Chereads / Undeads are walking: Kingdom of Living / Chapter 13 - Kingdom of Living I - Part 13

Chapter 13 - Kingdom of Living I - Part 13


Later, the helicopter arrived at the truck depot area, where the person in charge of the automatic machine guns on both sides proceeded to fire bullets at any aimed zombie, killing dozens of zombies in more than a minute that were outside the broken gates, and in the area of the building. While the fighter from El Tigro was killing the zombies outside, from his tablet, Ahmed prepares to take out his weapon and jump the moment the helicopter will be on a low altitude, prefect for them to jump out of the helicopter and run inside the area to see what they could find inside the truck depot building.

"Ready to jump!" says the pilot who has gotten to a lower altitude, near the gates of the truck depot.

"Ready!" says the Turbo squad Commander to the pilot through the earpiece.

The door of the helicopter has opened, and the fighter jumps down the helicopter, armed with guns, with armor and melee weapons, prepared to kill any zombie on sight. The group landed safely and ran inside the truck depot to kill the zombies that were blocked inside. The moment the door gets knocked out by a person from El Tigro squad, the fighters run inside the place, and start shooting the zombies that are in their sight. All the five people are cleaning the building, while the helicopter with pilots and the commander are cleaning the outside from any zombies and hordes. The Commander of this mission has now got its hands on the tablet and uses the machine gun to hit every moving zombie on the hills and the road.

Inside, the group of fighters has killed all the moving zombies inside by using their assault rifles and pistols, not afraid of attracting any zombie with their loud guns since the helicopter does all of this outside. The group opens the door of an office, and there they find a zombie being tied to a chair with chains on his desk, the zombie is screeching and yelling while he sees the fighters entering the room and approaching him. Ahmed uses his pistol, shoots a bullet on the head of this infected, then he notices the zombie has a paper written on him. The writing is in Chinese, but Ki Lay was here to help him translate it.

"Dear Boss, I love that you are dead and a zombie. I'll let you tie here for eternity like a dick head you're here. Signed, your secretary."

"I've heard stories of secretaries killing their bosses and tormenting them in this apocalypse." says Xin. "But I've never seen one like this."

"You never killed your boss while he was a zombie?" asks a fighter to Xin.

"No. He ran away during the evacuation. He was bad, but he wasn't one of those bosses."

"I see." says the fighter.

The group looks through the office room, hoping to find something worth it in there. A lighter found a cabin with keys in there, five keys for trucks, all labeled with their license plate. The fighter takes the five keys, and hands them to each other. The fighter then tells them his idea.

"We check any truck. If it works, we'll bring them to our safe zone. Would work for us to transport the goods to a warehouse or anywhere far. How is it?"

"Not bad." says Ahmed, who is taking his walkie-talkie and tells his Commander from the helicopter their plan.

"Go for it." says the Commander through walkie-talkie, "The more truck trailers the better to create walls and transport goods. And if they have any goods, it's better."

The group of fighters proceeds to leave the building, go outside where they see several trucks with trailers. The fighters check the trucks in no rush since every single zombie on site and outside the gates have been taken care of by the helicopter outside. Ahmed checks a small truck cabin by opening the gate, and when he sees there is nothing in there, he closes the cabin and goes to check the other trucks. It didn't take long, until a fighter opened the door of a trailer, and what he saw there shocked him and ended him.

 Five Grade F zombies jumped down from the cabin, one of them pins down the fighter and smashes his head with his muscular left arm. One single grasp was enough to break the skull and kill the poor soldier in a minute. The other fighters quickly opened fire and retreated somewhere safe to make space from the helicopter's machine guns to use their guns to kill the five grade F zombies. This took a good three minutes of intense shooting, and when these zombies got killed, the squad reloaded their guns and one of the fighters went over to check the fighter that got his head crushed like a tomato. 

"Shit. They got Manil." says Ahmed who looked at the body of the Columbian that got killed.

"Take his body in one of the trucks." says Xin to the group of fighters, pointing at the truck that Ahmed checked earlier. "We'll bury him later and give the bad news to his girlfriend."

"Poor man," says a fighter looking at the head of the man, then he looks over the others. "We'll mourn later. We have to continue checking the truck trailers."

The remaining fighters continue their searching. Soon they found three trucks that were having trailers that contained supplies, clothes, useless electronics, books, and cruise missiles.

"Missiles!?" says Ki Lay when he found a truck trailer with nine cruise missiles. "What the fuck are they doing here?"

"Cruise missiles more exactly." says Ahmed. "But yeah. WHAT THE FUCK ARE THEY DOING HERE?!"

"Doesn't matter." says one of the fighters closing the doors. "We'll take this trailer and report it to our commanders. Maybe we can transport it to our islands."

The group proceeded to get in four trucks. Xin and Li are getting in the truck that had more than ten tons of mixed goods, Ahmed takes the small truck with the body of his killed friend, one truck with mixed goods is taken by a fighter and the one with cruise missiles is taken by another fighter. The trucks proceed to leave this palace in order and be escorted by the helicopter who managed to get its hands on a random container that was found outside the gates, locked of course.