch at the foot of the metal stairs, my ears pricking at the sound of a child's voice drifting from around the corner. Sweet and melodic, it tugs at something deep within me.

"Oh, it's here, we found it! Thank you, Perkins!"

A robotic beep follows. "Don't mention it, Clara."

I round the corner, and there she stands. A small figure in a red dress over a sweater, bare feet peeking out beneath the hem. Her white hair frames a face of pure innocence, red eyes wide with curiosity. For a moment, I'm transported back to Colombia, to the children I left behind when we fled. What became of them? Did they escape the violence and drugs that plagued our community? The weight of unanswered questions settles heavily on my chest.

Clara's presence stirs memories of another child, a girl with emerald eyes I once called friend. The one I couldn't save. I push the thought away, focusing on the present.

An automaton beetle beside Clara suddenly whirs to life, its mechanical voice urgent. "Warning. Warning. Danger detected. Protect Clara. Initiating active defense mode—"

Clara's small hand reaches out, her voice firm despite her size. "Perkins, don't! Stop! I've seen this person before. H—He's not bad, right?"

I drop to one knee, meeting her gaze. "I'd never be a danger to you, that I swear."

The robot's lights dim. "Command received. Danger removed. Deactivating active defense mode."

Clara's shoulders relax, but wariness lingers in her eyes. "This place is dangerous. You should leave."

A smile tugs at my lips. "So you say, and yet, I could also say the same thing to you."

She looks down, scuffing her bare foot against the metal floor. "I have Perkins with me. I can take care of myself."

"I don't doubt you can do that, but it's the principle of it. No child your age should be walking through an abandoned town with Fragmentum monsters crawling through every alley..." I pause, the harsh reality of our situation settling in. "But that's life, isn't it? We deal with the cards we're dealt with."

Clara nods, her eyes still downcast.

I clear my throat. "I'm actually looking for some medicine to help the injured. Would you know something about that?"

Her face brightens. "Oh? I came here for these painkillers, too. There are a lot of people hurt at the vagrant camp, I guess the miners are no different?" She sighs, a sound too weary for one so young. "If everyone could just get along, things would be easier..."

Clara reaches into a small pouch at her waist, pulling out a bottle of pills. She holds it out to me, her tiny hand dwarfed by the container. "Mm... Here you are. I hope the medicine is of help to you..."

"That's very kind of you. Clara, right? We didn't meet under the best of circumstances before. I'm sorry about what happened, truly. I hope I didn't scare you...?"

She shakes her head, white hair swaying. "No, I... I understand... why you did as you did... Mr. Svarog, I feel, didn't see any options beyond conflict given the circumstances, and it then all escalated from there... You... are you feeling better now? You were..."

"Bleeding?" I finish for her. "Yes... My body felt the strain after that attack I pulled. I know you care for these robots, so I must apologize for having to go as far as I did, but, as you just put it, things just escalated..."

Clara's eyes cloud with sadness. "Why do people need to fight every time...? Why can't we live in peace?"

I remain silent, the weight of her questions too heavy to answer. Instead, I change the subject. "Your friend, Svarog... Is he okay?"

She nods, a small smile returning to her face.

"What's your relationship with him?"

Clara's posture changes, her arms wrapping around herself. "Mr. Svarog, he's... he's my family. I met him when I was real little. He took me in and took care of me."

Her voice grows softer. "I'm really sorry about what happened back in the Great Mine... Mr. Svarog doesn't trust any humans beside me, especially everyone from Wildfire. He truly doesn't want to hurt people, but he always follows the calculations of his analysis. He thinks that interaction with humans is... inefficient."

I can't help but chuckle. "You'd be surprised at how right that can be at times, but that is neither here nor there. Why is he so against Wildfire, however?"

Clara's expression tightens with concern. "Wildfire wants everyone to leave the underground... But Mr. Svarog wants everyone to stay here. According to his calculations, the overground is already unsafe. And I know he isn't wrong... he is healthy, his system is always being maintained. He says that his responsibility is 'preservation.' To do that, he must make decisions that best protect humanity."

A dark thought crosses my mind. Even with Svarog's protection, a child like Clara could still fall victim to the Fragmentum. I push the grim notion aside.

"Is there truly not a way for Mr. Svarog to listen and talk things out with Wildfire? I know them to be more reasonable than the Vagrants..."

Clara's eyes fill with determination. "I know that Wildfire wants to talk to him... But no matter how many times you talk, he won't change his mind. Please, trust me! I'll. try to persuade him. Hopefully, one day he will finally listen..."

My heart aches at her words. "Clara... the burden of convincing him of making such an act shouldn't be left to bear at your shoulders."

Suddenly, a familiar voice cuts through the air. "Xander, we finally found you! ...Clara? What are you doing here?"

I turn to see Seele and Bronya approaching, their faces a mix of confusion and concern.

Clara shrinks back slightly. "You're... Miss Seele from Wildfire? I came here to..."

I quickly explain the situation to Seele and Bronya, summarizing my conversation with Clara.

Seele's eyes narrow. "...Why are you helping the Vagrants, of all people, to look for medicine? The bastards, how low can they go? How could they make a little girl go around running errands for them, alone, in a place like this?"

Clara's voice rises, a hint of steel beneath her soft tone. "N—No. It's not like that. I wasn't made to do anything... It's just that, the living conditions for the vagrants aren't great. There's not even a clinic in their camp. So, I wanted to help them out. Also, not all of them are bad people... everyone just wants to survive."

Seele's face darkens. "Could have fooled me. They're the—"

I cut her off sharply. "Seele, please. Not with her."

Seele catches herself, turning away with a frustrated "hmph."

Clara gazes up at Seele, her eyes pleading. "Miss Seele, did this medicine belong to Miss Natasha? Then... can you give me some? The vagrant's injuries are quite serious."

Seele sighs, her anger deflating. "Let's see... Xander, could you split them, and give her half?"

I nod, dividing the pills and offering half to Clara.

Clara's eyes widen. "R—Really? We don't need to ask Miss Natasha first?"

A small smile tugs at Seele's lips. "If I know Nat, she won't mind. Although this will make it more difficult for us... she'll understand. She always does."

"Great. Thank you, Miss Seele..." Clara clutches the medicine to her chest.

Bronya steps forward, her voice gentle but firm. "Are you leaving? This old town is too dangerous. We'll accompany you part of the way."

Clara shakes her head. "I—It's fine, I have Perkins for company. And... I have some more things I need to look for here first."

"Understood. Be careful—" Bronya begins, but I interrupt.

"Wait," I say, my voice carrying an urgency that surprises even me.

I activate the power of the Stellaron within me, feeling a surge of energy coursing through my veins. My senses sharpen, the world around me coming into crisp focus. I turn my gaze to a dark alley nearby, peering into the shadows.

Three pairs of eyes widen in the darkness, their owners shrinking back. Fear radiates from them as they notice my glowing eyes. In an instant, they scurry away, their footsteps echoing in the narrow passage.

I turn back to Clara, crouching down to meet her at eye level. "Is there only Perkins with you, Clara?"

She shakes her head, white hair swaying. "Well, Roberts also came with us, but I asked him to check on some materials some streets away from here—"

"What class is he?"

"Oh, um... he's an Automaton Hound?"

I look to Perkins, the Automaton Beetle. "Perkins, could you escort her and regroup with Roberts? Leave through the other side of the Orphanage. There are enemies nearby, so please, stay alert."

Perkins beeps in response. "Beep, beep. Activating defense mode." A shimmering barrier appears around it as it moves next to Clara.

"Wait, Perkins!" Clara's eyes widen. "Mister... why are you—"

"You may call me Alexander, or Xander, Clara. I hoped to speak with you even more, but it seems now's not the time. Please, trust me, there are more dangerous things lurking here than Fragmentum monsters. Go now."

Clara hesitates for a second, but Perkins' insistent beeping spurs her into action. She follows the robot, casting one last glance over her shoulder before disappearing around a corner.

I sprint towards the dark alley, Bronya and Seele hot on my heels.

"Xander, what's going on? What did you see?" Bronya's voice is tense.

"Bastards must have been tailing Clara. They were hidden deep in the dark. Counted three of them."

Seele's eyes narrow. "Could they have been Vagrants? Shouldn't we have stayed with her?"

"If she has a Hound and a Beetle with her, she's fine. Moreover, I didn't sense anyone else beyond those three."

"But why would they be looking for her?"

I pause, considering. "I don't know. Seele... has Svarog killed any groups of humans?"

Seele's face darkens. "... He has. Fortunately for us, they've only been Vagrants, the worst of them who've dared to mess with him."

"Well... we have a potential reason now. It's known that Clara is the only human he speaks to and cares for. Could they maybe want to retaliate against him by targeting her?"

"Animals...!" Seele's fists clench at her sides.

I focus, extending my senses outward. "I feel more people up ahead. Seems like this place wasn't truly as abandoned as we thought. Prepare yourselves."

I use the Stellaron within me to search for the three who fled the alley, but their footsteps blend with others, creating a confusing cacophony. We navigate through twisting turns and narrow passages, delving deeper into Rivet Town. The maze-like layout disorients me, but I press on, following the faint traces of our quarry.

Suddenly, we emerge into an open area. Before us stands a dilapidated structure, its architecture unlike anything I've seen in the underground so far. "What's this...?" I mutter, taking in the crumbling facade.

Bronya's eyes widen in recognition. "It's a temple to Qlipoth. I have no memory of it..."

Seele's gaze snaps to the walls, her expression hardening. "We can't go in there."

I turn to her, confusion etched on my face. "What? Why?"

"That's Vagrant land. It's marked. See the graffiti outside?"


Seele's eyes flash with frustration. "How can I make it more clear to you? We don't go near Vagrant territory! These people are animals. If we enter their territory, who knows how they'll retaliate? They've killed innocent people for less than that."

Incredulity washes over me. "And you just... let them?"

"Xander, Wildfire aims to keep a relatively stable level of peace down here in the Underground, but we aren't the majority. Our numbers are extremely low, and most of our members are situated back in Boulder Town. There are others in other towns like Luka, but that's not the point. If something goes off, it's likely we won't be able to get ahold of the situation before someone gets hurt or worse, dies. We can't go in there. We need to leave, now."

I shake my head, determination hardening my resolve. The faint echoes of a child's terror reverberate through my enhanced senses, leaving no room for hesitation.

"Seele," I whisper, my voice tight with barely contained rage, "what I'm about to do... this isn't on you or Wildfire."

Her eyes narrow, suspicion flaring. "What are you planning?"

"I'm going in there, and I'm going to tear that place apart. You and Bronya tried to stop me. March and Dan Heng know nothing of this. Tell Natasha and Oleg whatever you need to. Take precautions if you must, but trust me – there won't be anyone left to retaliate when I'm done."

"What are you—" Seele's eyes widen in horrified realization. "Xander, don't! You can't!"

I turn, my voice a low, dangerous growl. "Stay back, Seele. I don't want to hurt you, but I will if you try to stop me."

Seele's hand moves towards her scythe, while Bronya tenses beside her. "You're being irrational!" Seele snaps, fear and frustration warring in her voice. "What's gotten into you?"

"There's a child in there, Seele. A little girl. And she's screaming." My words hang in the air, heavy with implication. "I understand your position. You need to maintain peace for the many. But I'm not bound by your rules or your priorities. I can't – I won't – stand by while she suffers. Not when I can stop it."

"Xander, please," Seele pleads, her voice cracking. "If you do this, the repercussions—"

"Will be mine to bear," I cut her off. "Not Wildfire's. Not yours. Mine."

I turn and march towards the temple entrance.

"Xander, wait—"

I activate Chronosurge, the world slowing to a crawl around me. My body surges forward, ramming through the temple doors. They splinter beneath my enhanced strength, and I burst into a scene of utter depravity.

The stench hits me first – a nauseating cocktail of bodily fluids, smoke, and decay. My heightened senses amplify every putrid note. Men and women writhe together in dark corners, their moans echoing off crumbling walls. Others huddle around makeshift bongs, inhaling deeply from psychoactive mushrooms. The once-sacred symbols of Qlipoth lie defaced and desecrated.

A tattooed man, lips locked with a barely conscious woman, notices my entrance. He breaks away, eyes glazed. "Huh? The fuck? You're arriving late pal—"

I draw my gun in one fluid motion, firing a single shot into the ceiling. The crack of gunfire silences the room.

"Listen well, you festering waste of flesh," I growl, my voice dripping with contempt. "I'm going to count to three. If you're still polluting this sacred ground when I reach zero, I'll personally escort your miserable souls to the afterlife. There, you can explain to every single one of your ancestors why you chose to be the cum stain on your family's legacy. Your pathetic existence ends here, one way or another. Three..."

A man stumbles to his feet from a shadowy alcove. "Hey, who the fuck do you think you are—"

"Two," I continue, unphased.

I had forgotten...

The man shouts over his shoulder. "Hey Fyodor! Get in there and continue fucking Anastasiya for me will you? I'm going to kill this bitch real quick—"

I had forgotten about the filth, the rats that crawl and never seem to die, no matter where I went.


I had forgotten that no matter how far I run, that filth always follows.

I lash out, my enhanced speed making my movements a blur. My foot connects with his right knee, then his left in rapid succession. Bone crunches beneath my strikes. The man crumples, his screams piercing the air.

And even here, in this place so far from home, these vermin still exist.

Panic erupts. Bodies scramble for exits, pushing and shoving in their haste to escape. I ignore them, my focus locked on a set of worn stairs leading up.

Will you do something about it, Xander, just like last time? When your father was gunned down in that alley?

I take the steps three at a time, the wood groaning beneath my feet.

What was it you did back then...?

At the top, a closed door. I don't hesitate. My foot connects with the center, and the door explodes inward, slamming against the far wall. A child's scream pierces the air, high and terrified.

Ah, right.

My eyes sweep the room, taking in every detail in a heartbeat. And then I see them.

You let the devil out.

Red floods my vision.

Maria huddles in the corner of the dimly lit room, her small frame shaking with each ragged breath. For over a day, she has prayed to Qlipoth, begging the Aeon of Preservation for salvation. In her mind's eye, she sees the celestial being swinging its mighty hammer, scattering the evil that surrounds her and her brother. She clings to the hope that someone will come, that she'll be reunited with her sibling, that everything will be fine.

The door creaks open, and Maria's heart sinks. A man enters, his eyes roving over her with a predatory gleam. Despair washes over her, a feeling so potent she wouldn't wish it on her worst enemy.

Igor settles into a chair across the room, his gaze never leaving hers. "So, little one," he says, his voice deceptively gentle. "Tell me about yourself. Where did you come from? What's your family like?"

Maria swallows hard, her throat dry. Maybe she had misjudged him. Maybe her fear-addled mind had conjured threats where none existed. Hesitantly, she begins to speak, her voice barely above a whisper.

As she talks, Igor nods, seemingly interested. But then his questions take a turn. "How old are you exactly?" he asks, leaning forward. "Has anyone ever told you how pretty you are?"

Maria's words die in her throat. She presses herself further into the corner as Igor stands, taking a step towards her. His eyes glitter with malice, and in that moment, Maria knows with sickening certainty that she'll never see her brother again.

Suddenly, the door explodes inward, slamming against the far wall with a deafening crash. Maria yelps, covering her head as splinters rain down. When she looks up, her breath catches in her throat.

A tall figure stands in the doorway, shrouded in shadow. The only discernible features are a pair of glowing golden eyes, cold and emotionless as they survey the room. Those eyes fix on Igor, and Maria feels a chill run down her spine.

Igor throws his head back and laughs, the sound echoing off the bare walls. "Away with you, lest I kill you where you stand!" he shouts, spittle flying from his lips. "These are holy grounds, didn't you know? I'm the god of this place, and I've been promised tribute."

The golden eyes flare brighter, fury radiating from them in palpable waves. Maria's skin crawls at the intensity of that gaze.

"You are no god," the newcomer says, his voice eerily calm. "You are filth. Trash to take out and decompose. Waste of manure that poisons the ground and kills all things around it."

He steps further into the room, and Igor begins to tremble. Maria watches, transfixed, as a gun materializes at the stranger's side.

"No... the truth is," the man continues, his golden eyes burning like twin suns, "God left you. Here. Alone. In your tower of filth."

He takes a step forward, the room trembling beneath his feet. Igor stumbles back, terror replacing his earlier bravado.

"You called me here," the stranger continues, his voice low and dangerous. "Your depravity. Your stench."

The air grows thick, heavy with menace. When he speaks again, it's with cruel finality.

"I'm your overdue reckoning. God's sent me to collect."


The dimly lit room in the Qlipoth temple became the stage for a brutal act of retribution. Xander, his eyes blazing with golden fury, struck down Igor without hesitation. The man's death was swift, but its repercussions would echo throughout the Underworld.

Igor, a prominent figure among the Vagrants, had built his empire on the suffering of others. His trade in narcotics had flourished in the desperate atmosphere of the Eternal Freeze, as people sought escape from their harsh reality. His influence had grown so vast that none dared challenge his depravity, even as he victimized countless children over the years.

News of Igor's demise spread like wildfire through the Underworld's dark corridors. In retaliation, the most ruthless elements of the Vagrants unleashed a wave of violence. Within seven hours, over a dozen innocent lives were brutally snuffed out across various towns under their control.

Wildfire, the peacekeeping faction, sprang into action. They sought to quell the chaos and locate Xander, whose whereabouts remained unknown. Meanwhile, March and Dan Heng awoke to the shocking news, unable to reach their companion.

As hours passed, Xander's path of vengeance became clear. The high council of the Vagrants was found alive but in unimaginable agony. Their bodies were twisted and broken, left to face a slow, agonizing death in a world that showed no mercy. Some onlookers even spat on the fallen leaders, and in a surprising turn of events, an elderly man crushed one leader's skull, later revealing it was retribution for his daughter's death at the man's hands.

Faced with such brutal retribution, the remaining Vagrant leaders surrendered within 12 hours of Igor's death. The balance of power in the Underworld had shifted dramatically.

Far above, on the Astral Express, a new alert sounded. Nanook, the Aeon of Destruction, had once again turned its gaze upon them.

This time, it was no false alarm.


Countdown to Belobog's Long Night of Solace: Less than 36 hours remaining.

  1. This poignant moment reveals Bronya's emotional turmoil. Having just learned shocking truths about her mother and her own past, Bronya was desperately clinging to her belief that Xander was a demon. Witnessing his kindness towards the children shatters this last piece of certainty, forcing her to confront the possibility that everything she believed might be wrong. Her tears and broken demeanor reflect not just her reaction to Xander's actions, but the overwhelming realization that her entire worldview is crumbling.